Game Night
Download MP3Griffin Cunningham 0:00
(Intro music).
Welcome back to Light it Red. Today we're gonna try to do a more fun episode- more down to earth episode, because, well, we really don't have much to talk about in terms of, like, success or anything.
Stone Boylan 0:20
There's just not much fun going on here-
Griffin Cunningham 0:21
Stone Boylan 0:21
-at NC State Athletics right now.
Griffin Cunningham 0:23
So we figured it might just be better to, you know, go back and forth and just- they play a couple of, like, I don't know, trivial games, and maybe reflect on the past a little bit, remember the good times.
Stone Boylan 0:36
Griffin Cunningham 0:36
But, before-
Stone Boylan 0:38
It's definitely needed right now (both laugh).
Griffin Cunningham 0:39
Yeah, agreed. Before we do that, we will just quickly run down what we've missed in the past two weeks. So Stone, let's just talk about football real quick.
Stone Boylan 0:52
Yeah, so I believe we stopped recording after- the last episode was after the Clemson game, if I'm not mistaken. So we played NIU and Wake Forest. NIU we did win. You know, it was good when kind of grinded out game. Not a ton to take there, I would say, just a little closer than preferred to a team like that. But NIU was almost ranked because they- or they were ranked when they beat Notre Dame. So hey, good that we didn't fall to them.
But then we get to the Wake Forest game, and I think that is the main one that I really want to get into because we were four and a half point favorites at home against a one-in-three Wake Forest team. We had 100 more total yards than them. We were better on third down by a I think, like 20%. We had the same amount of turnovers, so it's not like one team won the turnover battle or anything, and we had more time of possession. And we lost, 34 to 30. So we win all those things, more likely than that you're gonna win a game, but we just could not stop the run at all. Their running back had like six yards per carry, 135 yards, two touchdowns. We gave up. They were- and Wake Forest was three for three on fourth down, so we didn't try any fourth downs. But that, I feel like this the biggest difference maker, just three fourth downs that they were able to convert- that they were able to get multiple points off of. And then obviously, you know, you have the Grayson McCall thing, which, if you didn't know in the first drive, right? Was it the very first drive of the game?
Griffin Cunningham 2:24
I know it was early. I know he only attempted a few passes.
Stone Boylan 2:25
I'm pretty sure the first drive, and they were driving down; it was in the red zone. He runs out of the pocket, gets forward, he's- which he's not supposed to be doing a ton of, by the way. That's just not his game. I don't know why he's been doing it a lot. This isn't Armstrong in last year where that's all he could do, like, this is- McCall can throw. He runs and gets- I mean, it was insane. I was at a party for one of my family members, who's turning two years old, and they had a little party and everything. And I'm watching the game, and I was like, "oh my gosh!" It's like, I verbally had a reaction, because I was like, "Dude, that was a hu-." And he went into like, four different people, and his helmet came off, was on the ground. Looked like to uh- tangibly on the ground. It was, it was so scary. I was like, "oh my God." And then they ran it back, and that's probably a good part-reason why they won is because they completely flipped the field in the first drive of the game. And I know there's the whole game to play, but if you're looking at it holistically, like, "okay, what's the biggest play?" It's that one, because we were in the red zone driving, they flip it and get a touchdown out of it because they run it back and we tackle them at the one. But he had to go on a stretcher. He did make a signal to the crowd. I think he sent a piece sign and everything. So, you know, I guess he was okay, but didn't come back. Obviously, he went to the hospital. They said everything was fine. Dave Dorn said everything was fine. I got a notice or whatever, because I was looking it up maybe a few hours after that all tests were good and everything. But, you know, still, I definitely- I don't know, I texted you this when it happened, and even if all the texts come back fine, I'm not sure he's ever gonna play football again. I do- I really don't know. I mean, he could, I could see it happening maybe, I don't know, in- let's say we lose the next game or two and they're like, all right, he's good to come back. We can bring back. I could see them doing that. But I don't. I just... His career at Coastal Carolina ended because of a concussion. His, what, I can't remember what game it was, the second or third game at NC State, you know, out because of a concussion, comes back. The first drive he comes back from the second concussion, is out with another concussion. So it's three in a row in the span time of him... So I just, I really don't know if he, you know, can- can come back and, you know, it's just very unfortunate. But, I mean, we also gave up a 10-point lead in the fourth quarter. So it's not like the defense is killing it or doing anything any anyway. So it's just, yeah. I think Wake Forest kind of was just such a disappointing game of one. We literally on the stat sheet won and were favored and at home to a better team, and- or we were a better team to a worse team. And now we can't say that because we lost.
Griffin Cunningham 2:42
Yeah, definitely touching on the concussion thing- dangerous territory with the concussions. I don't- I'm not a neurologist. I don't know a whole lot about concussions, but I know everyone says that they're really bad. So I would assume that even if he's cleared, he probably has the choice to decide whether or not he wants to play.
Stone Boylan 5:35
Griffin Cunningham 5:35
And if the team isn't really doing well, then I don't really see the point
Stone Boylan 5:39
Griffin Cunningham 5:40
Which is, I was surprised that he was even playing at all, and I know you were too. You're like, "I didn't even realize he was-"
Stone Boylan 5:46
I didn't know he's gonna be back. I thought he'd be back maybe halfway. I mean, I guess we are close to halfway, but I thought he'd be back maybe a little farther, not this quickly. I don't-
Griffin Cunningham 5:54
Yeah, yeah. It was kind of under the radar for some reason. But-
Stone Boylan 5:58
Griffin Cunningham 5:59
-obviously it didn't even matter.
Stone Boylan 5:59
So, yeah, it didn't, but Doeran, like, never answered the for when it happened, he refused to answer. And then when even leading up to the game, I never really heard anything. And then just, hey, he's the starter. I'm like, Okay, it's kind of there, but yeah, I mean, just looking at the team as a whole, like, I mean the guy replacing him, CJ Bailey, obviously, true freshman. First true freshman to start since Philip Rivers. He's not Philip Rivers, obviously, but, I mean, I like him better. I liked him better than MJ Morris, that's for sure. Yeah, he's better than Philip Rivers.
Griffin Cunningham 6:29
He's taller.
Stone Boylan 6:30
He is, he is, that's what Bryce Young needs, for sure. As a Panthers fan, depressing Carolina sports just sucks, like everything about Carolina.
Griffin Cunningham 6:39
Bryce came in and that blowout and had a good.
Stone Boylan 6:42
Yeah, he did. He did. That's why I don't want them to drag- not to get NFL, but that's why I wanted to just chill, don't freak out and get someone just build an actual team, because the team right now is not
Griffin Cunningham 6:52
Stone Boylan 6:53
Griffin Cunningham 6:54
Stone Boylan 6:55
Back to state. I mean, he's, I've he I liked him better than than MJ, if I'm comparing the two the two backups from the past years.
Griffin Cunningham 7:03
Stone Boylan 7:03
But he's still raw, like he doesn't read progressions. He is bad under pressure. He is inconsistent, but he's not been bad. I think Grayson's a better throw the football, but Bailey brings, you know, a good rushing aspect and all that. But, you know, I think with him at quarterback, there's a ceiling to your team, and it doesn't help when the defense is also not helping them out, like it was last year. But I mean, even, could you even? I just want to ask you a question. Can you tell me who you think their best player this year has even been like, who's been their best player?
Griffin Cunningham 7:37
What side of the-
Stone Boylan 7:38
Griffin Cunningham 7:41
Uh, I don't know
Stone Boylan 7:44
This year, because you could say Casey, but Casey,
Griffin Cunningham 7:46
I don't think it is
Stone Boylan 7:46
Yeah, he has, not necessarily, because I don't think he's gotten the ball a ton. I think he also was a little hobbled after the first games where he had three touchdowns, and he's kind of been injured and defensively. I mean, you could say it's Davin Vann, but he hasn't been the NFL jump to NFL prospect player that we thought,
Griffin Cunningham 8:03
I would say maybe Kendrick Raphael has been the most efficient player,
Stone Boylan 8:08
Yeah, and that's a backup running back,
Griffin Cunningham 8:10
Stone Boylan 8:11
You know, like, It's
Griffin Cunningham 8:11
Stone Boylan 8:12
It's been, I'd say Justin Joly, but he's like a solid to good tight end in college. I mean, Caden Fordham's had a lot of tackles, but he's not Peyton Wilson at all, not even close.
Griffin Cunningham 8:25
Stone Boylan 8:25
So it's, it's, they're just collectively mid that's what we've been I mean, look, we are literally a I mean, just look, I looked at it before and I couldn't believe it, because going into the year, we were a preseason ranked team. Now we are out of the what, 17 teams that are ACC football. We are a bottom four ACC team right now, Florida State, UNC and Stanford. I think we beat everyone else. I really don't think we do. And I mean every single one, because you can make an argument for all of them based on how they've played their record, all that stuff. I think analytics wise, they say that we're better than Cal, but I'm not picking us to be Cal, after they just almost beat Miami at home.
Griffin Cunningham 8:25
So it's an interesting point. I think all those other teams besides the four you named, have had like, these moments this season.
Stone Boylan 9:04
Griffin Cunningham 9:15
Where you're like, okay, they could win some games for sure.
Stone Boylan 9:17
Literally, like, you know, um, bought Boston College with Bill O'Brien has showed some stuff. And they're kind of around us. And, you know, like I just mentioned, Cal and there are other teams like Wake Forest, I can't say them, because they just, they just beat us. Wake I mean, Virginia Tech lost some games they shouldn't have, but they also almost beat Miami. Should have beat Miami as well. We talked about that game earlier. If you didn't watch that, they made a questionable call, and they flipped it, which made that even questionable. And
Griffin Cunningham 9:47
Stone Boylan 9:48
Very bad.
Griffin Cunningham 9:49
Stone Boylan 9:49
All these teams have had, we haven't had anything. We've been rocked by two teams that have been considerably two orange teams that have been considerably better than us. I mean, it might be a third next week. And Syracuse, well, I don't think we're gonna get rocked at all. I wouldn't pick us. I'd be, I don't know. I'd be weary picking us to win that game, even if it's at home, just I haven't seen anything, and we've barely won against every other team. And every other team we played has been not a power five school like Louisiana Tech and what was it Western Carolina to open up. We were losing at half on both of those games, and then NIU, and we know we win, because I think we're, you know, Power Five team with Power Five players. But
it's just so powerful. They're four. Yeah, I get
Griffin Cunningham 10:36
Stone Boylan 10:36
I always Yeah, you're right. Power four. Now maybe when the PAC-12 gets all the people they're trying to get from the Mountain West. Maybe they'll be so,
Griffin Cunningham 10:43
Stone Boylan 10:44
but that's-
Griffin Cunningham 10:44
A whole nother story.
Stone Boylan 10:45
But it's just so, so disappointing for a team that was literally ranked in the preseason and who before the year, was like, Okay, this schedule is easy. Like, it's not that, but we have two games that we identified, like, hey, Clemson, Tennessee, there's gonna be hard. And we thought it'd be Carolina. Carolina Carolina had their quarterback injured. Or, I kind of thought you didn't really believe in Carolina, which was, I think more right now. But to be fair, their quarterback did get injured, but, I mean, they got blown up by JMU, so at home. So I don't think they're much but Duke's much better than we thought a lot of other teams are. But I just think we are just, it's just really disappointing, and I think some of that might come into you had mentioned fatigue and all that in terms of, you know, fans fatigue with the organization.
Griffin Cunningham 11:28
Stone Boylan 11:28
But I, I saw this. You can also bring it up. I saw at least on Instagram comments and on X or Twitter or whatever, way more like Dave Doeren needs to be gone, conversations than I saw at all before, because a lot of it was just the OC or the DC, more so the OC now I just, I've seen Doeren stuff more than anything.
Griffin Cunningham 11:48
Yeah, I think so. There are a couple of things that you said that I thought were good points before we I mean, this is kind of going back a little bit, but the McCall hit with the helmet.
Stone Boylan 11:59
Griffin Cunningham 12:00
That wasn't dirty. I don't think Wake Forest that was more on him.
Stone Boylan 12:04
Yeah, he didn't protect himself at all.
Griffin Cunningham 12:06
You should leave. No better as the quarterback to not do that. I don't have anything else to say about that. And then, yes, with the calling for Doeren to be fired, this is not anything that I'm surprised about. It happens every year with every team every level of sport. Do I agree with it? Is the question I right now I would say no, and the reason is, and I mentioned this before we started the episode here, rebuilding is just not the same at the college level right now as it is in the professional sports world or the NFL, just because of the transfer portal, the coach. I mean, obviously this year, Dave Doeren was able to put together a team where everyone collectively came to agree and say, preseason, this is a top 25 team because they had recruited players from the transfer portal now the players that they had brought together, obviously, it's not clicking. I think you ditch the coordinators first. If the offense has looked like shit the past two years.
Stone Boylan 13:20
Yeah, Robert Anae.
Griffin Cunningham 13:22
I would that'd be the first one to go. I would say I would not bring in another graduate quarterback. But then at the same time, it's like, the priority should probably be, like you said, developing CJ Bailey. He's a raw talent .
Stone Boylan 13:38
Or another quarterback. You know, if we bring in a five star, four star or something.
Griffin Cunningham 13:41
I would not do that. But then-
Stone Boylan 13:44
I think you need to. You can't just have, all right, this is our one guy, because
Griffin Cunningham 13:47
You got to develop the quarterback.
Stone Boylan 13:49
But no, they do, but you can't just be like, All right, we're sticking with CJ, and we're not having any insurance. In any case at all,
Griffin Cunningham 13:56
You bringing a backup
Stone Boylan 13:57
Who can contend for starting? Because I don't-, CJ should be, hey, if he's played well enough to be like he's 100% our guy next year, then sure. But at least up to this point, that hasn't happened. And I think we do have a actually high recruit that is potentially coming in. But I would say to echo your point about seeking out a top five transfer quarterback is something that we probably don't need to do. I would still,
Griffin Cunningham 14:22
Stone Boylan 14:23
Look for people to contend with CJ, but not like, oh my gosh, he was formally, really good at this school, and now he's in the transfer portal, like that is basically what you mean. And I agree with
Griffin Cunningham 14:34
Stone Boylan 14:35
I don't think they need to do that.
Griffin Cunningham 14:36
I certainly don't want to see a one and done situation either.
Stone Boylan 14:39
Yeah, yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 14:40
But I think, yeah, more resources probably need to be invested into developing players. I think that's a formula for success. I think Clemson is a good example of sticking to what you know.
Stone Boylan 14:51
They had no transfers.
Griffin Cunningham 14:53
And then now they're, they're back where they were two years ago.
Stone Boylan 14:57
-ish, yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 14:58
-ish, which I mean it takes time, but you you believe in your program, and you stick to your guns, and I think it needs to be a healthy balance. And I think this past year, it was just a lot of transfer guys. And even like it makes me think of the men's basketball team. It's a little bit of a longer season for basketball. They had more games to get it together. But even that, it was like, this is a terrible team, and it finally came together at the end,
Stone Boylan 15:26
One of the most insane, I mean,
Griffin Cunningham 15:28
But it's risky.
Stone Boylan 15:29
I think people realize how bad, like, how mid that-
Griffin Cunningham 15:33
Stone Boylan 15:34
Griffin Cunningham 15:34
They were bad.
Stone Boylan 15:35
Mid bad, that they were the mid of bad. Like, they weren't bad, bad, but they were not good.
Griffin Cunningham 15:39
I know you're saying.
Stone Boylan 15:40
But you know what? I mean? Like
Griffin Cunningham 15:41
Stone Boylan 15:41
The upper tier of bad, but still bad, like they and then they just do that, and it's like, oh my gosh. And I get your point with football. Like, I mean, last year we had an episode. I vividly remember it. It was the Duke game. After the Duke game, we lost 34-3, and they went on this big run, beat Miami, beat UNC, beat all these other teams and made a bowl game. And, you know, relatively good bowl game, and obviously, we didn't win. I think majority was because, you know, Payton Wilson, who was the core of our defense, obviously, was getting ready for the NFL, which, shout out to him. He had a he's might be starting for the Steelers now, because they have some injuries and stuff. But, yeah, so with football, clearly, I think the past. Times I've just watched NC State football, followed it for years, I feel like they just take a little longer, it seems like, to get it together, and then they get it together at the end. So I don't, I think people obviously overreact and stuff, but I do think in totality, it is a little like, hey, we, like you said, when you change something up, and it's just, I think you had mentioned fatigue of he's been here so long, and the anticipation of the season like this is the year even, not even related to football, but all the other sports that we had in the spring that did so well, and then you're like, Okay, football finishes it off. Their preseason ranked, their schedule's easy. The team has all these transfers, and then it just doesn't go together. So maybe it does later in the year, and we at least be a like good, just like a solid ACC team, which in the grand Pantheon is, you know, nothing compared to Big 10 rate, you know, ACC, but just for our sake, like getting a good bowl game, winning something like that, you know, like that doesn't even seem like what we're on at this point. I think we will, because our schedule, you know, allows us to, but it, I think that it's just the high expectations really lowered it, and that's why they're really upset. But I agree. I don't think that that should be a decision and and if they do finish the year not great, then, like you said, they should change the philosophy of where the team is at this point and maybe do a half reset in terms of, all right, let's get younger guys in here. Let's develop these guys. Like, you know, we can bring in transfers to fill holes for current stuff that are important. Like, let's say three offensive linemen leave, you know, I odds that you're gonna get three offensive linemen out of, you know, recruiting that are gonna start and be good immediately is not high, but maybe getting one or two that can fill a hole, for starters, and develop young guys, you know, you could, you could do that. That'd be good or defense, but, you know, as a whole, you know.
Griffin Cunningham 18:11
Stone Boylan 18:11
Needs to change something.
Griffin Cunningham 18:12
You said something. I mean, this is sort of related to what we were talking about, but it just, kind of, I just thought of this, and this is a bold prediction that I have on the fly right now. I think KC is going to transfer to an SEC school. Now that we're talking about that, just because, I mean, that tends to, that has happened. And I think Jimmy Gibbs,
Stone Boylan 18:36
I've never thought of that, but I feel like you're totally right.
Griffin Cunningham 18:39
I think-
Stone Boylan 18:39
You're totally right.
Griffin Cunningham 18:40
That's he's what-
Stone Boylan 18:42
Oh man.
Griffin Cunningham 18:42
Thinking of like, how they do with the transfer portal, right? And how they're able to make it work because they bring in such high level athletes. And I think the issue with NC State is, even though they're high rank transfers, they're not as good of athletes as-
Stone Boylan 18:58
Jordan Waters is a perfect example. I think.
Griffin Cunningham 19:00
Stone Boylan 19:00
He's a solid transfer, but he's not some sort of high level.
Griffin Cunningham 19:03
He's not an NFL athlete.
Stone Boylan 19:05
Griffin Cunningham 19:06
KC could be.
Stone Boylan 19:07
Griffin Cunningham 19:07
Is? So
Stone Boylan 19:08
I think he is.
Griffin Cunningham 19:09
I think there's a very good chance that we see him go to,
Stone Boylan 19:13
Griffin Cunningham 19:14
An SEC or a Big 10 school next year to elevate his draft.
Stone Boylan 19:20
I didn't even think of that, but I think it the- the Gibbs example is perfect. If you don't know, Jahmyr Gibbs on the Lions, first round pick, very good running-back. He was at Georgia Tech and then, last year, transferred to Georgia, and so-
Griffin Cunningham 19:33
He was at Alabama-
Stone Boylan 19:34
-or Bama, not Georgia. Yeah, Bama, sorry. And obviously a few other players have done that, in , you know, history. But yeah, just for the heaven of us. That would suck, but it would, it would totally happen now, because they'd be like, "look, this is what he did as a freshman," now they're not using him correctly, or he's, you know, this or that at the quarterback. And so I could totally see it with that being his last year, because he would probably go after that, maybe if he wants to stay another year.
To get his draft stock even higher if he has an injured year, sure, but you know, yeah, I totally didn't think about that, that that could be it. Especially if they don't get it together. I think if they get it together, get him the ball and make him feel like he can reach a ceiling here, then he could stay, or if he just really enjoys the environment and the people and the coaching. But yeah, if it's- if it just treads like this, I- I, if I'm him, I don't know why I wouldn't think about my future and go somewhere that's better-
Griffin Cunningham 20:27
Stone Boylan 20:27
-like an SCC or Big 10 school, one of those two- it- you know, that's had some sort of success at all.
Griffin Cunningham 20:33
And you also think of like usage, rate of usage, and how NFL scouts want to see guys that are really good, but also preserving their bodies... like you as an NFL Scout, I mean, you're more likely to pick a three-year player than a five-year player because they have more left in the tank, most likely. And I feel like NC State is more likely to use him up than if he went to another School and was like, second fiddle or the slot guy to, I don't know, whoever that Alabama receiver is that 17 year old.
Stone Boylan 21:07
Griffin Cunningham 21:08
-stuff like that. I just it's gonna happen, one way- and it does happen, and Jhamyr Gibbs is the only example I can think of off the top of my head. But I know that-
Stone Boylan 21:17
It's recent, yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 21:18
-it has happened with other players as well. And it's like, I don't- it's a point of controversy with like, fans, it's like, "well, we had him first," and then he gets drafted. And it's like, I mean, even
Stone Boylan 21:29
Russell Wilson (Cunningham and Boylan say together) the perfect...
Griffin Cunningham 21:31
-uh so that-
Stone Boylan 21:33
And, I mean, you know, they still- his- you walk up in tally on the third floor, his quote is literally on the wall, so clearly.
Griffin Cunningham 21:39
Yeah, it's uh, it's brutal. It's not fun for sports fans. I mean that, that's the that's a double edged sword, kind of, with the transfer portal, I think so- I think it's, it's hurting fans and coaches.
Stone Boylan 21:53
Yeah, we- I have opinions on all that crazy stuff, but we do that another time. But, yeah, that's, that's our disappointing football team. So.
Griffin Cunningham 22:00
Yeah, no, I think that that was a pretty productive conversation we just had. Well, we'll just, who are they playing next? You said,
Stone Boylan 22:09
Syracuse. I'll be, I'll be going to that game with my girlfriend. They're playing Syracuse, obviously, former Ohio State quarterback Kyle McCord is there, and they are- we are at home, and they are four and a half point favorites. It's an 8pm game, so late night game. Chance we win that is maybe 33% I'd say, off the top my head, 40. So if you want to take NC State plus four and a half be my guest. But you know, don't kill me if they don't hit it, because I wouldn't be surprised if they don't, and then after that, it's at Cal, who statistically, we are better than. But with it being on the road at Cal and seeing other teams that have had to go there because of the travel and maybe them just being at home, I would, you know, not be surprised if maybe that's a tough game or something like that, because we literally haven't won an ACC game yet. I know it's only been two, but the other games haven't really given me hope that we're gonna do a ton. So they're gonna have to prove that they can do something, and it's got to be in one of these first two games, because if not, it could just go on a trend of downwards versus, you know, all these other teams, even though they're not great, because it's Stanford, Georgia Tech, Carolina and then Duke is better than we thought at five and Oh, but they're a slightly or not five and a five and one, but they're like, a fraudulent kind of five and one, but they're still better than us at this moment. So, we'll see if they can do what they did last year, and at some point be like, "okay, we turn stuff around," and it better be within the next two weeks.
Griffin Cunningham 23:38
You said, "girlfriend," you're going to the game with your girlfriend this weekend? That's news to me who's who's your girlfriend? Like, when did that happen?
Stone Boylan 23:46
Uh, recent, relatively recently, like, a month or so.
Griffin Cunningham 23:50
A month?
Stone Boylan 23:51
Griffin Cunningham 23:51
That's why I haven't heard a lot from lately-
Stone Boylan 23:53
Sorry, my bad.
Griffin Cunningham 23:53
No, it's all good.
Stone Boylan 23:53
(Stone laughs), Yeah that's probably why I haven't texted you. Yeah? But yeah, she's got her own hair place too. It's Hair by Haley. You can look up, she does extensions. If there's any females watching? Is it listening? Probably not, but extensions and dying and stuff like that.
Griffin Cunningham 24:11
Is this a student? Or uh-
Stone Boylan 24:13
She- No, she's not a student here, but it's in like, it's in Cary- Apex, so
Griffin Cunningham 24:19
Got it. Yeah, somebody you knew in high school?
Stone Boylan 24:23
We knew each other, but we didn't talk often.
Griffin Cunningham 24:24
Gotcha. Yeah, cool, interesting.
Stone Boylan 24:28
She was actually at the game last week. I wasn't at the game. She was, she was my eyes and ears, and she was like, the guy just got hurt and someone above me on the stands just passed out at the same time-
Griffin Cunningham 24:38
Stone Boylan 24:39
-and they had to get a stretcher for a fan-
Griffin Cunningham 24:41
Stone Boylan 24:41
Like, right above her, she was like, "does this always happen at games? "I'm like, "no, this is not normal. Like, this does not happen all the time or whatever." Yeah, I didn't hear about that. God-
Griffin Cunningham 24:50
Yeah, I didn't hear about that. Interesting. We'll have to talk about that more off theater, okay, well, since we talked about football, we have to show some love to the other sports, and we're gonna do that quick, because we want to have a little game stuff. So, volleyball; they're two and two since our last check in. They beat Virginia Tech and Virginia but then lost to Cal and Stanford. Kind of-
Stone Boylan 25:16
Expected, yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 25:17
-weird kind of pairing there. VT and UVA are kind of, you know, twins, and-
Stone Boylan 25:22
We own the talent, Stanford. State, Stanford are gonna get dominated by other State.
Griffin Cunningham 25:25
-uh, men's soccer, men's soccer lost to Carolina and Duke, which is not good because, you know, we're in-state rival
Stone Boylan 25:33
We should be better in the in state, yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 25:34
However- however, they tied number two ranked Stanford. So that's that's actually huge, even though it was zero-to-zero. You can look at that two ways: "man, our offense sucks," or "wow, our defense is that good."
Stone Boylan 25:49
Glass half full or half empty? Yeah, so I will go half-empty because we lost to both Carolina and Duke.
Griffin Cunningham 25:54
Yeah, but holding the number two ranked soccer team in the country to zero goals is pretty cool.
Stone Boylan 26:00
That's good.
Griffin Cunningham 26:01
Just got to get some offense going. Both of those teams, volleyball and men's soccer, play on Friday the 11th. So check them out. Women's soccer, not much to say here. They haven't won a game since September 15, so about a month ago, and they play Thursday the 10th. So I'm not really even gonna get into that right now. Maybe another time. With that being said- oh, I had one... We were talking about this before we started recording, and I wanted to ask you this on the air: so we talked about Brennan Armstrong a little bit. Do you think the 2023 football team succeeds at a higher level in 2024 than the twenty-2014 did. Did I word that well?
Speaker 1 26:16
So do you mean if the 2023 team, in its totality, was placed in 2024 including the schedule, which I think is the biggest thing, would they be better up to this point than the twenty-2023 or would they be better, maybe, in totality, than the twenty-2014?
Griffin Cunningham 27:03
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. But the competition is the twenty-2024 teams as well, not just the schedule. Yeah. So what do you think?
Stone Boylan 27:11
I think? I think, yeah, which is weird. I agree beginning was the issue, but the beginning last year was not like this. It just wasn't like we were losing 10 to 3-score games at home versus a ranked Louisville team. You know where we're right there winning in that horrible game-
Griffin Cunningham 27:34
It sucked
Stone Boylan 27:34
-sucked, dude. It was the parent- that was a family night game, everyone went there. They were all disappointed.
Griffin Cunningham 27:39
It was Bill Cowhers ring of honor and action-
Stone Boylan 27:42
Yep, yep.
Griffin Cunningham 27:42
-like Coach Cowhers, you're watching this crap, like-
Stone Boylan 27:44
Griffin Cunningham 27:46
Stone Boylan 27:46
And then I went to all the other stuff with all the great teams we beat. But like, those games are happening where you're like, "Oh my God, our defense is so good. We just need to fix this or that." And then we go on a run. This one, it's like, so nothing, just barely anything, to be good at. So I, weirdly enough, I do think last team, even though I think the offense with this one would probably be better, the offensive line seems like it's playing better, the names and the faces and the players just feel, offensively, better. But it's not really working, because I think the defense last year was just a lot better, and I think we had, obviously, the best defensive player in the country, which did a ton. So, I would say 2023 would be better.
Griffin Cunningham 28:27
Something- something to think about. I also I would say that I think CJ Bailey would look better with last year's team than this year's team. Yeah, better than MJ Morris.
Stone Boylan 28:36
I do too. I never really liked MJ Morse when he was there. But I think people who I guess would know me, would be like, well, then you probably don't like CJ either. But that's not true. I do think CJ is, like, definitely better than MJ was just watching and seeing. They're just both raw, but, you know, I agree. I think CJ would be better.
Griffin Cunningham 28:53
Yeah, you can't not give a six, seven running quarterback a shot. I mean-
Stone Boylan 28:59
Especially when he hasn't looked terrible throwing. Yeah, he's been inconsistent, but he's made some good throws.
Griffin Cunningham 29:03
We give him a little bit more leniency. Yeah, some slack.
Stone Boylan 29:07
He's a freshmen as well.
Griffin Cunningham 29:07
Yeah, cool. So what we wanted to do first was a little bit of word association. Are you cool with that?
Stone Boylan 29:17
Griffin Cunningham 29:18
Okay, so I guess I'll just go through a list of words that I have, and you tell me the first thing that comes into your head.
Stone Boylan 29:24
Griffin Cunningham 29:25
And then if you have some words for me, I'll do the same thing.
Stone Boylan 29:27
I have a few, probably not as much. Okay, that's all good.
Griffin Cunningham 29:31
All right. First word: Extra
Stone Boylan 29:34
Extra. In what context?
Griffin Cunningham 29:38
Like, Oh, they're extra, too much.
Stone Boylan 29:41
Too much. Related to NC State sports?
Griffin Cunningham 29:44
It's just word association. Doesn't even have to like, what do you- I mean. Try to anything. Try to relate it to NC State.
Stone Boylan 29:50
Try to?
Griffin Cunningham 29:51
But like you say, like Patrick, then that wouldn't make any sense. You know what I mean?
Stone Boylan 29:57
OG reference for people,
Griffin Cunningham 29:58
Stone Boylan 29:58
Listening. Patrick.
Griffin Cunningham 30:00
Try to keep it on-
Stone Boylan 30:01
I think fans, NC State, fans cool, which is not a disrespect to them, but sometimes I just don't like them, which I think people could say that for a lot, but I'm me particularly, who likes more streamlined, realistic takes and stuff. Sometimes the fans are just like, dude, like, come on. Like, what are you doing? Like, let's get real. Especially, la- the biggest thing for me was last year with MJ having him posting him as, like, our savior, and he's going to the moon. MJ, to the moon, and posting, I just like, Dude, watch the game. Man, come on. But that's the first thing probably that comes to my mind.
Griffin Cunningham 30:38
I like that answer. DJ.
Stone Boylan 30:41
Burns. Come on, it's got to be, but Horne. I love.
Griffin Cunningham 30:43
I was gonna say.
Stone Boylan 30:44
It's but I, I mean, there's no way. It's gotta be Burns, which, funny enough, throughout the season, the regular season, because I remember you had made a point too, which it wasn't wrong, but it did not look amazing after the fact of, like, Burns and like how good he really is, but consist- consistently, like he Horne was during the majority of the season, like you would say, probably the better player. Burns was just more well known because of his stature and personality. But then come tournament time. I mean, when they won a game, it was because Burns was, was doing some crazy buckets.
Griffin Cunningham 31:19
There was there was, I think the game against Oakland was more Horne.
Stone Boylan 31:26
Griffin Cunningham 31:27
So, I mean, like, yeah, not to get into that too much, but I think the point that I had made last year was that they're not gonna win with burns being the focal point of the offense, which was like, half right and half wrong.
Stone Boylan 31:40
Well, I know you also question is, like efficiency.
Griffin Cunningham 31:42
Wasn't defensive efficient, he's not like a defender.
Stone Boylan 31:45
Exactly, which wasn't the case. But at the end of the day, I think a lot of other people just ended up stepping up. And then he also exploded a little bit more in terms of making all these crazy turnaround shots and all that jazz or whatever. But he's the biggest personality, so I love Horne, and Horne, actually, I think, not saying it, but when I met Horne, he was much nicer, and literally, I saw him do a bunch of stuff, signing a ton of stuff, and really caring about the fans, not the same DJ, doesn't I just think sometimes, you know, DJ was partying, everything is like, Alright, I'm ready to go. Like, let's, let's get it here, because so many people want to you, did-
Griffin Cunningham 32:17
we're saying Burns?
Stone Boylan 32:18
Sorry, Burns, yeah, Burns. But yeah, my brain forgot. But Horne did kind of, you know, I feel like a lot of times he would stay and sign a bunch of stuff and then really care and all that, but both of them are awesome. I'll go Burnes though.
Griffin Cunningham 32:31
Yeah, I like that you said that. I think some of Horne's personality flew under the radar because of Burns, but Horne is a Raleigh native, so yeah.
Stone Boylan 32:40
I know people that I worked with that literally played basketball with him when they were, like, in middle school and high school.
Griffin Cunningham 32:44
Yeah, cool, loser.
Stone Boylan 32:48
Loser? Us.
Griffin Cunningham 32:51
You and me? Okay.
Stone Boylan 32:57
Loser, I gotta say it maybe because it's only on my mind, but probably football football fans, because I think fans are-
Griffin Cunningham 33:07
Taking some heat.
Stone Boylan 33:08
Well, not they are losers, but the football program right now is losers, and it's affecting the football fans, because we go from one of the best seasons in terms of collective sports in the spring that we ever had with basketball, both men and women, baseball, cross country, wrestling, volleyball, didn't, you know, win a ton at the end, but they had a big win, one of the biggest wins they've ever had in the regular season in you know, all of that. And then it leads up to okay football, here's all the expectations, like, here's everything, and then they are just currently falling flat. And even if they get better, they're not going to make up for, you know, the losses that they have sustained and all that. So I would say football program at this at this moment, is the first thing I think of
Griffin Cunningham 34:04
Next word: Winner.
Stone Boylan 34:07
Man, I would say Kevin Keats is the first thing, both obviously with the team, but also himself, because going into the year, which, per- him, personally, is such a he's a great dude. Just to on the podium talking with after, even if it's really I've never had a full conversation, but just quick bursts of stuff, like in UF 2, I think we both can echo. He's a great dude. But obviously them going on that in I don't think people understand. They I will always make it, you know, when something happens and you're there, you're always going to make it a bigger deal, maybe that when it really is. I think it would be hard for me to do that if I tell how good this team was 10-15, five years from now, because they were just not expected at all. The run was historic, and he saved his job. He basically saved his job, because if they didn't win, I think two ACC tournament games, he would have been gone. So the one would they should have won, but if they lost after that, he would have been out. So I think he's a winner in terms of him saving his job, doing making it all the way to the Final Four, and getting a lot of extra money, because he got a lot of extra pay and just incentive based extension, literally. So he got an extension based on him winning, and then another one based on them wanting to keep him there. So I'd say Keats is the first one I think of.
Griffin Cunningham 35:37
I like that answer. I like I think he's been here long enough to the point where he's kind of created a culture,
Stone Boylan 35:43
Griffin Cunningham 35:43
And let the players be themselves, especially like Burns and I like the rings they got for winning the ACC championships. They had the he does the thing. They get ice cream celebrations for every win,
Stone Boylan 35:55
(Laughs) Yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 35:55
or something like that. And they have,
Stone Boylan 35:56
Howling Cow.
Griffin Cunningham 35:57
Yeah, what the colors of each team that they beat as an ice cream,
Stone Boylan 36:00
Yeah, that was sick.
Griffin Cunningham 36:01
On the ring. That's a cool design. I wish I had like a shirt with the ACC championship, with each ice cream with a different color of the team,
Stone Boylan 36:09
That would be good one to make.
Griffin Cunningham 36:11
I think. Yeah, I already do that at the NC State's the bookstore should and sell it.
Stone Boylan 36:18
Yeah, I would.
Griffin Cunningham 36:18
For sure. All right. Next word. Last word was winner. This word is: Whiner.
Stone Boylan 36:24
Griffin Cunningham 36:25
Stone Boylan 36:26
to say the fans.
Griffin Cunningham 36:30
I think the fan, that's like, way more applicable here than it was with some of the other answers.
Stone Boylan 36:37
I mean, I it's got to be right. I mean, if I can't really, there's not really any players I associate that with or anything, you know, like, obviously, some people are gonna say something this or that after games if they have issues and stuff. But I never really looked at a pro game press conference and thought that dude's a whiner. Women's Basketball, men's, you know, volleyball, I never felt any of that. So, you know, I- I'd say, I want to say, no one, but the only one that's applicable is the fans. But it's only the fans that don't fully understand, like, the aspects of certain games. And they just, like, they see not winning. So I boo, and it's kind of like, like, you really understand what what's going on.
Griffin Cunningham 37:22
Sorry, I assume you're talking about football fans?
Stone Boylan 37:24
Partly, mostly, just because it's the biggest one. But you know, with other sports, I feel like there are people that are invested, but it's almost slightly more respectful. Like soccer, I don't see many people booing at soccer games. Basketball, they do boo the ref if there's a call or if we're getting blown out rarely, but rarely do I see in person physical like dismay more than football, even if it's just two drives going and they don't score or something like that. Like, I feel like maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like football. I know I go to more football, but I've been to everything, and football's the one I feel like has the most stuff like that.
Griffin Cunningham 38:09
Next word: Wiener.
Stone Boylan 38:10
Griffin Cunningham 38:14
I don't know I was like coming up with words winner, whiner, wiener,
Stone Boylan 38:17
I don't know,
Griffin Cunningham 38:24
Sorry, Patrick, I didn't that was a stray. I didn't mean for that to happen. Okay: Big
Stone Boylan 38:31
DJ Burns, come on.
Griffin Cunningham 38:33
Stone Boylan 38:34
Little? for NC State. I'm trying to think of whether it be a player or something. Little... Russell Wilson. He's not very big. He was a former wolf pack.
Griffin Cunningham 39:00
Stone Boylan 39:01
No, no, no. Loser is Russell Wilson, okay, not Patrick.
Griffin Cunningham 39:05
You didn't say Patrick was a loser. He said he was a winner.
Stone Boylan 39:08
Wiener. No. Wiener is Russell Wilson.
Griffin Cunningham 39:11
Stone Boylan 39:12
Because he's a he's like a whiny wiener.
Griffin Cunningham 39:13
Stone Boylan 39:14
But he's also a winner. He's a whiny winner, but he's a wiener because he's a loser now.
Griffin Cunningham 39:19
So he's a loser, a wiener and a whiner?
Stone Boylan 39:21
He is wiener equals loser, winner and whiner is what I'm gonna just pretend that you meant there, and that fits in perfectly, because he's been a winner, he's been a loser, which he is now, and he's been a whiner. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna go that Russell Wilson
Griffin Cunningham 39:36
And he's little?
Stone Boylan 39:37
Griffin Cunningham 39:39
Stone Boylan 39:39
Is that wrong?
Griffin Cunningham 39:42
If I was I was thinking maybe, like, Spud Webb,
Stone Boylan 39:47
Oh, I was thinking more like NC State related.
Griffin Cunningham 39:49
He went to NC State.
Stone Boylan 39:50
Oh, I forgot.
Griffin Cunningham 39:51
Yeah, but again, like, you don't have, it doesn't have to be
Stone Boylan 39:54
Totally forgot him.
Griffin Cunningham 39:55
Like, only as he's like, you like, think outside the box. Man, okay.
Stone Boylan 39:59
This is an NC State podcast.
Griffin Cunningham 40:01
No, I know. I'm just saying, like, you know, don't you don't have to, like, lock yourself in here to just the fans and Russell Wilson, like, okay: Baller.
Stone Boylan 40:11
Baller? Dude, back when Dennis Smith Jr was here, he was literally the talk of the town. Like, everywhere was a straight baller. I thought he'd be pretty good, but, you know, he didn't. He didn't do much in the NBA, but he was, he was definitely a baller.
Griffin Cunningham 40:28
Lottery pick.
Stone Boylan 40:29
Griffin Cunningham 40:30
uh, injury.
Stone Boylan 40:31
Injury? I mean, first one that comes to mind is obviously Grayson, just because of the recent stuff with him being injured multiple times, that's probably the biggest thing. But I could also go to Payton Wilson, because he had a ton of injuries before, and luckily was able to kind of break out after that. So this is probably the first two that come to mind.
Griffin Cunningham 40:57
Stone Boylan 41:02
Man. Loud. DK Kaufman, no one's probably gonna think that or know that, but he, he was, he's a safety of ours who we got as a transfer, and he's had a few games where he's had picks or score or whatever. And when I was, I think, can't remember what game I was at, I think it was Louisiana Tech game. He got like a pick six or a fumble return for a touchdown, and he was on the post game podium, and he was just lit up, like he was basically yelling, answering every question, like it was super he was super hype and everything. So not like anything bad against him, but uh DK Kaufman was a safety that we had that's on the team, and he he was pretty lit and loud.
Griffin Cunningham 41:45
Good answer. Proud.
Stone Boylan 41:47
Proud? NC State collective fans last year.
Griffin Cunningham 41:54
Not this year?
Stone Boylan 41:55
No last year, because there's nothing to be proud about. What's there to be proud about. Last year, we were the biggest national darling ever. It in total for anything, and it was so weird as- and I'm someone who hasn't been an NC State fan their whole life. I have not been. It's been more recent stuff, but I feel so spoiled last year, like it was looking at it in totality, was just like, Oh my gosh. And I was definitely very proud. And I know a lot of other fans were proud of the two basketball teams, but obviously more so the men's just because they had all this doubt, you know, surrounding him.
Griffin Cunningham 42:30
Yeah. Quick.
Stone Boylan 42:32
Quick? KC. He's just so fast last year, I loved watching his highlights. It was just so good, and then he only really got chances the first game or two of the season, obviously, recently, I think he's been, I think he's been banged up because he was injured at one point, and they say there's nothing there, but there's something there, and they're not giving them the ball as much. But he just reminds me so much of like Tank Dell and and those guys who are very fast in the NFL. And I loved watching his highlights and everything so probably him.
Griffin Cunningham 43:01
Cool, only a few more. Rapid fire: Metal
Stone Boylan 43:06
Metal? cross country
Griffin Cunningham 43:11
Stone Boylan 43:12
Lenovo? My dad's friend, because he I can't think of one. Obviously. The the state, the you know, call is, you know, P former, PNC, yeah. That was too obvious. That was too obvious. So we gotta think of something.
Griffin Cunningham 43:28
I like that answer, my dad's friend. Rivalry.
Stone Boylan 43:32
Griffin Cunningham 43:33
Stone Boylan 43:33
Oh, Carolina.
Griffin Cunningham 43:34
And homecoming.
Stone Boylan 43:35
Homecoming. W. Cool, W. homecoming.
Griffin Cunningham 43:39
Do you have any for me? Or did you want to move on to the next segment?
Stone Boylan 43:43
I got three.
Griffin Cunningham 43:45
Stone Boylan 43:48
Let's see. Let's do these. Yeah, these three, the first Pack Pro you think of.
Griffin Cunningham 43:56
I was gonna say Dennis Smith-
Stone Boylan 43:57
Right now. Pack Pro, first thing off top your head.
Griffin Cunningham 44:01
Payton Wilson.
Stone Boylan 44:01
Okay, it doesn't know. I mean, they don't have to have played right now. They just, and the first one that comes to mind is it Payton Wilson?
Griffin Cunningham 44:03
Well, it was Dennis Smith Jr, but it is because you said Dennis Smith, okay. I mean, that's fine. But then my mind went to Peyton Wilson, and then Russell Wilson,
Stone Boylan 44:15
Yeah, those would be the ones I would think. I think if we did this few years ago, it'd be Philip Rivers. And if we did this long, long, long, long time ago, it would be David Thompson or something like that. Yeah, but yeah, I would say that's that's probably one as well. I think one underrated one that I only think of because I went to one of his camps one time, is Tory Holt. Probably low key, if you really go to NFL players, probably the most accomplished NFL player from NC State, Super Bowl, champion and all that. But you know, that's, that's one that you can get. Or if you're a terrible Panthers fan, you could think you- Ikem Ekwonu Just a recent you know,
Their line isn't that bad.
No, not, they're not a bottom four or five team, I don't think, but they're probably six.
Griffin Cunningham 45:04
I would like to see Jonathan Brooks run behind that line.
Stone Boylan 45:08
Griffin Cunningham 45:08
Stone Boylan 45:09
It's a good line.
Griffin Cunningham 45:10
All right. Next word,
Stone Boylan 45:12
Next one, some I guess, is kind of similar, but I would say just most hype, yeah, whether it be a moment a player, an event.
Griffin Cunningham 45:25
Probably when-
Stone Boylan 45:26
All three
Griffin Cunningham 45:27
DJ Burns was telling the Duke fans to go home in the Elite Eight round in Dallas.
Stone Boylan 45:33
Yeah, that was pretty good.
Griffin Cunningham 45:34
After they were calling him fat.
Stone Boylan 45:36
Griffin Cunningham 45:36
Yeah, that's probably that.
Stone Boylan 45:38
That's a good one. I always think of just of going to the bell tower like 10 times in two weeks like that was pretty crazy. But that's even just on TV. I think the for me, the first one I thought of was the Michael- the O'Connell shot. Oh yeah, first one I think of, because
Griffin Cunningham 45:57
That's a good answer.
Stone Boylan 45:58
I was, like, literally about to go to bed and just watching the game depressed. And then Virginia chokes, and they just keep missing field- the free throws. I'm like, Dude, what? Like, no way, we actually. And then chucks it up, back, um, backboard rims in three times. I'm like, oh my, I wish I could have been there, whatever.
Griffin Cunningham 46:18
Yeah, no, that was definitely the most type I've been as a fan, yeah,
Stone Boylan 46:21
and then-
Griffin Cunningham 46:21
that's a good-
Stone Boylan 46:22
I literally just went and drove and went to, you know, because they were coming back, or I went to the bell tower or whatever, and just everyone was there. And then I also went when they came back after winning the ACC, or, I think, was either winning the ACC or making the Final Four, they, like, were coming back at 2am or whatever.
Griffin Cunningham 46:38
Stone Boylan 46:38
I think it was when they went to the Final Four, and men came first, and then I went drive down for the women, and they both bought, brought the trophies and everything. And literally, when they got off, it was like a mosh pit. When we just jumped. Burns was in the middle. Diara was there, you know, Casey Morsell, and they were all just jumping, and it was crazy. So those are definitely good ones, running basketball. And then this one is similar, most disappointing moment, player event, most disappointing.
Griffin Cunningham 46:41
Probably, when the volleyball team didn't make the tournament last year after winning like 22 games and only losing seven. Yeah, they were really disappointed.
Stone Boylan 47:18
Because they were on such a high after beating was it Pit? They'd beat Louisville.
Griffin Cunningham 47:24
They had a good enough record that they probably should have made it in, I think more not me being disappointed, but they were really disappointed.
Stone Boylan 47:32
Griffin Cunningham 47:33
so that's what I think of.
Stone Boylan 47:35
Griffin Cunningham 47:35
Yeah. I wish that. I wish that I've been going to school here for like 15 years so I could have, like, better answers, yeah.
Stone Boylan 47:43
Yeah, exactly.
Griffin Cunningham 47:43
But I've really only been going here for two and a half years. So,
Stone Boylan 47:47
I think there's probably- which people at home can play along too, of a lot of stuff, who have been fans for, like,
Griffin Cunningham 47:52
Oh yeah, yeah. I'm sure if we had someone back when rivers
Stone Boylan 47:55
through, blah, blah, blah, yeah, when Mario Williams did this or that, you know,
Griffin Cunningham 47:59
Yeah, like, it's hard to wreck your brain. And, I mean, it's supposed to be rapid fire, though, so most recent stuff usually ends up being.
Stone Boylan 48:08
Which we just talked about and everything.
Griffin Cunningham 48:10
Yes. Okay, cool. Well, thanks for participating in that. The other thing I wanted to do was, like, a little Would You Rather game.
Stone Boylan 48:19
To end off the episode?
Griffin Cunningham 48:20
Stone Boylan 48:20
all right, let's do it.
Griffin Cunningham 48:22
Okay. Stone, would you rather win an AC? This is for NC State, obviously not you personally. Would you rather win an ACC championship in football or basketball?
Stone Boylan 48:34
Football, because basketball we have done recently and but it was great, but nothing is going to top it, just nothing like the moments that happened. What seed we were going into it? And I feel like, you know, obviously, with it already happening, I prefer to see something that hasn't happened. But even in recent stuff, it's weirdly enough, more possible for basketball to happen than football, because you everyone's in it, and everyone gets a chance. And you know, you can, you know, go there, whereas football, you gotta have a whole resume to even make it. But definitely football, because if we win, or at least make the ACC that's a chance that we make the college football playoff, which gives us chances for more games.
Griffin Cunningham 49:16
Okay, have one of our players win the Heisman but lose our bowl game or win the bowl game, but have no individual accolades.
Stone Boylan 49:26
Basically last year. I mean, when the Heisman, but best defensive player.
Griffin Cunningham 49:32
Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking.
Stone Boylan 49:33
What bowl game? It really depends.
Griffin Cunningham 49:36
That's a good question. Is
Stone Boylan 49:37
it in the coach football playoff? Is it a
Griffin Cunningham 49:39
Well, I would say if, if it was Heisman level, like, uh, candidate player, whatever, then, yeah, it would probably be like a, like a college football playoff game. I was thinking. So, would you rather win? How about we up the ante here? I'd say the national championship game. Or have,
Stone Boylan 50:01
or you could even just say the Final Four, because they would win it certain kind of substantial bowl game to even get into that, whether it be the Fiesta Bowl or something like that. Um, I think the team oriented one, because I feel like I would just walk away feeling better, and other fans would, just says a collective thing, even if we didn't have someone like that, like, to even make it worse, you could just say we don't have anyone that we can really stamp to as, like, Yeah, this is our guy, or whatever. Or you could even say you make it, but there's a lot of off the field issues or something, a hypothetical, not saying that would happen, but Rashi rice plus Deshaun Watson plus, yeah, like that kind of stuff. Lik
Griffin Cunningham 50:40
Josh Gordon's.
Stone Boylan 50:41
Yeah, like, amp it up all the way to that. Our team is filled with that, but we do it. I think I would still pick the team one, just because I feel like we'd be able to take more away from it, and it could help our program in the future.
Griffin Cunningham 50:52
Okay, would you- this is, I feel like this is a good one. Would you rather have NC State beat UNC in every sport for a year, but miss all the postseasons for all those sports, or make every postseason in every sport but lose to UNC every time in every sport?
Stone Boylan 51:11
for the for the for that year, or
Griffin Cunningham 51:13
For the entire year.
Stone Boylan 51:15
This is all one year span.
Griffin Cunningham 51:17
Stone Boylan 51:21
Griffin Cunningham 51:22
It seems like an obvious answer, but then you think about it, and it's like, that would suck.
Stone Boylan 51:26
Yeah. Um, the last laugh. So we do lose to them, but we win and everything else, because-
Griffin Cunningham 51:37
Stone Boylan 51:38
would just sustain more, because there's only so much. Like, I mean, if Michigan State beat Michigan in football last year, they'd be like, Hey, we got this. It's like, okay, congrats. We literally won the whole thing, you know, like, but it's not just football, it's every sport that we have. I know it's everything, but never hear the end of that. We wouldn't, but it's only for a year. And I think sometimes you I wouldn't be surprised if that's happened at some point for schools in general. Like where that happens, but then you don't remember, because you remember the year that they were amazing in this thing. So as weird as it'll sound, it'll I'll go that. And I do, you know, obviously I understand what Caroline rivalry. I personally am a Duke number one hater. That's my personal thing. So maybe I'm not the best person to to answer that, but that's that's my reasoning.
Griffin Cunningham 52:23
This one might strike a chord. Might sound familiar, undefeated basketball team that loses in the first round or barely make the tournament, go to the Final Four.
Stone Boylan 52:33
Come on, you got to do barely make the tournament, because at the end of the day, who gives a crap? If you you know you're all in, everyone's got a chance, and that's the biggest thing you're going to take away is, you know, doing, doing that, even though it might not be as sustainable, I guess, because the next year, like for basketball, it's all new people. Basically, O'Connell's still there, and, you know, a few other guys that are coming off, like Taylor and everything, but the core guys are, in terms of who contributed are, are gone. So it'll be harder if you do that to really get sustained success, whereas if you're, you know, a Purdue, they literally had that happen, and then went to the title game after because they got a big transfer and they changed the way they played. So maybe sustained success would be better to be number one, even if you lose. But it's not a guarantee that even if you do that, you're going to win it all, because Purdue didn't. So I'll go the appearance, even if we barely make it,
Griffin Cunningham 53:27
Agreed. Win the College World Series or win the national championship in women's basketball?
Stone Boylan 53:36
I mean, I guess this just depends on what you like like. I like basketball more personally, so I would pick that, but I do understand if people pick baseball, because it also it probably, I don't know what's harder, but I would assume baseball is probably harder because there's so many more programs, not more, but there's just a lot of programs. And I know obviously it's the same with the tournament, but I feel like with baseball, like, you have to go through so many subset, you know, rounds and everything to then make it like, we had a great year and we still weren't crazy close to the World Series, like we made the, you know, college world series and everything there, but in terms of actually making it to, like, the final few teams or whatever, like, we didn't get out of that, you know, so we made it, and we were still kind of far. So I can understand both. I think baseball would be harder, but I would personally enjoy watching the basketball team succeed more.
Griffin Cunningham 54:32
Yeah, that playoff format is kind of similar to, like, a hybrid of, like an NBA playoff or an MLB playoff mixed with like a single elimination type deal.
Stone Boylan 54:44
Griffin Cunningham 54:45
But yeah, I agree. Host College Game Day, but finish unranked in football or finish top 10, but never have College Game Day or any national televised games.
Stone Boylan 54:59
Griffin Cunningham 55:00
It depends on how much value you put on. Like,
Stone Boylan 55:02
Griffin Cunningham 55:03
Stone Boylan 55:04
I don't personally, so I don't care. I want the best thing because I'm going to be watching it. I don't give a crap. If other people aren't, it'd be just more fuel for the fire then, because then I could be like, Look at this team, dude. Look at what they're doing. But I do understand some just like, people just want to go to games, enjoy stuff, and fans like that College Game Day experience is pretty great, being there with all the people. McAfee, maybe you could kick the field goal to literally win. You know, your tuition paid off, or whatever, like, if you can make the field goal, which a guy did? I think at Cal he made it for the first time this season, I'm pretty sure. But I personally don't care about that stuff. I understand if you do so, I'll go with the the other one,
Griffin Cunningham 55:41
Yeah, yeah. I think that's one that I had to think about, because, like, I don't know, as as a sports editor of the yearbook, College game day, coming to town would be, like, a huge event.
Stone Boylan 55:55
Yeah it would stuff, stuff for that.
Griffin Cunningham 55:57
Finishing in the top 10 ranking doesn't necessarily guarantee anything, and it's arguably going to be less memorable, because that's not really an event, and that doesn't guarantee anything like postseason wise, either. But yeah.
Stone Boylan 56:11
What does if you're top 10?
Griffin Cunningham 56:13
It does guarantee a post season.
Stone Boylan 56:15
Because it's the winners of each conference in terms of the main ones, and then a non power four school or whatever, and then just College Football Playoff ranking. So if we're 10 in the college football playoff rankings, we would like just sneak in.
Griffin Cunningham 56:29
Stone Boylan 56:29
But I mean, even if you could say we barely, you could say maybe 12, because we wouldn't be guaranteed it would be maybe in or out if, let's say Boise State, they are the non power five winner, and they pick them to go in, but they're also number 10 in the country. They would have got it anyways. So you know that would have affected us, because they would need to pick a new one.
Griffin Cunningham 56:52
Okay, next one. Have a one and done player for this is basketball women or men, a one and done player that takes a team to the Elite Eight in that one year, or have a four year school legend like that, you know holds records, but never gets past the Sweet 16 in those four years.
Stone Boylan 57:15
This is a good one. I like how you denounced specifically Elite Eight. Because if you said Final Four, I probably would have picked Final Four. But if it's specifically Elite Eight, which is still a good accomplishment, the difference between Elite Eight and final fourth, I think, in terms of memorability, is pretty much, is pretty high, you know, I think with people with, with, you know, looking at all the Final Four stuff, that's the main thing you look at when you go back and see, I mean, I look at everything because I'm just a general sports, you know, advanced sports fan, but the general people who look at that stuff, it's like, Oh, who's in the Final Four last year. So I feel like I would prefer having some sort of attachment to some sort of player, like, long term, that you can really remember. Be like, look back, like, oh my gosh, I love this guy and everything. While I would do that with the one time thing as well. I think four years, I think people understand, in this day and age, is a long time to really be there and you still make the tournament. I know you don't make packs of Sweet 16, so maybe that will affect stuff. I would say, if we are high seeds every single year, then maybe I pick the other one, because it's disappointment. But if we're like mid seeds, and that's kind of our ceiling every year. You know, you'd like to rip one off and make it farther, but I would understand if they didn't happen. So I'll, I'll pick the second one. What did you pick?
Griffin Cunningham 58:30
I think this is the first one that we disagree on. I think I would pick the one and done player just because I'm an NBA fan, and I think the one and done player has a higher chance of-
Stone Boylan 58:30
Making the NBA?
Griffin Cunningham 58:30
Yeah, and so I'd like to see someone represent NC State in the NBA. And the four year player probably doesn't do that.
Stone Boylan 58:48
Griffin Cunningham 58:49
Stone Boylan 58:49
And if he does, it's, you know, later.
Griffin Cunningham 58:51
Yeah? Okay, upset Duke in basketball, or upset Clemson in football.
Stone Boylan 58:57
Griffin Cunningham 58:59
Those are both happened
Stone Boylan 59:00
close, yeah, Duke. I mean Clemson. Yeah, we beat him last year,
Griffin Cunningham 59:05
but we beat Duke, and basketball, twice.
Stone Boylan 59:07
I just me personally is the Duke thing, but even then, I feel like we don't have as much of a hatred or rivalry with Clemson. Maybe we will now, because they beat the crap out of us, but basketball doing it in the fashion that we did in what we did. It's they just clear that it's got to be them.
Griffin Cunningham 59:25
Yeah, it was harder for me to think of like a good football rival, because no one's really Yes, but they're not really on the same level. I think that, I mean, I could see if Clemson stays in the conference, I could see that turning into like a little mini rivalry. I think it already kind of is, we play them every year, and it's always a big deal. Yeah, so, yeah, multiple first round picks but a mediocre season. This is for football, multiple first round picks but a mediocre season, or a championship but no draft. Picks. So basically, you're choosing a title, but less representation at the next level, or a lot of representation. But
Stone Boylan 1:00:09
I'm an NFL guy, and I love that stuff, but even I would pick the other one, like I just, I think the
Griffin Cunningham 1:00:15
Stone Boylan 1:00:15
Yeah, based on I would be able to take way more away from that than, hey, my players in the, you know, NFL here, and we would still have guys that are in it, and it's not like we are, it's not like we'd be this giant drop off. We're like, Oh my God. It's like we're not majority, or have a ton of people there anyways, like we do have good ones here and there. But I would be able to afford, you know, having a year or two where there's no one coming in and take the College Success.
Griffin Cunningham 1:00:45
Sure? Well, that was the last one I had. So on that note, we're we just hit an hour. So I would just like to say that next week, we kind of or not next week, but our next episode, we have kind of a working plan here, we'd like to maybe introduce something like a bingo card that we might make during the episode. Kind of just make it more interesting, more engaging. It could be stuff like, I don't know, NC State scores 40 plus points in a game, or athlete set school record, or like, buzzer beater, I don't know.
Stone Boylan 1:01:23
Or NC State loses as a home favorite for the-
Griffin Cunningham 1:01:27
Yeah, I don't know. We will, well, you know, develop that
Stone Boylan 1:01:30
Fan says that Doeren should be fired. Oh, I hit that one.
Griffin Cunningham 1:01:34
Yeah. So the idea would be first person to get five in a row would win. And only a couple months left in the semester. So feel like it's a good time to maybe bring that out. Anything you want to add, Stone?
Stone Boylan 1:01:47
No, I'm all good. Those are some good, good questions. Go support football because they need it, but don't bet on them. I promise you please. I might do that because I'm gonna fall victim. But you know, it's possible to turn around, because I witnessed it last year. So that, and then go support other sports as well, because men's soccer, while they did lose those two games, they still were on high and then, you know, we still got volleyball and everything. Who is up and down, but their ups can be, can be pretty high. So we've got a lot of different sports.
Griffin Cunningham 1:02:18
Great. Well, thanks for watching Light it Red.
Music in this podcast was Jonas Hippers, king of sports and vibe and sneaky licensed under Creative Commons from the Free Music Archive.
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