Final Episode (forever?)
Download MP3Griffin Cunningham 0:10
Welcome back to light of red.
What is this episode? It'll be 1515. So this will be our 15th episode and final episode of this school year. Maybe, ever? Because we're not question mark, we're not resigned to any or we haven't been rehired. So of course we haven't applied yet or decided any of that stuff. But this they this may very well be our last episode for a long time. So that at least that, at least that if we question mark, if we come back if they like us enough,
Stone Boylan 0:47
we will get back here, but for the next few months, it'll, it'll be the last one right now.
Griffin Cunningham 0:54
Yeah. So we're gonna spend the majority of this episode just kind of like reflecting on the journey a little bit, pulling the curtain back on what the experience has been like to work on light it Red. And hopefully, that's an entertaining conversation.
Stone Boylan 1:10
If you're new, this is not normally the the content or format. We're going to bring up like, kind of where the state of sports is right now in terms of where kind of spring sports are falling. And obviously winter pretty much just ended. So we'll, we'll get into all of that. But shout out to Ayo.
He's watched he's hopefully listening. Maybe he was a poole advising team. I'm in the pool, College of Management. Shout out to them. Maybe one of them is listening. This is not normally what episodes sound like normally, it's some kind of crazy event happened like NC State beating UNC and football or winning the ACC and basketball, or some crazy stuff like that. But yeah, we'll we'll get into some some basic level sports stuff and, and kind of reflect on the year.
Griffin Cunningham 2:08
So I guess we'll start with just recapping all the winter sports now that they've officially concluded, obviously, our last episode was dedicated to the men's and women's basketball team stone, did you want to talk about those games and how they just the seasons ended? for both teams?
Stone Boylan 2:23
Yeah, I mean, we have to we went a lot. If you want to hear major in depth of that whole, just experience, you could listen to the last episode we did, where we kind of went over just everything of this amazing run for both teams, and then predicted the games which ended up being correct, unfortunately, because we did not necessarily think they would win because Final Four, it's it's kind of when stuff starts getting getting super, super real. And based on our seed, we would have had to do something no other team had done and you know, with the women's, they would have had to be a literal undefeated team who ended up winning it all. So both of them were expected. But the the journeys were pretty amazing. And I think just a quick summary of like we said, it'd be pretty cool to have been on campus and been a student Wow, one of the best seasons of winter sports for basketball in NC State history, like ever was going on.
So that was super enjoyable. But yeah, then ended up winning either of them. The Purdue game was honestly not very good. Just turns the game. Which made it worse because there was like a slight chance of like, Wait, like, maybe this is possible, because, you know, at least in terms of like the Zack Edey battle, it was kind of it was kind of obvious, like, Hey, Ed is taller, and they're the same weight. So Burns is gonna hit some maybe three or four really hard shots, but defensively, he's going to be a liability. And if he doesn't, yeah, you can pick up dumb fouls, and that's exactly what happened. And he didn't even pick up dumb fouls. He was just a complete liability, like Ed made maybe four shots in a row on burns doing the same exact move. But they did a pretty good job in the second half stopping them like Middlebrooks was pretty phenomenal on defense and Breon pass came in and got a stealer to made some shots. But it was the DJ horn show or nothing. And he did his thing for a little bit but he was pretty much the only one offensively that was consistent in stepped up. Obviously O'Connell also got injured, which which really stopped really stopped the flow of the offense. So that that was kind of that game. Unfortunate. But and then the women's, were actually leading right at at halftime, which but it was kind of like, like that classic trope of like a you know, wait to see like the
mean team show up in the second half. It's basically like UConn as well, every single game you kind of played on the men's side. Once it was halftime, you know, the second half you were done. So that's credit to the women for sticking in there. But I think both teams are pretty happy. I saw both them when they came back. I mean, they're obviously they were a little they were definitely upset, because they lost. But I think in their final celebration, they all were like, pretty satisfied and happy who because they were not neither of them were projected to get to where they were. And they they both over exceeded expectations. So that's, that's cool for them. Yeah, they they both came in with some hardware for their efforts, you know, winning the region in the in both. Yeah, they've always have the nets and the trophies both for his I think me for the men for the ACC and then obviously for both of them for winning the the region that they had. Yep. So that's something they'll always have as well. Yep.
Griffin Cunningham 5:55
You mentioned DJ horn, we saw that he declared for the NBA Draft today. Just wanted to add that in there. I thought that was interesting. Yeah. Be fun. Good luck to him. Hopefully he can find his way on the roster. I hope at least there's obviously there's so many players all the time that, you know, go to the NBA and there's only 60 picks. So if he's a late second round pick or a free agency pickup, I wish him well. I hope he hope he does. Good. Yeah. So let's talk about the other three sports. We had. Wrestling, wrestling, swimming and gymnastics. Yep. So very successful seasons for all five of our winter sports at NC State. Yeah. Which is pretty, pretty awesome. Like, yeah, I don't know if it's ever happened that way before. I don't know if any? I don't know either. Yeah. But um, ACC titles for all three.
Stone Boylan 6:46
If you I mean, it's the men's swimming team that won the AC yeah, technically, it was the women's, the women's team that won the ACC title for swimming. Yeah. And then gymnastics, obviously, only women one, and then wrestling, obviously only men, they also won ACC. So for the three sports technically, you know, swimming is the only one that has men and women. But right, three ACC titles for those three sports. So that's pretty cool. And then the swimming. I think both the men and the women placed top 10 in the nation. So those men didn't didn't sleep either. They were very good. Yeah. So I mean, we don't need to really dive into that. We didn't we didn't cover that as much as we did with the basketball teams, but very happy that that was going on.
At the same time as the basketball game. Yes. I mean, we obviously cared about all the sports, we just don't have as much. Obviously, we're both students, but we don't have as much time to get into all of them, just because it was just the obviously basketball itself, you know, is a more
polarizing sport known as a revenue sport. Kind of like football. But it was in the manner that both of them were doing it, especially men like we were, we were ready to just get into the women, you know, in their tournament, like we were just done with the men who were like, alright, well, we'll see what you do in the ACC, you got a 1% chance to make it. We'll see. So it is in the manner that they want. That's why it was even greater attention. Absolutely. Yeah. So
Griffin Cunningham 8:17
very special. Congratulations to to all five of those teams.
So going off of that, we'll end our news read by talking about our spring sports, which we have not given a lot of attention this year. But yeah,
it's that time to talk about spring sports and they're doing well in their own right. There are seven different teams that we're going to talk about. Just very briefly. Stone did you want to lead off with? I guess golf is what you were talking about before we jumped on the on the podcast? Yes, they most of these are kind of slowly reaching the end. Obviously, we won't be able to fully see them because some of them will happen like right before summer starts. But golf is heading to their postseason. They are headlined by Nick Matthews, who most recently just one is
Stone Boylan 9:13
most recent inter collegiate event that he participated in. And then the women's is also led by Lauren Olivier's Leon. So those are the two main headliners for golf. So hopefully they end up doing pretty well. And then tennis is also reaching their postseason, with men being ranked 11th and women's being ranked 13th that is in the country. So both top 15 in the country for tennis. That's really good. And then baseball might be probably doing the best out of all of the main spring sports. Well, besides that, what do you mean, besides tennis? Oh, yeah, no upset tennis.
I mean, in terms of like, I don't know, like, baseball is the only I think team oriented. I guess you could say revenue Yeah.
but also like fully team based or kind of sport, because tennis obviously is like, there was a team, but yeah, no individual and assembly, you know, yeah.
But they they just recently be Clemson who's number two in the country, they had a three game series with them, they beat him two games to one in their three game series and Clemson fell to number six from being ranked number two and she stayed still not on the radar of being ranked. But I think if they can pick up a win
with their next opponent, which is UNC who's ranked 11th obviously big rivalry there, that might end up getting them on the radar to potentially be ranked. So maybe we have some good things to talk about. If we come back about potentially what the men's baseball team could be, could be doing. Hopefully a College World Series appearance, the I based, I mean, if basketball did it the men's basketball when we were borderline hopeless, I I believe in any sport to reach that, that high after what we saw from men's basketball. Yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 11:03
And so you left off softball, and then track and field were the other two.
Both of those sports I think have a ways to go as far as their
their regular season is concerned. But I did want to mention very quickly for track and field. Zack Hughes just broke the 800 meter
at the Duke invite. So they have that going their season won't postseason doesn't begin until May. And then softball, they're riding at about 500 right now. They've had some some pretty good wins some bad losses this year. They're doing better than they did last year. It's it's a new coaching staff. So definitely an upgrade from where they were at last year. And
I think that's it. I think baseball, softball and track and field go a little bit longer. And then tennis and golf. They they're wrapping up soon. So
keep an eye on the women's tennis team. They won the ACC title last year. And then they played the national championship game against North Carolina. And last. So yeah, that's right. I remember I we had to write an algorithmic story about that. And I actually wanted to, on the topic of spring sports, that's that's what we're focusing on right now with the yearbook. And so a lot of these names are going to come up again. So if you're really interested in reading about these people, I highly encourage you to buy an academic yearbook. Everything that we've talked about this year on our podcast is written and photographed in a lot more detail in the book. And
we've both stone and I have worked on this yearbook very hard, and tried to document this year, it's been a very special year, especially for sports. So as a sports editor, if you're listening to this, I highly, highly encourage you to buy the book. I don't think you'll regret it. It's, I mean, it's immortalized in history. You have forever the papers turn. That's what they don't know that everyone wants to get the newspaper, which is fine frame it. But they do turn, they do turn the yearbook, you'll have your books deliver, or at least not as fast. So they are more expensive. But there's more documented. And it's not just sports, you know, it's everything. Everything that's happened this year, that's been important is in that book. So yeah, I'll for sure be buying one. That's why that's kind of one thing. It's like when I was I don't know about you. When I was in high school. I didn't give a crap about the only one I got was my senior.
Stone Boylan 13:34
My senior yearbook. I mean, when I was in elementary school, maybe when I was a kid, like very, very young, like maybe kindergarten first second grade, my mom got the yearbook or something. Just because I was the oldest kid and she wanted to preserve stuff. Now if my youngest brother, they don't really give a crap, they're not gonna buy any damn yearbook. But first, you know, college, I'm for sure buying every,
Griffin Cunningham 14:00
like academic yearbook, like for all the years that I'm here, because I want to be able to like, look back on everything when I was in college that year. And especially as someone who follows sports a ton, this would be the perfect year to do it, which if you're listening to this, you ideally, also follow sports. So I also I highly recommend to go ahead and take a look at that. Yeah. And it's Yeah, I think it's different than a high school yearbook because we we work on it all year, but we're paid to do it there is incentive to put in quality work and we are trained in what we're doing. This is it's real journalism, where we're going out and reporting on stuff. It's not just like, lazily thrown together. It's a year long process. So
I I feel like hopefully that shows when when you read it, so we only we have 550 of them that we're selling we have about 50 left, while Duff I at this day, hurry up and buy one I would I would say so. Yeah.
We'll see if any actual academic people listen to this. Yeah, like, tell us Oh, thanks for the shout out and like, listen to this. I guarantee you no one. But you know that. Well, free press. That's fine. We work on it. So we want to help it right. I figured I'd plug it this. I mean, I've put in a lot of work into this podcast and the books I want. I want I want them to go together a little bit selfishly. But I mean, it's it's $80. So yeah, we never
Stone Boylan 15:34
plugged it before. Never. We never disclose the price a little. Yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 15:41
But you know, I that's the same price as a high school yearbook. You won't regret it. Yeah. And they're sure it includes everything going on. And way more, it's way more meaningful. Yeah, I would recommend it for I would, even if you're just like, if even if you didn't go to school here, you could still buy that book and get something out of it. Which is I think the difference between that and the high school. You're just like a fan. Yeah, yeah. Or if you just live in the general Raleigh area, a lot of the stuff you'd be like, Oh, I remember this happening. Because it's not just NC State stuff. Yeah. Like when they when they write a book about like, it read in like the voicecrack. Amazing, like, just podcast that was here that was legendary for like one year, you know, when they come out that book, like, we're gonna buy it, we're gonna love it. And that's the kind of stuff that you're gonna want to do. So, in 30 years, when they find these recordings of the greatest sports podcast for NC State that ever happened, you know, they're gonna look at this year because this was the best year ever.
Stone Boylan 16:41
Because, remember, basketball, it's all documented on audio, audio, we have it 4.2 stars on Spotify, which, you know, that's what we're gonna get into basically, this episode, shot to the one.
The one one star review. Shout out to you, Patrick's friend reciate it.
Griffin Cunningham 17:02
Hopefully you're listening. Even though you're probably not what you just said something that reminded me of, I thought it was the perfect segway into talking about kinda like, what it's been like to work on this. You said
something written about this podcast. And it was funny, because there was a point in time where we had a reporter Oh, yeah. From technician come in here. That was weird and interview us.
And then the article never ran. Or at least I didn't see it. I don't remember either. It was some girl came to interview us. I was like, Dude, are we we like to shit like, what is that? We just started this like, not even the fart. Yeah.
Like, what? What is this? Like? Yeah. And then she came in asked a few questions. And then I always asked like, Hey, what's up and then use? It was just like, I don't know. They just, they saw it. I guess they're like, Oh, my God, this is horrible. We're gonna scrap this. And I guess so. I mean, I had, I volunteered. Well, we I feel like we gave pretty in depth. honest answers to like, yeah, no, I thought I thought it went normal. I was gonna say I volunteered to have them. Interview us, like, since I, like, have connections with technician, or student media. I remember getting like the message somewhere. I think actually, I think what had happened was Jamie, who was our advisor for the radio station reached out to content creators. Yeah. And then and then we fit perfectly I receive ignition is yeah, the ignition is sports. Right. So I didn't. I didn't see that published, which I thought it would have been cool. I thought it would have been cool to have. Yeah, and then be like, look like this is our thing. But no, it's fine. Whatever. Yeah. Like I said, and they'll they'll come find our address and knock on our doors and 30 years when they find all these recordings of how amazing it was, and how before time, you know, we were just like, ahead of our time doing podcasts that every other human does, because podcasts are so popular now.
Stone Boylan 19:11
But it'll be because it was the year of basketball. So it'll be it'll be worth it. But yeah, I totally I remember that too. That was early on. To was that was in the I would say it was two over the two eras of our of our podcasts. What would those arrows be if you had to define them? With like words? Yeah. Alex, the what era and then what's the the second era I would say like the
the Patrick era and then the post Patrick era, okay. Like, you know, like, PE and then like,
Griffin Cunningham 19:52
PPE. Yeah. Yeah, PPE and then PE Okay, kind of like BC you know, no, I understand. I understand.
Stone Boylan 20:00
Like all that, and I think that's, that's and then you got then you got like before both of us. Yeah, two episodes that are completely different that have different
thumbnails or whatever.
Griffin Cunningham 20:13
Season One, I guess. One is? Yeah, I didn't do that. But I mean, it's accurate. That was the first and that was over a year ago. So which if you look on the if you look on the about page it says, NC State sports podcast hosted by Griffin stone and Patrick of WKNC. Yeah, was it was never changed. I was gonna say if we have time, I'll talk about how this all started before you even got Yeah, do you start with start with that? What's the origin story of letter read? This is actually it's a it's a pretty dramatic story.
So this all happened I would say
over a year, so is the year was 2023 when 24 now so it's probably like, January.
I had
there was an opening at technician. So I was a technician, sports writer.
The editor left he graduated in the winter. And so there was an assistant sports editor spot open.
So I would have been working directly under Ethan and then this guy, Ben. So Ethan came on the podcast. Yeah, Ethan was on one of them. I can't it was probably the day before the Duke game or something like that. I can't remember which one it I remember, we had the Let's ride Kaluza football verse martial plus, what if it was okay, so we didn't know what if, if and so that's that's Ethan.
Speaker 1 21:42
And I mean that. So basically what happened was, I did not get the job. Jenna got the job. Which is funny, because right after Jenna got the job, I asked her if she wanted to do this podcast. So the podcast was my idea light it red, the title was actually her idea.
Griffin Cunningham 22:03
And so I started talking to Jamie about starting a podcast up because I got in touch with some technician people that had podcasts. And they directed me to Jamie and Jamie said, that technician already had a sports podcast, and that I should just continue that. So I was like, Okay, that sounds like a good idea. And so I I tried to get in touch with the technician editor in chief to see if that was an option. And I didn't hear anything. So I asked her in person. She's not the editor in chief anymore. But she had said yes, and
and so, I mean, they're, they're more details of the story. But basically, a lot of the tech sports people thought I was going over their head in terms of claiming that.
And I got in trouble for it. I got in trouble for that. And just like, for my attitude about it. And they told me that it was reserved for editors that podcast now. I will say this one? No, I will say it was it's called like first and tech. And I don't even want to plug it because, like so going. That was what I was going to get to this day. There hasn't been an episode recorded. I never heard it. I think it was started by some other sports. Tech sports people, like two three years ago. So people that I never crossed paths with, I'm sure they're great.
I didn't want to take their podcast, I didn't want to like, yeah, ruin their legacy or anything like that. But it was, you know, proposed to me by Jaime that that would be a good idea. And, and that really, I mean, they really gave me a hard time about that. Like I was told that they thought I was gonna quit technician writing and like, I just doing a podcast. Well, I mean, just I had I had like a whole like meeting with them. And like I was I was slapped on the wrist pretty hard about that stuff.
And I mean, there were personal issues. And which all that is kind of water under the bridge. Now, at this point, it doesn't matter. Yeah. But at the time, it felt like it was really challenging. And it made it hard to get the podcast up and running because it felt like they really didn't want me to have one almost even though which I assume that was extended because you had one in March, one episode March and then one in April. And then boom. Yeah, yeah. Do you at this point? It's probably been a I mean, it's definitely been over a year because of the march. But you know, it's yeah, we come back. It'll have been obviously a year which is crazy. But those two episodes before it was around this time last year. Yeah, it was it was hard to get it going because like I said, the idea happened in January then all that
BS happens and so I finally have to like kind of build one from the ground up. That is like exclusive to me. Jenna still wanted to do it.
Even though she was like, kind of
within the walls of the people who didn't want me to do it, so that was kind of weird.
But, I mean, she those two episodes were a little rough. I, I had to learn how to how to do all the editing and stuff on my own. Like she didn't which, you know, if you were here for the first episode that that was oh my gosh with you and Patrick, I'm those fuck that was bad annoying that was which, in the beginning that happens. But we can get into the story to that because I have a huge because well could even because because you did those two episodes right? And then she ended up leaving. So she quits. So we we interviewed in the summertime to do the podcast again. And they did. We got we were hired. I did the interview by myself over zoom, or both of you or both of us to be hired and split the position. And
by the time it came to record the first episode, and I was trying to pitch ideas to her. She sent me a voice memo saying, hey, like I don't think I'm gonna have time to do it. But I know this guy who was trying to write for tech sports who's really interested. Fast forward to the next Tech sports meeting. That guy was Patrick.
So Jenna quits. Fine. Like, I took it. I definitely took it a little bit personally at first because like, why apply? And then never even try to record an episode.
But you know, that's I heard I never really talked about that. We just we did our two episodes, and I have not even seen her a lot this year. So yeah, it's whatever. But so she refers me to Patrick. So then it starts to percolate again, like I'm already like, obligated to make the podcast I'm not going to quit. So I need to find a new co host. So I started the process of searching for a co host.
Speaker 2 27:00
She refers me to Patrick. And then I also met Alex Manuel in that same meeting. And I talked to both of them at the same time saying I wanted to do like an interview process. And Alex, who you knew Yeah, Alex is uh, he never came on an episode. I was wondering if you ever would want to to for maybe baseball, I would have been cool with it. It maybe if we're, if we're still thinking next year, I could ask him and if baseball is over, he could give us an analysis on that. That'd be kind of cool. Yeah. So we haven't had a guest in a while. But he was one of my friends. I knew from work. My job. During the summer was I worked at the Y and ran I helped run like their big summer camp. I was a part of their leadership team. So that's how I knew him and he, I'm a transfer. I'm a junior, but he was a he was a freshman this year. And so it's Patrick. Yeah. And so he, he was helping with, oh, he helps with agromeck but he also does a lot of photo stuff. He's like a photo guy. He has a channel or he has
Stone Boylan 28:07
his own Instagram page, you know, with his photos and stuff that he takes. Yeah, he wrote a lot of he wrote hockey for us this year. And he wrote, I think, cross country. Yeah, he's cool. But he, he referred me to you. Because if you don't already know, I had started my own personal podcast called Stoneheart sports that I wanted to do, because I was bored. And I followed a lot of sports. And I was like, might as well produce stuff if I know a ton.
And that was kind of cool to get experience with that. But I had started that in like, February of last year. So it's been a year for me. But then obviously, it was a few months. And then you approached me.
Like, what was it?
Griffin Cunningham 29:03
I guess late August, early September, by the time I contacted you. Yeah. Um,
I don't know. I think I think it was probably early September by that point, because I had waited the majority of August for Jenna to try and get something going. Yeah. So and then that didn't, didn't work. So I needed I needed like an extra two because we're supposed to produce an episode every two weeks at least. So I remember missing that first two week deadline and asking for like, like, I would get it in on the next two week deadline. And so that's when I started the interview process.
And I got I got your email, and I had Patrick and Alex. And then so we did the interviews. And do you want to I guess I'll tell the interviewer story because I was on the Senate. Yeah. So I had like, I try my best to make it as formal as possible. tremely formal by the way, like, if I would have
Stone Boylan 29:59
Never thought I would develop any sort of relationship with this guy. It sounds like you'd be my frickin boss. And I would like bow down to anything he said like it was like a boss email sending you. It was extremely, extremely formal, which I took very seriously, by the way. I thought that was good. Yeah, well, we'll get into how people prepped for that in a second because it was, it was funny looking back on it, but
Griffin Cunningham 30:25
I had questions ready to go, like, I've never really been on that side of the table in terms of interviewing someone. So I thought, you know, this would be a good experience for me to try and
be the person hiring somebody, even though I was hiring them for a position to work alongside me, it was still important to identify like if the chemistry was going to be there. And if like the knowledge, sports or any sort of like audio, or video editing was there. And so I think how it went was now I'm not gonna say everyone who interviewed because like, obviously, I only picked two people. So it wasn't even I don't want to cut you off. It was supposed to be to know. So that's, that's So Patrick, interviewed before you did he interviewed right before you did. So I did all my interviews on the same day. And Patrick, to me came off as pretty well spoken, I thought that he would be able to hold a conversation. He seemed very interested in sports had shown the initiative, and seemed like at that point that he would have been the best fit.
None of that sounds crazy, either. No, no, he, I thought that he did well, in his interview, and when he walked away, I had decided, in my mind that, you know, this is not what you should be doing if you're interviewing someone, but I decided that Patrick was probably going to be the co host. And then you came on, and you brought a completely different energy to the table. You were not as loud or as energetic.
But you what kind of blew me away with the way that you interviewed was that you had, like, you knew exactly what you were sitting there interviewing for, without me even having to tell you, like you knew the name of the podcast, you knew what the podcast was, at least supposed to be about. And you knew what you knew in terms of your own podcast. And so just the way that you spoke about, like, wanting to take on the position, really was the selling point for me, even though
you didn't have the same strengths, I thought, as Patrick did, but Patrick didn't have the strength that you had. So
I concluded that these two guys both seem great. Why don't I just bring on two people? Because we do guests anyways. Right? So if we have three people consistently, a three person format is great, which I don't disagree with, either. So that was you know, that was the idea. I convinced myself that that would work at the time I would have been like, yeah, which we will because before that, I
Stone Boylan 33:20
I mean, some of you might not know, I, I have not been following NC State sports my whole life, like I have not been, this is probably the first year, shockingly, because I didn't really know where I was gonna go. And state was not like priority. Number one, it was extremely high. But, you know, I had to tailor my classes to different colleges, because they had different requirements. And so I didn't really know what was gonna go on when I went to state when I got accepted. And I was like, I'm 100% going here. I was like, I want to be involved in sports, because I love it. And I remember I was so elated. When I got the opportunity. I spent the I can't remember, I can't remember it was like only a day or two in between asking for an interview and interviewing. I spent the next two, like full nights writing a full page of just about the football team. Like I just went to the roster looked up a million stuff, I could analyze everything remembered all the names because I didn't know I really didn't. And I think I brought something up to you about something I'd wrote or whatever. And I listened to the two episodes to like try and get it so i i pray prepared more for that, maybe than I did for like a work interview. Because which you know, you don't prepare. It's not like I'm looking up, stuff up at the YMCA to go you know, I'm just looking up the job description, but just for this itself, it was almost weird. But
yeah, I'd say my experience before kind of helped. But yeah, I would say the first like having three people in hindsight, you know, in the beginning, I would have said it was fine.
And then we got to the first episode. And I'm not talking about
Griffin Cunningham 34:59
You know what the day it was released was September 2023. I don't know the day. You know what, before we even talk about the first episode, let's just mean the days that we've recorded and the days the episodes were actually released. Oh, more than
Stone Boylan 35:14
that, in case. You guys probably know this. We've brought it up. We could record this on a Tuesday, and it's going to come out on like a Friday night. So we would talk about potentially a football game that happened on Saturday. We don't record Sunday, because it's the weekend we come in. Well, our main recording day was Monday slash Tuesday, one of those two. Yeah, I think I think we had worked with our plan was to sit down together on Sundays Sunday morning, and then do it on Monday. And then record on Monday or Tuesday, we could record Monday night. And it would be out like Thursday. Friday. Yeah, the issue was, and if you don't know, then, if you're talking about previewing a Saturday football game, no one's listening to it on Saturday, because it's the day of the game. And you got Friday as a full day. And Thursday, we didn't even get as a full day. So there would sometimes be one and a half days, where people could listen to what we say. And it still be relevant to where they're not listening to a podcast talking about a game those two weeks ago. Yeah. So for football, it was extremely annoying. Yeah. Well, I mean, we definitely put a lot of pressure on ourselves. We didn't the people that are having to comb through this and transcribe it because we did it weekly. That's Yes. I was gonna say, Yeah, we were, we were like, we're gonna we're gonna do this, like real news. Like, we're gonna get all the facts in as soon as possible. But that just wasn't. That's not really what they they do here as it's a different, a different process. I don't know if anyone has a podcast here. That is that was weekly, let alone biweekly that talks about extremely fast paced current events. You know, like, if they're talking about a current event for something, it would probably be relevant a week or two later, let alone three days later. But with sports, it's like, we just talked about this game. Oh, it's irrelevant within four days, because that's this next game is coming up right now. So we that's why I think we had a lot of good ideas with like, overarching stuff that we kind of came up with, like I was I'm kind of proud of some of the ideas that we slash I had definitely like thought of, like slash. Cuz I'm being real like, stuff like the all time NC State draft, or like the what ifs in terms of like drafting, like, what ifs? Or like Pac pros? Like we had a lot of segments that I thought were pretty fun to just do.
That were like credit for that that weren't like, based on current events, you know? Yes.
And I think
I mean, the, the issue with the first episode, the start was just so bad, because we did the first episode. Obviously, we're super nervous. But we were dealing with a well, and we had just met. Yeah, we obviously just met three of us, but we're dealing with like a program. I mean, Griffin hadn't used it in a long time. But I've never, I used it maybe one time a few years ago, like I use all Mac stuff. Yep. So I did learn how to edit it, which obviously took forever. But when we released the episode, we listened to it. And I like it was probably one of the most viewers we'd have. Because it was like the first episode obviously, yeah. And when I edited, anyone who knows anything about editing is probably going to already know what I'm going to say. When I edited the tracks. Like, let's say I took one thing out took another thing out.
Basically, we had three microphones. Griffin would always be on one track by himself. But I think there was some sort of limitation with this equipment here that there can only be two tracks active. So me and Patrick could be talking, but it'd be on the same track. And Griffin would be on a different track, which created so many problems. But then also, the sensitivity was all off because not everyone talks at the same tone. Not everyone talks like as closer to as far away from the mic. So that create a bunch of issues. But when I edited stuff, I didn't keep it all the same. Like, let's say I took out the 10 seconds from your mic. Yeah. And I didn't take out 10 seconds for mine. Yeah, that's probably it would think it jumped it would like jump ahead. But the mics also picked up all of our audio because they were too high and sensitivity that you could be talking and in the background, you would just hear you talking 10 seconds ago. And then me talking 10 seconds in the future. And it was horrible. And that was the first episode that we did. And my parents texted me like Hey, buddy, this is great, but there's some kind of issue you might want to fix it you know your podcast is good though. But this
Speaker 2 39:54
it's like oh, shit, like, yeah, and I it was a weekend
Stone Boylan 40:00
Can I
ran back here? I didn't, I didn't my ID you have to have an ID to get in here. My ID didn't even work. It wasn't even registered to open the doors. I had to stand there for 10 minutes, hoping someone would open it trying to bang and wave. And they did. And I got in here, I was freaking out. And I took me like two or three hours to fix it. And then they I told him to take it down. They took it down to him to put it back up, they put it back up, which is pretty quickly, which is ironic. Well, I mean, they, they helped us out. Yeah, a fair amount. But
they, yeah, it was, it was so bad. It was it was a very bad start. But that was the thing we slowly learned. And I because I did most of the editing in the beginning. Yeah. So I slowly learned how to like edit everything. And I relatively quickly learned a lot of nuances. I looked up a bunch of stuff I the first semester here, I spent hours in this room, and we spent hours to because you and I wouldn't one of my favorite parts about looking back in the podcast was just like, just listening to like, just the audio from our recordings. Because in the beginning, we would have so many like scrubs. And it was just so funny going back and just like leaning back on the chair, pressing play a million times listening to this funny part or whatever, or this quote from all of us. And it was great. Not everyone appreciated it, some of our guests. But
yeah, that is still if I didn't really care, it was still funny. But the other thing with three people was when we had guests on, which we liked, obviously with Ethan and everyone else,
Griffin Cunningham 41:44
for people with three of them being on the same track, or having two and two is very hard. Like, it's it's just hard. It's also hard to just like keep it within a relative timeframe of time, you know, to where every time yeah, that's poor wording, but they keep it like within, like relatively in the same timeframe. Like yeah, to where you're not going exactly over because everyone is talking about stuff. Yeah, that was a that was not, I think three is gotta be the limit in that unless, unless you have like a very well structured situation, which we didn't know, now we had like, what we would do is we would I think I created a Google Drive where we would we we created a template. And that was kind of my role initially was kind of like almost directing traffic. You took on the responsibility of audio editing, which I thought was awesome, because clearly I didn't figure it out in the two episodes I did alone.
So you taking that on was really great. And I mean, that's the bulk of the work. So I just Yeah, I would,
I would I would direct traffic I would.
I made the template, the segment's how they were supposed to sound. And in Patrick talk, and I mean, a new talk and I thought are we getting I mean, this this was this was the big conflict with I think the Patrick thing look, we
Stone Boylan 43:13
are listeners aren't stupid, the like, I don't even know how many people would be listening at this point, you know?
I'm sure it was weird to be like, okay, suddenly, there's no one. Like there's one person gone. Yep. You know, we're not going to
go in detail of anything.
But how do you mean? I mean, like him walking away? Yeah, it's no secret that he left. Yeah, let's just say that we're not going to get into detail that anything. There's a reason that we are 4.2 stars instead of five, and only having four reviews, which some of them were probably our family members. Like, you know, this is a fun this is a for fun podcast. But I will say in the beginning.
I think there were just different ideas of what the podcast what different people wanted the podcast to be.
And I think
in the beginning, I definitely took it like as a pretty high priority because I valued it a lot.
And that's why I wanted to help learn, do a lot of stuff. But the biggest thing was, it was supposed to be like you look at our logo. It's there's a football there's a basketball, there's a soccer ball, there's a volleyball.
We're trying to cover NC State sports. Yeah, well, speaking of that, like all sports, that was a big part of it to trying to properly market and rebrand that took up we did we did a lot of that. We you may have seen any if anyone was a student here that may have seen it like a very brief point of time. We put posters around like many posters, we spend a lot of time we hired different people to make stuff. I definitely made a few stuff in Canva. Like, yeah, we've tried to. We made it
separate account on YouTube. We are I mean, on Instagram and all the social media accounts. Yeah, we wanted to. We wanted to we were told not to not we would advise against doing that, because it would just go like dead. But I think I didn't really care. I mean, the point of that was so that we could self promote more. Yeah, which we made a few video stuff. I think we we wanted to do more video, I think, yeah, well, and we did,
Griffin Cunningham 45:27
if you fast forward in time, that was kind of what Patrick's role became was supposed to be was to edit the video,
Stone Boylan 45:35
which we wanted to do more video, but he didn't really know
how to know I would, from my perspective, at least, because I came in and I was like, I don't know how to use Adobe Audition, or whatever this is I need to learn all the nuances of using it in terms of literally everything, you know, but we wanted to do more video because we wanted to get like clips out on in stuff like that, which we did a few which is good. But we did. We never really figured it out all the way. No, no, what happened was, I would
Griffin Cunningham 46:06
I would rent the camera and set the camera up. Or I would have Hallie come in and help me set the settings right on the camera. And then when we were done, I would extract the SD card for Patrick and have him go sit in another office and edit the video with another.
Speaker 1 46:24
What's his name? We had another we had a guest, Isaac was also good. He was a guest Yeah, on one episode, and I think he helped, like once or twice. We only really did
Griffin Cunningham 46:35
video clips for like volunteers. Yeah, it wasn't it never really like,
came to be a consistent and quality thing. Like our first clips. I think Patrick just used iMovie.
And then, so I think it was edited in Adobe the second time, and then Isaac helped us do one. And that one came out a lot cleaner. And then by the time I mean when Patrick decided he was done.
Stone Boylan 47:04
It was now I mean, basically my responsibility to do that. And which I think that's I think when that happened a lot, we kind of at least my perspective, I went from like, okay, because I if you know if you would if you listened to any of our previous episodes, like, I made sure I knew my shit. Like, that was my role. I'm like, and I, I own up to my role in terms of like, I'm going to be like the tech nerd in the back. Like, I, that's because I enjoy that stuff. I enjoy numbers, I watched the game a ton, I analyze it, I make sure like I take high regard in terms of making sure my knowledge of certain sports is high. And I try and throw in little quips and stuff there. Because I'm not, I wouldn't say I've may come off as super serious, but I'm not really the most serious guy all the time. I don't think a lot of us are. But that was kind of my role. And I definitely wanted to take it not insanely seriously, but you know, balance it of like, bring up these stats while we also talk about whatever. But some of it just didn't fit. We didn't have time to bring up stuff. But after that, after he left, I think we kind of were like, hey, like,
you know, we could still do this. But let's also just kind of, you know, have our fun without winging it, you know, but just be like, Hey, I got my stuff I want to say here, we'll talk about something in between, and then boom, I'll just do a seamless transition to it. You get to know something about the team, and I'll prove it based on the STAT and then we'll talk about, you know, whatever. Yeah, I think your personality, like really helped with mean what you're describing with like the stat oriented like, serious tone that you were taking initially. That's kind of what I wanted, but I think he was different, which was good. But I think he wanted it to be all of that. Of like, not not all the stats stuff, but all of just like goofy fun, whatever, you know, and I was like we can do that. But I think there needs to be some sort of purpose behind what we're saying if we are a specific sports related podcast. And again, like I was saying, we want to cover all the sports because I least you when I got hired. You had said yeah, we're covering all the sports. So it's good that you know, football, it's good that you wrote this one page thing, but make sure you start following soccer and know stuff about soccer because we're trying to represent all the sports because ideally, someone is going to come in here and just be like, Hey, I just know I know the weekly roundup about all events who say sports, you know, yeah, I had, I had a very specific vision for what I wanted this to be. And I knew that. I mean, what I really wanted was I mean
You walk around campus these days, and you see everyone wearing a red ACC championship shirt or Final Four shirt. People care about sports here, especially when teams are winning. And it is NC State. This is a division one school and is one of the most prominent schools and almost all division one sport. Yeah, that's we're not just one. I know football and basketball, make the revenue, but we're not trying to just cater to revenue base stuff like they're trying to get. Absolutely, yeah, we're trying to get every single place here. Obviously, recently, we haven't been able to talk about, you know, swimming or anything else as much in depth just because of the timing that was going on, you know, but like, when volleyball they had, we had a few, an episode or two dedicated to them, because they had, you know, big wins at the time.
But that was, you know, that was also kind of the mix up, I think. Well, I mean, we had literally probably, I think we had an episode where we like,
Speaker 2 50:57
asked him about volleyball or whatever, yes, you know, yeah. And that was, that was kind of the thing it was, there was a difference in opinion of where this podcast should go. And I think once he had realized, like, hey, you know, it can kind of be funny stuff. He had also wanted to not be me, but like, have the same mold, in terms of like,
Stone Boylan 51:23
being like, the knowledgeable sports guy, or whatever. And that's when we, you know, did like the college football check in, or whatever that episode where it was in the States by week. And we just talked about different stuff from football. And that was kind of the breaking point of like, it wasn't properly like, formatted, because you literally just talked about the news segment, the entire time didn't speak at all. After that. And Patrick didn't speak at all during the new segment. And then he we just talked about the college football thing, and you didn't say anything. And I think it was just different views of where the podcast should go. But I think what what needed to be remembered is who created it? And who were the people that were putting them there most chips in the middle as like an example. And how,
at least, it's almost like, as an example, if you did a group project. And there were these people that like, did so much of the project, and then there needs to be another decision made. And the person who didn't do as much was like, No, I think we should do this. Like, what do you think you would say? Like, well, what do you mean? Yeah, we just tell them, that's kind of what it was like? Yeah, so it's nothing. You know, there were there wasn't anything
extremely personal, like nothing was there like it was we just wanted to do a fun podcast, and people had different views of it. And, you know, that was pretty much it. But that was then we had kind of the post era after that, which we've now done more episodes since then.
But and we we've kind of made it a little bit different. I don't know which one's better. But I don't really think it matters. To be honest, I think the only thing that matters is that we're enjoying what we're doing.
Griffin Cunningham 53:17
And we just get to talk about sports, on a podcast and whatever else comes to mind. And that's kind of the main, the main goal, at least for us. Yeah, I would say I, I definitely ran a pretty tight ship to the beginning. Oh my gosh, for sure. I had the organization was I mean, there wasn't a lot of gray area for what it should or should not be like I didn't. And so when he would talk about like, non NC State stuff I like really got ahead of it because I didn't want to set like a poor precedent.
And so I just, I think I was doing this subconsciously, but I was really just trying to establish it at that point still. And I didn't I didn't think at that point in time that kind of digressing from the plan to topic was going to benefit the content. Yeah. And then it was also left. I think not I didn't mean to cut you off there. You're good.
I think
I don't know if I pushed him too hard. Or if I certainly pushed myself too hard because at a certain point I couldn't produce at the same at a weekly level while doing all this sports coverage for Agra Mac I was running around with look, I yeah, I can I can speak for you. That's the thing. I think a lot of I see a lot of people as if like this is a national thing, but I think just him specifically as well but also anyone who I may have talked about with this before, or who's listening and obviously had listened for a while if there's anyone
Stone Boylan 54:59
one out there that actually is like that.
Griffin did this podcast, we did it every single week, we covered a ton of stuff. It was very tightly planned. We want to make sure everything was set and structured like, because would you rather have a podcast that's not structured at all crazy loose, and then you have a bunch of issues potentially come up or like a tight ship? I would say the ladder, obviously. But while also covering a ton of stuff, every literally every single sports story for the yearbook for fall semester while also doing 18 credit hour semester. So
I, you know, I don't think there was I, I think that probably needs to be thought of a little bit just in terms of like what you had to do and go through the entire semester. Because you even asked us for help. Like, hey, you know, if any of you want come to this meeting tonight it's for agronomic help do stories. And that may also kind of help lead to what changed? Because I think we got way closer by not obviously doing the podcast, but when we did the podcast when we record at the end, like all of us were in the room. Well, you know, he would leave he would leave partly, yeah, he he would do I had no interest in in like staying or editing at the audit. Yeah, true. He did not I do forget that he had no interest in staying to do anything, which I think we obviously look back and like, oh, you know, we're still thinking like, Hey, this is for the best. Or I mean, we're still thinking like, hey, maybe we did this or this. But I do still think it was for the best in general, because I don't think anything would have changed. You know, if they didn't have would have felt more pressure to continue to make it very strict. Yeah, I think once he left, I was able to kind of take a step back. Exactly. I think it was unnecessary, and it was a necessary thing to happen. Yeah, I'm not saying that we aimed for that at all, because this was not again, our doing in case anyone wants to know, it was on his own volition, and we respect it.
But I think it was just getting to a point where multiple things were like being brought up. And it was by you, you know, because you were kind of the leader. And then once I would maybe because I cared a ton, I would maybe suggest something or say something you'd be like, Yeah, I talked about this or that. And I'm just the kind of guy. I'm a little more blunt. Honestly, just kind of about who I am. And I'm like, Okay, well, not like trying to crap on you. But like, okay, so you had said this, but this is happening, you know. And then when we talked about it, obviously, you know, that it wasn't taken the best and, you know, then we we obviously moved on, but I think it was unnecessary thing to happen. Are you talking about a conversation with me? No. Oh, with Patrick. Yeah. Okay. When like, we just kind of brought it up. But it was the first time it was the first time I had really, yeah. But it wasn't just random. It was after a ton of stuff. But I want to preface that you were doing a crapload like school, going into all these events. You had to write stories for a ton of stuff. And if you're in leadership for agronomic you have to also help with write other stories, all while trying to, you know, keep up with a potential relationship. And obviously do this podcast and we did it weekly. So I will say it was a ton I had no, I had no relationship you didn't know at the beginning. No, no, no. Yeah, no, that's right. I scratch your relationship. No, I didn't. It was easy for you then you didn't.
Griffin Cunningham 58:51
My friendships were all tied to the projects I was working on. I didn't really have I mean, like I have other friends, obviously. But no, you're you're a loser. You have no, not none of anyone that went to school here. So
I didn't really you know, yeah, so it was it was easy in the sense that I could just kind of lean into my work and then have that be my personality. But I when I think the day Patrick quit,
was like
I had I had met up with the girl who I am now dating that same night. And then I think we started dating probably like a few days later. So when that relationship began, then obviously like, oh, okay, that took up a bigger chunk of my life to now or the point I think where we did bi weekly instead. Yeah, like I just I don't have the time to. I mean, relationships are more important than work. So once that kind of started gelling, I had to like take a step back and maybe not go to every single women's soccer game or, you know, it fit it was kind of the perfect
It was a good time. Everything happens for a reason. Yeah, it does. So I was I was okay with it. I'm, I'm way happier now, because of that balance that I have. But
Stone Boylan 1:00:11
I would agree as well, I don't think being in here stressing over episode ideas or editing this or is taking a ton of time, like I couldn't have done that this semester is harder than the last one for me, and the next one is going to be even harder than this one. So I don't think even then we would have been able to also keep up with with it as well, it's very hard to run this kind of stuff. And plus, we're, you know, we're both juniors, we're, I don't know, we've experienced more done more different stuff. We both had actually done a podcast before this iteration of LiDAR, right, or we both have had experience with that. You know,
so just different timelines as well. Yeah, I think.
Griffin Cunningham 1:00:56
I mean,
we, we stopped getting guests and stuff as well, too. I think. For me, I don't know if this also applies to you. But like,
it seems, when your work isn't getting recognized, it makes it a lot harder to want to produce high quality content, for sure. And I think for me,
I've seen the numbers go up and down all year. And it just like, it would almost be better if you had no idea. Yeah, like, be honest, listening to why but I do agree. And I also feel like
Stone Boylan 1:01:36
it was a perfect transition from when I was like, Okay, we need to do this to grow like this. And then when he was here, and then when he left, it was like the perfect combination of like, hey, look, this is our viewer base is very hard to get, you know, you kind of have to do this for a while, like I'm, I'm struggling to do that, as well. I'm doing a YouTube, I'm like transitioning my personal podcast, from podcasts on Spotify, to just YouTube videos, because the place I used to export the podcasts, I have to pay for monthly and I just can't afford that at this point. And I was getting less viewers on lighter than lighter red, you know, on my personal one, and I was like, um, it's just not worth it to putting in the time. And it's also like, why would I stress over this when I could just, you know, have fun doing it, you know, and not really worry about, like, what viewers we have or whatever for light at Red. But I'm also experienced that with like YouTube in terms of like, you know, it takes a ton of time, just takes a lot of time to build a viewer base, you're not just going to explode overnight. Like think of any, he's just like, celebrity or famous Youtuber, like, go ahead and look at some of their first videos with some of their first work. Like, I guarantee you there were a ton of people that had a three or four projects that they scrapped before, like didn't work or people with movies that did nothing until much later. And then they they got famous or not saying we'll be famous at any point, but just in terms of building like a viewer base. Yeah. Like, I think we thought it would happen overnight. And that wasn't the case. And while we did get a ton, and the beginning, which was awesome.
You know, I think after that event, when he left, I think we were kind of just like, hey, let's just, we will still cover sports, to the best of our ability and do all this stuff. But let's also have, you know, take a step back, like you said, and then kind of have some fun with it. And, you know, whoever makes it this far, whoever even made this far in the episode, you kind of got a jam, I feel it's definitely very different. Again, this is not normally what episodes are, you could go listen to any of the episodes, which I do recommend, because we put a ton of work into them. And they're not scrapped at all, all of them. You know, I really think some of the some of them are pretty good, especially a lot of the earlier ones that we put a lot of time into.
Griffin Cunningham 1:04:04
yeah, yeah, that shout out to you if you're listening. If, if you had, if Patrick was listening, what would you want to say to him? He's not going to.
Stone Boylan 1:04:16
And neither are his friends because his friends all left, shout out one star.
While it's kind of interesting, I didn't really prepare for
I mean, I don't want to get into detail of how
it turned like how the conversation went. But he obviously left.
But, you know, I would I guess I would just kind of go into not really get into anything. But this is a dumb question. Why do you ask me the stupid
question? I don't know. You wouldn't you would have known you'd feel. No, I mean, what are you saying I should feel some sort of way. Like, I'm pretty happy right now. I think everything happens for a reason. Like you said, I hope he's doing well. I'm sure he's doing well.
Well, I wish things ended on a better term I thought they did.
But I would say that I think God, outside influence influence he got outside like, influence which whatever he told those people, obviously, they would feel this is the best thing for him, I guarantee you, if any sort of third party came in and knew the situation, there would not really be, he wouldn't have a lot of legs to stand on. I'm pretty confident saying that. And I'm also confident in a lot of the, you know,
stuff that I said, and kind of just my ability in general, not trying to come off as cocky. But just, I'm, I know how much work I put into it. And I know how much work you put into it. You know? And it's, it's almost like I said, it's almost like doing a year long project, where like, it's just a school project where you're assigned these, these people or whatever, you know,
Griffin Cunningham 1:05:57
I tried to do interviews, to try and figure out who would be the best fit. Yeah, I think I think I made
Stone Boylan 1:06:05
I don't know, I don't know what I thought I was making the right. No, I don't blame you at all. The first ones were fun, whether we were totally fine. I again, I just think it was poor timeline. We were older. He hadn't really done anything like this before. And it wasn't really a main focus, in my opinion, at least for him, and he just had a different vision for, for you know what it should be? Yeah. And we did and that's, that's fine. Yeah, that's fine. I just think if, if you're going to be a part of it, you would, you know,
adhere to what the visions are. And, you know,
that wasn't the case. So those are pretty much it. Yeah, I think.
Speaker 2 1:06:46
I don't know what I would say to him, either. I feel like I mean, unfortunately, I feel like he wants nothing to do No, absolutely not. Like, why the fuck are they making this episode? It's because we are like, why not? It's the last one of the year, I think it was a gigantic random, just okay. He's not here anymore. We made maybe two, like references to him since then, in different episodes. Like, I think it's a part of the light it red story, if you're going to tell this part of the Exactly. And if you're going to go through if we were like, hey, this episode, let's just go through how the entire semester has been, or how the entire year has been because this is the last episode of this calendar of the school calendar year. Let's go ahead and tell the story of light it red and everything. And that kind of has to be brought up. Yeah. And it's so it's so funny, because I mean, you separate it in the air as Patrick only worked on light it red for two months out of the entire insane. I can't even it's still weird to think about I mean, I said this before we went on, on air. But I mean, we cranked out seven episodes in two months with him, which is crazy. We made a lot of content we did. And we did eight after that for the other remaining months of the year. So if I which was for the better, like yeah, pretty unhealthy. We did I agree. I was still content I'm I think all of us would be proud of I hope him as well. Yeah, I would say like I say thank you for putting in the work that he did put in in such a short condensed amount of time. Yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 1:08:27
I think it's too bad that the format kind of shifted to something that I think he would have enjoyed more. Right now after he left. But you know what? I don't think we would have
Stone Boylan 1:08:39
probably no, I'm just gonna say I don't think we would have I genuinely and I don't know how long this episode is right now. Sorry, if it's an hour and eight minutes, okay, that's fine. We'll wrap it up soon, I guess. But, you know, I mean, yeah, no one's gonna listen to this. Who cares? But
I genuinely think when you were like, hey, like, do any of you want to help me write stories of agronomic? I think that was the big thing. Because we, for sure, obviously, you talk like we brought up earlier you talked about
editing sessions in the afternoon, like or just editing sessions after the episode like he would leave I don't even if he did schoolwork, like he could have stayed in here and done a score. Maybe he didn't want to be distracted, which is totally fine. But we like a you would be in here and work while I would edit stuff. And just make sure everything's good. But actually, it was algorithmic as well, because we would spend time away from the studio because, you know, I went to go cover games, and I had to go with you to cover like soccer or volleyball, or football. And we were able to talk a ton way more than and I just think we enjoy each other's company a lot. Yeah. And so I think it would have been better. I think I think it worked out for the best in this way. But I do know I do.
We understand what you're what you're trying to get at. Yeah, I think that's a challenging part of trios is you never really know. Like, I mean, everyone's gonna have different relationships with each other. Like, it's not all going to be the same. But I think we would in the beginning was good. So I think if he, in a hypothetical if he would have joined us, and done agronomic we would have known sooner.
Or, like, we would have known sooner, if it was like, Okay, this isn't gonna work, or it would have worked, because we would have been doing stuff, you know? Sure. I honestly.
Griffin Cunningham 1:10:36
I met him in the in the tech sports meeting, which is a News Sports newspaper, did he ever I think his article got scrapped, and then he talks shit about Ethan. And then
he's been he's bounced around a little not to shit on him. And I don't want to do that. But but so I mean, I thought that he would be more interested in the in the writing part of all of it than you would be honestly. But
I think you being a freshman, and getting the the true freshman experience whatever you want to however you want to interpret that. I think that's kind of where his head was at going to frats parties, I think, I mean, I can't I can't confirm that's what he did or that he joined the frat but I think I mean, he's, he seems pretty involved with that. Or like, in the conversations we did have, he was saying, like, how he was really considering it, but like, also didn't really want to, but, I mean, I have no idea kind of what his personal life is like these days. He doesn't. He ignores. I mean, if I walked past Patrick Patrick will like not look at me. Not that I think it's happened like twice.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:46
Really twice after, after he quit. I don't think I've ever seen him. Yeah. Well, he walked back past them. Isaac. Isaac was he's the videographer. The one that talked about the chocolate milk. Yeah. And he like what ignored him or they said Isaac said that Patrick or ignored him as well. If you remember that episode is probably one of the chillest just like down to earth dudes that I know personally, I love him. So that kind of, so maybe it's just the entire like, oh, he definitely doesn't want anything to do with student anyone. Yeah, I think he and Halle got along though. Maybe she could reach out to how he's about to graduate. She's done. So I don't know. Maybe. Maybe Patrick will take lighter red back.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:31
Stone Boylan 1:12:34
That'd be that'd be that's a great. That's a great What if to end the
the next, if there's ever another episode, you'll you'll be you'll be hearing this episode thinking oh, awful. I wonder if they'll ever come back in the second. It's a next semester. It's all scripted for season two. We're just building drama. Yes. Season Three, three technically, because season one was like, what the office where they had like, six episodes? Yeah. And then everything else was way more. It was a test run. Yeah, that was the test room is like the office and we're gonna have Season Two more Michael comes back. Yep. I guess so. I don't know.
Griffin Cunningham 1:13:17
Either way, I mean, yeah, in the moment, it definitely felt very dramatic. But I think at this point, it's kind of just like, another thing. I mean, it's probably not something that he'll put on his resume or no, absolutely not. But because yes, does he has obviously if you put that on your resume, you have to say Oh, well, what do you have a reference? You don't have to have a reference for something on your resume. But he would have to like I mean, I mean no no yeah, you're right but I'm saying like if someone asked about it Sure. Well, I think all you have to do at this point or you just have to explain like the skills that you acquired position but I think it was so short and he put in
not to be controversial but such little effort into it that he probably there aren't a lot of at this point. I feel like I'm kind of beating a dead horse Yeah, but um
Stone Boylan 1:14:06
but either way, whatever. This that was the you know, this has been the episode about it, but I definitely want to think any living human being who is even listening this far into the episode if there is any of you out there I appreciate it. Or if you've literally made it from the start in you know, September to now like holy shit, that's just awesome. Thank you so much. Yeah, we put a ton of hard work into this and we appreciate all the people who have listened and if you're new Go ahead if you want there was a ton of great content that we have before and a lot of is probably still relevant even then it's still be I still think it's kind of cool to look back like oh, this is kind of what the feeling was like back then like a little time kept. Yeah, it is but some of them are still relevant to this day. Like the all time athlete draft we did
Um, the what if episode, like, we had a few guests on and they brought in different perspectives.
So, you know, I still think there's a lot to be had and, you know, we'll maybe, maybe this isn't the last maybe it is we'll, we'll see next semester come time, but I think if we do do it, you could pry expects not the exact same but some of the same in terms of like, there's definitely gonna be content to go over.
Like, especially with football and everything, and we'll kind of do it in like, I think a pretty, pretty good tone kind of based off not this episode. Obviously, this is a way different episode because of the last few ones that we've done. Yeah, really quickly. Do you have a favorite episode that we recorded out of the out of the 15 See, including this one, I would have to like go through the script. And like yeah, you know, go like, Oh, this one here that I planned a ton for like so many of them. The athlete draft I did like just because I thought it was kind of cool.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:11
And there's probably a few moments that I remember like Katlyn Tuohy is like nutty or something like that. I said something funny or whatever. Yeah, I think that was I can't remember that one at all.
Griffin Cunningham 1:16:23
Duke game reaction slash future of wolfpack football I think was the
Stone Boylan 1:16:29
the chocolate milk I also one of my favorite things was just the entire football season because I totally nailed like everything about the year and that was a good pat on my back. But the least favorite one is definitely
college football check in.
Griffin Cunningham 1:16:45
Yeah, I was that was my least favorite to that one was pretty.
The behind the scenes of that one if you listen closely, and and yeah, read between the lines, you can tell things started to fall apart. Yeah. And that one. But I mean, yeah, other than that, I kind of liked the
Stone Boylan 1:17:04
it's sort of like a cool, you know, kind of timeline of like, what was news like, people posting frickin MJ Morris like in a spaceship or astronaut thing. And that was like the biggest deal around campus. And like, he going from like, worshipping that guy, that piece of crap or whatever. Whoa, DJ burns like this insane do to actually accomplish stuff? Like it's pretty funny what we were scrapping at to worship. So we're now we have literally the Godsend of collegiate sports. Yeah, for NC State. Like, that's pretty cool. That's fair. I would say.
Griffin Cunningham 1:17:48
The past three episodes we've done not including this one. I've had a lot of fun doing just, I mean, you can tell just by the titles of them, I title all the episodes. Yes, you do. So I've had more fun with those ones, I think.
Just just kind of let loose. Like, I cover the stuff. So I know what I'm talking about. And so I'm not nose deep in my computer. I'm just like, kind of riffing with you. And I think that's been the most fun. Yeah, experience of this whole thing. And just like really feeling comfortable doing it. I think
I felt really uncomfortable those first two episodes I did you can you can hear it in my voice. You can. You can hear like shakiness stuttering, and like really? I was I was doing the arms even when you started very sure. I just think really kind of finding my footing with this has been a cool experience. And
I go again, saying I think
I'm just trying to take it in, you know, because, like, we probably won't be in this room. Many more times. Who knows? Yeah, I think it was a Halley and Jermaine went to go interview.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:00
The former student body president for Agromeck spread and, and Halle said that he started crying in the interview because he asked him what what would you take away from this? And he said,
Griffin Cunningham 1:19:12
just try to live in the moment a little bit more. And that I guess that triggered an emotional reaction for him. Because I guess as student body president, you end up your day to day, probably a lot busier than you mine or yours. But
yeah, I think I think this year, I did that to the best of my ability. You know, just kind of appreciate these walls a little bit more before the the clock strikes midnight. But
I guess if you have nothing else to say I'll say my thank yous and we'll wrap it up. That sounds good. Sounds good.
Well, I want to thank
Isaac, for all our guests. Yeah. I want to thank Isaac specifically for
just being our
Friend this year,
helping with the video editing even though he didn't have to do that, after coming on as a guest, and even when he wasn't a guest, he helped with that stuff, setting up the microphones on the camera, setting up the stand helping me get the right camera. I know how he also helped in the setup. First episode I was gonna Yeah, I'll get I'll get through the list of people here because they all helped in different ways.
So a special thank you to Isaac and his, his videography. I think he brought a lot to the table in that sense. And His personality was awesome for that episode.
I want to thank Ethan, for coming on. And, you know, being persistent about wanting to come on, he came on, I think on a Tuesday night as the editor in chief of technician.
And that's their print night. So they're usually up to you up late. And he took the time out of his his afternoon that day to come on and mess around with us. So I'm glad that he he wanted to do that. Even though he told me he'd never listened to an episode before. I won't ever
know that we're even thinking. But I mean, if he does, listen, shout out to shout out to him for you know, being a friend.
I want to thank Hallie, I think, Am I missing any other guests? I think Isaac, Ethan and Holly were really the only people I know.
But I want to I do want to thank Hallie probably the most, because she helped. She offered to help put up flyers for light at Red. She helped.
She wanted to contribute a photo to light at Red. She listened to it. She pitched ideas for it. She even wanted to interview for it, and then backed out at the last minute, because she didn't want to talk on edge in that timeline. I don't know. Well, I mean, that's why she came on as the first guest because she wanted to and I just want to thank her for coming on that episode being the first inaugural guest of lighter red and she did her homework. She had stuff written down even though she was nervous. Yeah, she did.
And that she's just been great all year. I mean,
we have traveled together, we've gone to almost everything together, just collaborating, writing and photography and merging it into one product.
And then she helped a bunch initially with setting up the camera and and we even though we only did that for a couple episodes, that was something that I probably wouldn't have been able to figure out on my own. So it would have taken me a while to figure that yeah, that's, that's a little it's a bit of a complicated piece of equipment. Or it can be especially if you're working with like a
Stone Boylan 1:22:54
Z five, Z six, I have no clue. I don't even
Griffin Cunningham 1:22:59
I barely even though what I'm talking about. But all those people, you know, they took time, out of out of their day to to hang out with us. And to those who offered to come on, and I never reached out to them. I apologize.
That is probably a list of names of about three or four. Who did offer to and I just did not follow through with that. If we're back, maybe it will hit you up. I will keep those people in mind. It wasn't because I didn't want them on the podcast. It was because of all the stuff we just talked, I think I think Patrick left, I felt pretty deflated. So that was not a priority anymore until I started to get my rhythm back. But by then it was like whatever. So those are my thank yous, thank you to people who listen, especially at this point in time, not even just for this point in the episode, but this episode in general, or like, even the past 10 episodes because the viewership or any Yeah, I mean, it's not the first episode, it's not shiny and new anymore. But if you're still listening, and you still are entertained by us.
I greatly appreciate that, because
it's your time, it's your day, so you can do whatever you want with it. And so choosing to listen to us, and hopefully we're delivering on the content. And it's fun, and you're getting knowledge out of what's going on on campus. That was the vision. And that still is I mean that that is the vision for students who care about what's going on on campus, but don't necessarily have the time to go to all the games. Yeah, you want to know everything what's going on. You tune into this. And we'll give you the rundown. That was kind of the idea. So
hopefully that can be approved improved upon a little bit, but maybe we'll finish off with probably the longest episode and let it read history. Yeah. And I think this was an appropriate time for it. So I'm not mad about it. I used to
Get mad about the episode lengths not mad but like, I started like, I would start like waving my hands like timeline. Hey, we would be fine
I mean, yeah, we would always be talking over each other too many too many mouths to feed with memories though. Yeah. Editing listening to the laughing That was the
Stone Boylan 1:25:27
it was all great. Yeah, it was cool. It was cool. I look back on it fondly. But do you have anything to add? No, I concur with everything you said. Thanks to guests. Listeners, everyone.
Again, my if it's the end, Goodbye, thank you if it's not goodbye for now. Maybe we'll see you later. And yeah, I I appreciate everyone who's listened and and thanks. Yeah, stone and Griffin will be back in some capacity though. Yeah, whether it's potentially this or some other project will in the work will collaborate on Instagram. Yeah, it's our first name and last name. Yeah, we're in the bio of lighter red. Yeah, if you go Yeah. All right. Well, I guess this has been lighter read.
Griffin Cunningham 1:26:21
Music In this podcast was Jonas hipper is king of sports and vibe and sneaky, licensed under creative commons from the Free Music Archive.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:36
Transcribed by
Creators and Guests