Duke Game Reactions/The Future of Wolfpack Football
Download MP3Griffin Cunningham 0:10
Welcome back to light it red. Today, I think we're in pretty good shape today because Patrick is not sick and Stone has quality mic. So better last week
Patrick Simon 0:25
my Jordan flu game is over.
Griffin Cunningham 0:27
He powered through it. So shout out to Patrick because he also didn't tell us, which is kind of messed up. But aside, that's besides the point.
Stone Boylan 0:36
It wasn't it wasn't the whole episode.
Patrick Simon 0:37
I try my best. Yeah, it was about halfway through.
Griffin Cunningham 0:41
So today we are doing a little bit of the same. We have our weekly notes on all things NC State sports. We have some juicy content for football, if you watch football. But before we get into any of that, we have a guest for the third week in a row. We're blowing up at WKNC. Isaac, go ahead and tell the people who you are.
Isaac Hernandez 1:10
Well, hello, everybody. My name is Isaac. I am the editor for technicians video section. I'm excited to be here. I've done a lot of sports, even though video covers mainly mostly everything on campus. I'm just very passionate about sports. I've gone to almost every NC State basketball game. I covered a lot of football. Sadly enough, I watched the football game. So that's one of the reasons why I'm here.
Stone Boylan 1:37
Yeah, A lot of technician reps coming in
Griffin Cunningham 1:42
2 in a row
Patrick Simon 1:42
shameless promo.
Griffin Cunningham 1:43
Yeah, there might be a strategy there. Yeah, so we'll go ahead and we'll start with Men's Soccer. I was at the game versus American American University. They lost one to two on October 10. I was there taking us on my first photo assignment for sports that day. Yeah.
It was okay. I feel like my photos could have been better but the game itself was kind of trash like Kendall Edwards scored a goal on a corner kick. But that was it. And he didn't even celebrate either. So I didn't get like a good shot. And they got scored on twice by like a mid school.
Stone Boylan 2:27
Yeah, I was gonna say the one thing I would say that's pretty that's a super disappointing loss, like at home to lose to them. They're not they're not insane. Like they're not. Yeah, streak too, very bad.
Griffin Cunningham 2:40
Yeah. Yeah, they followed that went up with another loss at Duke. This was our Duke weekend. We had them in football, baseball and soccer. And, you know, Duke Dukes number 15 in the country and men's soccer so did not have high expectations. But it was weird as they lost the same score to do because they didn't do American so I don't really I mean, I'm kind of over mens soccer at this point, I think. I mean, the seasons wrapping up. I mean, it's just time to kind of wait, it's time to scrap it and start over.
Stone Boylan 3:12
You're not incorrect.
Patrick Simon 3:14
Yeah, it's time it's time for a rebuild.
Griffin Cunningham 3:17
And, you know, I said their season is wrapping up here. They're to the next two games are versus High Point University of North Carolina School. Also, not the best on the 17th but you know, you know where that's actually today 17 That's tonight at 7pm. So you never know what's going to happen with the men's soccer team Highpoint could come in here and get a big victory where we could crush them. And then they're gonna play Syracuse on the 22nd Syracuse's number 10 team in the country. So on the road number 10 team, you know, I'm not not thinking anything super big is gonna happen there.
Alright, so moving on from men's soccer to women's soccer. They played Miami, we talked about this on the last episode that maybe they would do something special and, and beat it beat an opponent who's having a down year who's who have historically dominated us. And they tied zero to zero. So I guess take the tie, but my note for that one was, was hoping for a win against a historically difficult opponent, but nah, that's just what it is.
Patrick Simon 4:23
Mild amounts of disappointment.
Griffin Cunningham 4:25
Yeah, so they have Syracuse on the 19th and Notre Dame on the 22nd, both at home. Notre Dame is the final home game of the season. So if you are a women's soccer fan, show them some love show up to the last home game. At least they know.
Stone Boylan 4:38
go support
Griffin Cunningham 4:38
They need the support this year. It's been a tough year. Neither those teams are ranked so they definitely have a chance against two ACC schools. Let's finish the seasons strong. Make a postseason push. Maybe we'll see what happens with that. We'll have more on that next next episode with the postseason. And then really quickly, I'm just gonna talk about golf. Um, golf is on it's on its way out for the for the year. We're going to restart in February but neither team did super great and the most recent invitationals the Williams cup for men, and they did not place in the top five or anything like that. And then the women at the Tar Heel Invitational that was going on while we were recording last week. They finished 10th. And then they have the Mercedes Benz championship. That is wrapping as we speak. Really nothing special going on right now our best golfers tied for 15. So nothing to write home about right now. But we'll see what happens in 2024 for the women also have the landfall tradition. It's on the 27th through the 29th in Wilmington, UNC Wilmington is the host school. So they will do that and then they'll break. I will also talk about cross country. Usually I don't talk this much in the beginning but I was at the cross country meet the pirate Invitational so I have a couple things I want to say about that. They had back to back meat so they had I think it's nutty comb is that he pronounced that? No, I'm not sure.
Stone Boylan 6:18
Whoa, buddy. Treading water, but sure we'll go with that.
Griffin Cunningham 6:25
Well, I Wisconsin was the host school for that. It was the first Kaitlyn Tuophy the appearance of the season.
Stone Boylan 6:32
Speaking of gonna nutty, she's pretty nutty right?
Patrick Simon 6:34
Griffin Cunningham 6:34
What do you mean? Like she She's really
Isaac Hernandez 6:38
good. Elaborate. No elaborate.
Stone Boylan 6:40
Really good.
Griffin Cunningham 6:41
She's out of this
Stone Boylan 6:42
He's like the one of the greatest if not one of like the greatest cross country Yeah, right for women.
Griffin Cunningham 6:48
Nutty is free.
Isaac Hernandez 6:52
I would love to see one of the technician articles just like oh dude what a nutty performance? That's like a synonym? Yeah. I wouldn't so I'm giving you
Stone Boylan 7:04
I'm not saying you're wrong. You're a Chicago boy like what a nutty performance by their cargo?
Isaac Hernandez 7:12
Well, Lester,
Griffin Cunningham 7:14
alright, sport, listen here. So back on track with cross country. So for that Invitational, the men did not perform as well. They kind of split the team into like an A team and a B team. So like the best runners were in Wisconsin, and then kind of the younger runners were in Greenville, North Carolina. So the women they finished second place. In in that meet, it was, um, let's see here, the men plays 31 of 36 and their 8k. So that is not super great. We had like two guys finished in the top 100. Kind of a far cry from how they did in Raleigh a couple of weeks ago. And then the women, the women did finish second, as I mentioned, Tuohy ran her 6k in 19 and a half minutes second place as an individual as well as a team. And then they had Kelsey Chimel and third, Lia Stevens and 14 Grace Hartman and 26. So a couple of top 30 finishes there. And I was looking at the power rankings to the women are still number one, they've been number one, all season. So nothing's changed, even though some of the better runners haven't started running until recently. The men are, I think, in our like, district or conference or whatever, like they're six. So they're not as good, but that's not you know, nothing was really expected from them. They're doing okay. And, yeah, as far as the pirate Invitational, the one I was actually at. That was a really cool thing. I took photos of that too. Hopefully they get posted somewhere. You don't know.
That was a good time. For me. It was a nice like morning for a run. And they had three unattached runners that were freshmen. And I'm learning more about cross country as like I go along here. But basically most freshmen don't run with the team. They just run on attached. And I'm really hopeful for like the future of the of the team, because these freshmen runners are placing like top five and they're not even counting towards the team. So we have Giuliana Korzo in second place. Kate Putman in fourth and Angeline, Napoleon, Angelina Napoleon and seven so those are top 10 finishes from unattached runners and the only attached runner the only one wearing an NC State bib was Caroline mural and she finished eighth so another top 10 performance. The men did alright too. We had a guy Ryan matondo finished in fifth. And then miles alley finished in ninth. So
it was pretty impressive to me. So this home bibs, then the numbers the NC, it says NC State bibs. They might be bibs, like with the numbers. Yeah. The jerseys
Patrick Simon 10:18
are like pennies.
Griffin Cunningham 10:19
They weren't pennies.
Isaac Hernandez 10:21
So are they called bibs? Are you calling a bit? Yeah. Because I know Yeah,
Stone Boylan 10:25
maybe I'm dumb. But this is a Griffin. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. Maybe Maybe I'm incorrect.
Patrick Simon 10:33
I don't see like before, like a cross country meet. They're like, All right, go out there. I feel like
Griffin Cunningham 10:41
well, maybe we should have fact checked that but we're getting there.
Patrick Simon 10:46
Sounds like the women's cross country team. We have a dynasty building and that's all that's yeah,
Griffin Cunningham 10:51
that's what I'm saying. Anyway,
Patrick Simon 10:53
the bibs, the bibs is the up in the air.
Griffin Cunningham 10:55
I just can't imagine. I'm like mildly confident, and the bibs thing. I feel like I'm not gonna back down sport. But yeah, so I'm excited to see where that goes. They're going to start the ACC championship on Tober 27th. in Tallahassee, that'll transition into the Southeast Regional. We're in the Southeast Conference, and then NCAA championships, see if we can take them with repeat for the women's cross country team.
So I'm done talking for a minute, we'll start talking about volleyball. I know stone and Griffin, we love you, Griffin, you can talk please know I could talk about volleyball and cross country all day, but you're not going to them.
Patrick Simon 11:33
For the sake of the audience, we're gonna cut you short.
Stone Boylan 11:36
Just quick off just to end this new segment. Volleyball again, one of our current fall Sports that's really doing good right now. Where we kind of left off they went on a road stretch played some ACC teams couldn't kind of come away with who they lost very closely. But just this past week, we went back home and got back to our old ways. Won back to back games versus ACC opponents first versus Wake Forest winning three sets to one and then sweeping Virginia Tech three, nothing. None of them were extremely, you know, scary opponents. But you did what you're supposed to do versus teams you destroyed them. So that's good. Our next games, the biggest probably the second biggest game this season. So far. Obviously we had our huge win against Louisville, which was definitely the biggest winning program, or at least, while Louisville, what Louisville, Louisville or Louisville but now we play pit and pit is ranked seventh. We are two and 11 all time verse pit and we've lost our last seven games. But again, we're obviously playing our best right now. And then next we play Virginia. And we have won our last 10 matchups first Virginia so pretty true. Couldn't get much different with the two opponents we play obviously will probably beat Virginia. Pitt is the only scary one. But even with the poor history, we're still 90 know at home this year, and we're currently ranked 29th So I have some confidence that we could potentially win that matchup as well. So that'd be a good game to go out to it is on the 20th of October and then against Virginia is the 22nd both at home
Griffin Cunningham 13:16
and we'll be there. Yes Stone and I will be there working the game volleyball and
Stone Boylan 13:21
if you want to see what we look like in person, you can go
Griffin Cunningham 13:24
Yeah, Isaac, you had something you wanted to say about volleyball right?
Isaac Hernandez 13:27
Just some quick stats for volleyball against Wake Forest first of all, the Raleigh reverse sweep was something that was so impressive to watch. Um especially with like ever bizarre Cortney Ryan just combining for a total of like 25 kills and you know with some help from like from Chris McDaniel and and Namikawa OG cabello I'm sorry combined for 39 assists much needed when you know after that away stretch you know, I guess me personally I expected volleyball to be a kinda like on that high after beating Louisville or Louisville. But you know, it is what it is but at the same time, I mean, not at the same time like after that. Virginia Tech 13 kills forever bizarre. Jada, Jada Allen and it gets Martina I don't know how to pronounce her name or Yeah, Mark Yeah,
Griffin Cunningham 14:28
I don't know.
Stone Boylan 14:30
Correct him and then you say I don't know. Dude.
Griffin Cunningham 14:33
No, it's it's pulled up Patrick right there.
Patrick Simon 14:36
What is that referring to? All right, you know and
Isaac Hernandez 14:39
blocks and Kisum McDaniel leading with 21 Assist again. I don't know. Like I
Stone Boylan 14:46
don't know
Isaac Hernandez 14:50
fine you know what you're talking live all I'm gonna say I love the chemistry that volleyball has had specially this semester. Last year I mean nothing this message like yeah this year cuz like Last year, it was things were looking great. But I do feel like this, like this team is a lot more like well put together. Chemistry is boomin Avery was hard showing that that leadership, why he left?
Patrick Simon 15:14
Every single time it is a struggle. Every time we record, you will be in the middle of speaking you're like looking at your computer reading something, or just like talking and you'll look up. And Griffin is just giggling for no reason. Sorry.
Griffin Cunningham 15:27
My giggling interrupted you. I'm sorry.
Isaac Hernandez 15:30
I mean, like, if it's like, my rizz, I'm sorry. Like, I know, we're like making eye contact right now. Is that what you had for volleyball? I mean that yeah, that's about it for now. Just like a quick stat we get into
Griffin Cunningham 15:41
Yeah, you mentioned Mark Martin. Yeah, Martin. Yeah. Leon Yak? Yeah, I think that's what it
Isaac Hernandez 15:47
is. So I just said a first name.
Griffin Cunningham 15:50
Yeah, I also took note of for when I was looking at I was fortunate enough to go to a game like stone was. But yeah, her kill numbers are going up. She is a six, four junior from Warsaw, Poland. She had 201 kills last year and 189 digs in 25 matches. So that's like the bulk of the season. And so she got injured at some point. So she was a big part of the team last year, and is now getting to a point I think, where she's like, almost 100% healthy, and a key contributor to the front line of the team. I also noticed that Amanda Rice was not in the box score for these past two home games. So that's I don't know what happened. But that's a big loss because she's one of the most important pieces if not the most important piece on this team. So with Leone AK resort and rice, they are going to be a top 25 team. And it's only a matter of time before they're all healthy. I don't want I don't know what happened with rice. But I'm just hoping that she gets back in the lineup very soon. All right. And we also have some baseball preseason action going on. Patrick, why don't you tell us about that?
Patrick Simon 17:04
Yeah, so I felt like it was definitely a good thing to bring up considering we need to get at least one win over Duke this weekend. We played two expedition games. The first one was a 10 three win. That was a full nine inning game. Then we played a second SEVEN, SEVEN ending game and an A five one win. definitely exciting. I know we've had good teams in the past for PAC baseball. But hopefully to continue that this year. And then now we're going to kick that back over to Griffin for football.
Griffin Cunningham 17:33
Yeah, football. Let's talk about it. I actually so this is what happened to me on game day. It was my sister's birthday. And we were out to eat at a at a restaurant and the game was actually on. So I was really excited. I was like, I go to school. They're like, yeah, yeah. And they scored three points. I was like, Damn, that's a long field goal. Narveson. And then we left to go see the Eras Tour movie. You too. What do you mean, you too?
Stone Boylan 18:07
I saw that as well. Or you saw it? Yeah, it's not a movie. It's my girlfriend deceive me. Just real quick. I need to go on a one minute rant. She told me Hey, my friends aren't going my cat. They can't go to this movie anymore. Doing it with me. I didn't look up anything before I was like, Okay, I guess it's a behind the scenes of Taylor Swift. Like, how she did her tour and how it was so difficult, or all the stuff she went through. And then I walk in. And I'm like, Wait, is it just like, her just singing songs? All the time? Like, yeah, and it's like, almost three hours. I'm like, Are you kidding me? What? What is this? This is not a movie. You okay? People don't just get up and dance in the middle of a theater and wave their arms around and scream and clap after every single song in a movie theater. It's not it's not just so people know. It's not a movie. Okay, so if your girlfriend asked you I saw like five boyfriends in there that were clearly deceived and tricked. And they had to stay there the whole time. on their phone. Yeah.
Isaac Hernandez 19:05
Is there anything else you have to get off your chest? No, that was it.
Stone Boylan 19:07
I just need people to know it's not a movie.
Isaac Hernandez 19:09
I'm so sorry.
Griffin Cunningham 19:10
I enjoyed it. Yeah.
Stone Boylan 19:12
Good songs but like if I don't know them, but
Isaac Hernandez 19:14
here's the thing. She has great songs. Am I gonna sit three hours?
Griffin Cunningham 19:17
No, no, you're not. You're not built like that.
Isaac Hernandez 19:21
I'm not built like that. You know? But you know I
Patrick Simon 19:23
don't like being built for this instead of Taylor Swift movie have ever been like put in the same like sentence and I Okay, Griffin, I want you to I want you to like to look into the camera. And I want you to say I am a Swifty I need you to
Griffin Cunningham 19:35
do that. Please. I am a Swifty Yeah, and it was like I enjoyed it. And I you know it was it was a good bonding experience for me and my family. But when I walked out and I saw the score of the football game, the football game that we're talking about guys, the football game Oh yeah, football forgot against Duke. I was like, what? Because three points. I was like I saw those three. What happened at The end of that like, and I was like, I'm looking through the box score. I'm like, okay, okay, so we lost one of the top 25 team. Sure. NC State had 18 first downs Duke had 12. So like, okay, so we had more first downs. Yeah, we, we got out rushed 194 to 112 It's not like, let me know we broke 100 yards rushing. They only had one rushing TD, we had more passing yards when we're passing them. 193 that 107 Both cubies had one interception. We had more total yards of offense. We ran 70 plays, they had 42 plays. And then we lost 24 to three to a bad quarterback. So enlighten me, Isaac, what happened?
Isaac Hernandez 20:43
Not just what happened, man. It's like what didn't happen? First of all, I just want to sit down with Mr. Robert an eye and an A the offensive coordinator. Because my gosh. So first of all, let me let me just paint a picture real quick. All right, I'm going to use my podcasting voice. So, Saturday night,
Stone Boylan 21:04
this isn't asmr
Isaac Hernandez 21:06
no, so it's that No, but it's Saturday night. It's eight o'clock. You know, my girlfriend's in my, in my apartment. And I was like, hey, like, you know, this is like the first time we're both gonna sit down and watch a football game because I'm either working or you know, as you're doing homework. So like, schedules cleared. I'm getting ready to watch the game. Like I got blankets out. I'm in my I'm already in my pajamas. You know, like, I'm comfortable. There is like so much beer in my fridge that are almost like all my roommates. Guess what I grabbed. I grabbed the chocolate milk. It was a chocolate milk type of type of night. That's when you know, it's getting serious. That's when it was like, I grabbed the chocolate mug and I have a gallon of chocolate milk. I felt comfortable. I'm in my apartment living room. Like, I'm having a blast. I turn on the TV just in time to witness that 57 yard field goal which and I'm like, Dude, there's gonna be a great night. 57 yards. It like that was wasn't that as personal best? And like maybe it's
Stone Boylan 21:57
the longest field goal in school history. Yeah. And here's the thing, like,
Isaac Hernandez 22:01
I've never felt proud or more proud, whatever. Like, I've never felt like, Ah, well, Wolfpack nation more in my life when I saw that kid go through because I was like, Oh my gosh, like, this is amazing. And then everything else happens. First of all, I want to talk about the offensive line jiggling. That occurred, the offensive line jiggling.
Stone Boylan 22:20
Everyone wants to blame the rest so offensive.
Isaac Hernandez 22:24
Everyone wants to blame the refs for throwing like what? 83 flags, which fine, you know, like, I'm mad at the refs to like, I hope that every referees son or daughter has a great time at Duke. I really do. But you got to admit, there was some jiggling on the offensive line, man, I'm like, I'd see a flag. I'm like, what now? And then like, I literally just like see one of the offensive linemen like stretching right before a snap. That's one thing. How many yards? Do we give up? Like, does anyone have the number like how many yards that we give up in penalties alone?
Patrick Simon 23:00
It was we had 11 for 87 Duke had six for 33. I mean, it's the problem was the holding. I mean, it was just so many holdings. And but the thing is, is like, obviously, when you call them after a big play, because I know there was a couple we would have a like a decent sized play and it get called back. But it's like when they show the replay. And it's like, I mean, we're literally tackling people on offense. Yeah, can we can I kind of I mean, that's why I agree with you. You can't really blame the refs and you can't talk
Isaac Hernandez 23:27
again. And yeah, yeah, there was some holding calls. And there was some calls overall, that it's like, do you like, that's just football, and that's, that's every game like you can't like nobody can pin it on the refs. I did notice Duke was struggling, you know, in the first quarter for a bit. And that's the thing, like I witnessed Duke struggle for like the first like the first drive. And you know, NC State scoring and everything. I'm like, it's gonna be a good night. Like I said, chocolate milk in hand. I'm chugging that thing. You know, my girlfriend's next to me. She just transferred in, um, she's not a big football fan. So she's asking me and I don't mind, you know, like, you know, I don't mind ask answering. Like, why, like, why are they going 10 yards? Why can't they go? Like, they can go more, you know, like, it's all right. I like, a lot of guys get annoyed. I enjoy it. Like, I love to explain what I'm passionate about. Right? So I'm explaining. And she's like, NC State kind of sucks, huh? And
Stone Boylan 24:25
the worst part is like, damn, right. The worst part? Is
Isaac Hernandez 24:28
that like, on any other occasion, I'd be like, no, like, they're just starting now. I was like, Yeah, you know, like, it was the worst sigh of like, yeah,
Patrick Simon 24:37
takes us running an in depth podcast to figure out that we suck and it took your girlfriend a solid 25 seconds. And you
Isaac Hernandez 24:43
know, like Kuta like, you know, shout out to her. She was understanding my explanations of football, which I feel like a lot like marry in many like stereotypical conversations of boyfriend football girlfriend doesn't understand. Like it that doesn't compute. You know, I've had a lot of conversations As she was understanding, so super grateful for that, but um, it's very difficult to explain football when football is not being played correctly. First of all, MJ Morris was still not like, oh, like he was like, he was playing like the best, the best like NC State quarterback like he did great given the circumstances of having a crappy offensive line having wide receivers who can't receive. And like Concepcion, who is still listed as a wide receiver basically was not a running back on on Saturday.
Stone Boylan 25:41
Like, you know, they used in like one but yeah, it
Patrick Simon 25:44
was a great value. No, sir. Just was not.
Stone Boylan 25:50
I like your analysis of it, but it's, you know, almost like, it's exactly what I said no, with with our whole you weren't there, but wrote the whole reason beforehand. And I wouldn't necessarily say he did all that he could because there were a good amount of overthrows or just misses. And then when he did hit a target, they dropped the ball so obviously, it's not all his fault but I'm it's this is literally the same exact stuff that was happening beforehand, which is why I said there's not going to be anything changing and like
Isaac Hernandez 26:29
my thing my thing like with the whole like Brennan Armstrong thing is like MJ Morris is not the answer. He is an answer. So, yeah, you know, great change, um, but at the end of the day, if you have like, wide receivers that are constantly dropping, yes, he did overthrow you know, certain throws Concepcion great playmaker, he was literally doing like everything that he could because I just saw whenever like, like, it was mostly like in second quarter, there was some times where he it snapped the ball he's running. Oh, hey, um, the lane got clogged. He just went a different direction got a couple yards. Overall, I feel like no, no football player and NC State is exempt except for I guess, Morris, Concepcion. And of course, Payton
Stone Boylan 27:21
wrong. Was that wrong? Here? I'll bring you a letter. Good, because I like Arizona. Good. All right, for the good. Casey is very good. I love him. We loved him from the beginning. Honestly, he was someone that we identified as being super, super valuable freshmen. The good thing was that he was consistent. He had another good game, because he's had good and bad, but yeah, another good game. So that's good. The O line was not as bad as it seems expecially compared to where they were beforehand. And with Armstrong, how about the jiggling? It was not their only thing was the penalties. But the penalties did not kill all of the throws or drives. Like we didn't have two or three touchdowns. And they got called back because a holding? Yeah, that was the case it would have been like, oh line, are you kidding me. But a lot of times, sometimes you hold to where your quarterbacks not gonna get hit, you know. And if a play happens, then that's the reason the play happened is because the quarterback had time in these cases. A high majority of them were like, great, we did nothing and it's holding, so we just have to go back. Yeah, instead of there, you know, but they were top 30. They were in the top 35% in pass blocking efficiency. And it's not like they got all these crazy sacks of pressure. So it wasn't a situation where I look and I'm like, oh my god, like, he had no time to do this. You didn't have any drives to do this. We had a ton of punts just a ton. And like you said, we didn't have a crapload of turnovers. And we only score three points. How do you do that you punt all the time. And that means you're not getting enough consistent yardage even if we beat them in the arts department. We didn't do it the whole field we got halfway and then give up halfway and then give up the defense. As you said Wilson Yeah, only other brightspot He's him clearly boosting his draft stock. I think he I follow the draft a ton. He's probably right now like a late day to pick early day three, which is probably rounds three through five which can get even higher. Only thing is he's a senior. Yeah. So he's older and he had injury history last year, but if he has a full healthy season playing like this, I think it'll be someone that could get higher up in the draft for valuable
Patrick Simon 29:35
I think that's the biggest knock on Peyton Wilson. If you look at any of his like scouting reports, it isn't like his injury history. Yeah. Yeah, there's nothing like like very, very little of actual they're the backgrounds of on Peyton Wilson is very little about what his actual playing ability is. It's just if you can stay healthy.
Stone Boylan 29:50
Yeah, much, much better. Also, the coverage was better this game than they have ever been, which I would have assumed they would be especially going up against this type of quarterback, Shane battle. He still had issues with penalties but was not getting burnt along with the penalties because that's what it was happening last time he was getting absolutely destroyed. Plus having penalties. Yeah, this time he still had penalties. But he was getting pics and stuff and had deflection. So that was good. And then, like you guys brought up the field goal. That's a positive, I guess. Cool. On only once. Yeah. Nice, I guess I guess you know, maybe he'll be more consistent. I don't know. But that's about it. All the other bad stuff. Penalties obviously we brought up 87 free penalty hours that was tied fifth for week seven amongst FBS teams. Offense, as I said, as expected is nothing different. Ran a total of 70 plays to their 42. And we only had four more yards. They had almost double our yards per play. The defense wasn't even really that bad. Offense gave Duke a literal free touchdown with the interception that was had on the last minute of the half it gave them the ball at the eight yard line. They're probably going to score a touchdown at the yard line, even if they have a backup quarterback. So that's a free touchdown right there. Yeah,
they're running game. Honestly, it's if you look at the box score, like Griffin, you'd probably assume that it was a huge issue. They gave up, it was fine. It's just they gave up one big run. That was pretty much the dagger. And in a game like this, it was the huge separating point. It was just a play. It was like a trick counter. They ran all the guys blocks to the right running back went right, switched left, and no one was there. Because we all follow the blockers and he was wide open, was able to run it in for an 83 yard touchdown. Without that 83 yard rush, which would have been fine with just a linebacker staying in the middle. If we had a coverage, he would have had just 40 yards. So I mean, one big running play, I can't knock them for that even if it looks like it was the big deal of why we lost. Like I said, combination of MJ missing throws and then when he did hit them relatively, you know, solid throws, guys not named Casey, we're dropping passes. And like I said, it's gonna be hard when Michael Penix isn't wide open to touchdowns because that wasn't happening against the marks right. And Penix or Trent Penix. Yeah, I'm thinking of the Heisman Trophy winner, probably right now. From Washington. But also, I do agree with you, Isaac on the play calling. We didn't run the ball early, when we had the chance to we lead, obviously, with the field goal. And they you had brought up that didn't do good in the first half. So it sounds like we were in a hole in the beginning to where you need to throw. But we started off with the lead. And we were at most down by four points. But they continued to throw the ball and not really run it. So I think that was a very poor game plan to start, Michael Allen had 4.2 yards per carry. It's not like he was getting stuffed on first and second down. He was getting yards. We just didn't run it enough. And we threw away too much. And MJ ran way too much. He ran 14 times. Yeah, you're not gonna win. If that happens, guess what, because he's not Armstrong, you need to play to his strengths and his strengths is going play action running on first and second, or getting the sweeps with Casey around, because that's pretty much what we were doing. And then lanes are going to open up for him to throw the ball down the field because he seemed to be a little bit better and throwing but as an overall player. I didn't think it was a big deal to or I thought it was a dumb idea to switch because a lot of your offense was running the ball with Armstrong. And he had you know, MJ had two points seven yards per carry, you're not winning if he's running 14 times. It's it's not a good recipe.
Isaac Hernandez 33:44
Granted, he did get like 14 yards on one of the scrambles. And you could tell like, I don't think that was even the play that was designed but like, like, like you said just like play to his strengths. Yeah, don't force him to run.
Stone Boylan 33:58
I mean, I'd hope if you run that many times, you get at least some sort of first down run if if every single person's back in coverage. But yeah, I mean, the biggest thing was penalties, poor offensive play, and gameplan if you're not doing anything on offense, and obviously helping Duke by giving them free points, that big runs gonna be a huge difference. You know, if I told you Dukes quarterback would complete four passes, they didn't have over 200 rushing yards, nor did they create more than one turnover, and we lost by 21 points. It seems unfathomable. This is the first game we've had since 2014, without a touchdown. And at this point with the future schedule, I see six wins being optimistic at this point, which would right now, at least at this point in the season. I only see like two possible wins. In the next games that we have. I know we play good teams at home, but I after Louisville and almost losing to Marshall at home. I don't I don't think it matters if we're at home or on the road. I think you could be optimistic for Virginia Tech or Wake Forest. But Miami's unranked don't care, they would beat us Clemson going to go into Clemson, no, I don't trust us. Carolina. I don't trust us at this Duke game, as I said, going to be almost impossible to play perfect to win. I don't see how we're gonna play perfect in general, even if, like the issues we had could be fixed, like the O line wasn't playing as bad. There's just too many problems. And I think a lot of them shined in this Duke game.
Patrick Simon 35:39
Yeah, I definitely agree with almost everything you said. I think how Griffin said I just looked at the box score. I feel like this game was just extremely infuriating. If you look at the box score, there's no way that you would think that the score was the way that it was. I mean, having a backup QB coming in throw, you know, four for 12. Little over 100 yards, had two TDs. But still, you'd say okay, it doesn't seem like an extremely productive offense. It was really just the Two Chunk plays. I mean, you're gonna look at, you're gonna see the old 83 yard touchdown, the 69 yard touchdown. And then apart from that, when they when we had the interception and MJ Moore's interception our own territory, I mean, it's gonna set up an eight yard. I mean, it was a one one play eight yard possession. I mean, we can't stop that doesn't matter what defense we have. I'm not You're not going to ask your defense or expect them to have that kind of go line stop. I mean, there really just wasn't much there. I mean, like you said, Mike turned it on, I saw that we had the field goal. And from there, it was really just downhill. But the thing is, is that the defensive performance outside of the junk plays that they allowed, wasn't that bad. Like, I mean, the they had a, that's the first touchdown came it was in the first quarter was six minutes left, and then the touchdown. The eight yard pass was like the beginning of the second quarter, third quarter was eight minutes left. And then after that, the game kind of just ended, like they got the chunk plays, and our offense was stalling. So from that point we like, since the offense wasn't doing anything, nothing happened. Like I mean, the the defense, the defense did its job for the most part apart from a couple of chunk plays. But the thing is, I'm still not going to sit here and I'm not going to absolutely flip out over 24 points allowed, it could be worse. And if it's 24 points allowed off of mind numbingly dumb, massive flooding an 83 yard run when we're when we need to stop. You know, that's obviously not ideal, but we still only had 24 points allowed. So I disagree a little bit when I offer with Isaac when he said that MJ Morris is kind of immune to the immune to the criticism a little bit, but I do agree with what you said about Casey Concepcion, just because like when we said podcast favorite, he's still in 63 yards and six receptions. We did use them a lot in the backfield a little bit. But I think when we when we're not having any sort of production from anybody else on the offense, and then we throw him in the backfield, it's going to be pretty predictable. That's who's getting the football. And he's good, extremely good. But we don't have the personnel around him to setup any fakes or any any sort of decoy. We know Casey's gonna get the ball.
Stone Boylan 38:08
No, no, we have personnel to set of fakes, it's pretty easy. Just put them in motion and don't give him the ball every single time you put them in motion, and you give them the ball every single time they're going to know what you're going to do. So what they need to do is Robert or nine needs to set screens up and have them go in motion pre snap, and just not give him the ball. So that instead of going, does it? Yeah. You don't know when instead of giving him the ball every single it's pretty much Yeah, so I just I don't even I was just difficult. I mean, the like you said there was there was some holding there was there was a good amount of pressure on the pocket, but it's better. I wouldn't I wouldn't chalk up all of MJ's overthrows to the fact that it was bad offensively. It
Patrick Simon 38:48
definitely got better. It's 2440 with 193 yards and an interception. It was tough because the times I mean, when offensive line was blocking he had opportunities to create plays there was overthrows it's, it's rough that I don't know Is he is he hurt because I know after the after the martial game, he had the he had there was during the martial game, he was holding his ribs. Then there was a couple times he got hit during this game, he got up and he looked like he was kind of holding his abdomen ribs section again. So if that's something that that has to do with maybe, but it was there was a lot left to be desired. Like you said stone it was when times where it was either it was either an overthrow, or it was going to be if he did hit the throw, then they dropped it. So I mean, there you can't win like that. If when there's opportunities and especially if the if the defense is going to allow plays like that those big ones you need to you need to match it with something. And if you're going to have an overthrow or drop past there's really nothing else we can do. It's hard to win like that. Once again, no brainer. Peyton Wilson was probably the main right. Yeah, I mean for defense or offense. Yeah, he's the best player on the field. 11 tackles point five sacks two tackles for loss. There's really I mean, there's nothing else that you can ask of him. I mean, he's playing sideline to sideline every single snap. And like how you mentioned before stone, he's just driving up the draft stock. I mean, any any possible concern the NFL scouts on him before playing into his size, his overall field presence that's gone out the window. Also the fact that he's been staying healthy fingers crossed, because that's a lot of times something that's just unlucky, but he's obviously been healthy and playing almost almost every snap or every snap on defense for majority of the season. So nothing really else there. Um, I mean, I kind of unfortunately, it's kind of where we're at. But yeah, Griffin, was there anything else you wanted to add?
Stone Boylan 40:45
I was just going to just as a two final points for that thing. If MJ is apparently injured, I don't think an injured MJ Morris is better than a healthy Brennan Armstrong because they're all practically the same. If not, there's slightly difference if it's not really noticeable. So if he actually is injured, and they're forcing him out there, I think that's worse for the team. And if you're going to hang your hat on defense, and still into and they put like it was said they played good. Even just looking at the numbers and advanced stats, or even watching the game aside from two plays, and then you lose 24 to three. I don't I don't see how that really is going to benefit your team. It's an it's becoming a slightly offensive League. In my opinion, one of the best teams, if not the best, right there with Michigan, in college football is Washington and Washington has the most electric offense in the country. And they have a Heisman Trophy candidate at quarterback in two NFL wide receivers, and they are dominating. And they're winning games. And if our defense may be very good, it's clearly not good enough.
Isaac Hernandez 41:51
Now, on top of that, I just wanted to add, like, I guess, you know, the common question is like, Where does NC State go through go from here? In terms of, like, of course, du talent, because, you know, we can't you know, if I mentioned wide receivers one more time, like, I'm going to explode. But other than that, um, I'm not sure, like, who else was like watching it on TV. But after the first it was the first pick, I remember, the cameras got a shot of MJ Morris on like, you know, on the phone, and I kid you not. It looked like he was like tearing up, I kid you and here's the thing, I get it, you know, we're all the same age. And I'm not a person who's like, oh, you know, make boys and cry. You know, it's nothing like that, you know, if anything. It like shows how passionate he is not just for NC State, but for winning. But at the same time. It's like, man, like, a player can take this, like can it can only take, like so much frustration. It's like, it's it is Duke and it's a second game starting this season. Um, I mean, and I wrote it down, I remember I'm telling you, like, nobody's talking about it on Twitter. I'm not sure if anybody else caught it. But like, literally, there was a twinkle in his eye. And I don't say that, like, oh my gosh, his eyes are twinkling. No, dude like he was frustrated. Um, and not not just as being more as but like overall, like, how does this loss just affect the morale going forward? Well,
Stone Boylan 43:16
I mean, we could use this as a final note. You know, in this situation, if they went six games, maybe they went seven and I'm being too harsh. I think it's practically six or seven travel home. i That would be the second worst season state has had in the Dave Dorn era, which was in 2019, where they won four games had three different quarterbacks play and lost 13 key players from the previous two seasons. So if this is the case, we didn't we lost a few guys, but not as much as before. Don't I'm not necessarily saying that it would be a clearer time to look at other places. But this is probably going to go another year without winning a bowl game. We brought up earlier how we haven't won in a long time. And I don't know if you have this sustained success and guys leave you expect to drop off, but we didn't have that success previously. And now there's a drop off. So I'm not sure where it's going. I guess if you want to say hey, next year, we'll have dawn a new OC, and MJ and Casey will still be there. Sure. But it's the same stuff that's going on now. And in terms of the future, Isaac, you know, it might be a little murky with who would be there. Like if you told me the next two, three years he was gone. They have Doran being I honestly would not be surprised.
Griffin Cunningham 44:48
Well, thank you guys for sharing and enlightening me. If you can tell there's a real optimistic vibe in this room
Isaac Hernandez 44:55
of Yeah, yay, football.
Stone Boylan 44:57
There's a massive smile on my face right now. Like we said Two players we love and hopefully they do good. Yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 45:02
Well, I think that's probably a good stopping point for today. So again, thank you for coming on Isaac, and thank you for sharing. And yeah, this has been lighter read. Music In this podcast was Jonas Hooper's king of sports and vibe and sneaky, licensed under creative commons from the Free Music Archive
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