It's Over Ladies and Gentlemen
Download MP3Griffin Cunningham 0:09
Hello and goodbye. Welcome back to Light it Red for the last time. I was peer pressured into doing this.
Stone Boylan 0:19
I convinced him.
Griffin Cunningham 0:20
Heavily peer pressured. I knew I wasn't gonna have, I mean, I've been, I've been keeping up with the sports, like here and there, but just with exams and stuff, I haven't been able to really watch anything. So I felt like I would be useless for this episode. But thankfully, that is not the case. So that was kind of the convincing that Stone did. And, you know, there are a couple of really important things that have happened. So we're just going to get into that. I know you went to the UNC game, the UNC football game. How was that?
Stone Boylan 0:56
It was really cool. I mean, the just, I guess I could talk about the experience first, I really that was a game that I wanted to go to from, like, the beginning of the year. I told Griffin, like, I really want to go to this game. He was like, Shut up, you're dumb. I was like, okay, but I still go. He's like, Yeah, so I ended up going, and obviously I thought it was gonna be in terms of, like-
Griffin Cunningham 1:20
You're saying I told you to shut up and that you were dumb?
Stone Boylan 1:23
Maybe. But anyways, the game itself, or what was, I guess I was gonna talk about the experience. The experience was cool in terms of the meaning of it in the beginning of the year, I thought it'd mean a little bit more. But honestly, it probably was better that it wasn't because it was like for, I guess you could say, quote, unquote, a bowl game, but Mac Brown's final like game at UNC, which you would think would be a big deal, considering he was there for a while way back, then came back, and I know people didn't love him. He was a great recruiter, but hasn't really translated that to wins or anything, but it was still so I think a relatively big deal, because we were also talking about Dave Doran's job, and what is the situation with that, with the game and everything, yeah, and that was last episode, but in terms of just my experience, UNC fans did not really show up. Like, oh, I have a video and photo.
Griffin Cunningham 2:26
It was Thanksgiving week.
Stone Boylan 2:27
I know, but I'm saying, like, NC State fans are more, where they're more than UNC fans. Oh, which is crazy, yeah. Like, it's not like the place wasn't filled with fans. It was, and on my side, obviously, is more to UNC fans than NC State, but when you look on the other side, and when you can do like video and everything, and I kept, I didn't post anything yet, but when I took the videos, like, there's honestly, maybe the same amount of NC State fans as UNC fans. But the biggest thing was the student section. Like, yeah, there was a good, like, bundle of them in a place, but it was pretty dry, like there was a lot of seats still available, like the entire game. It's not like they poured in in half time or poured in, like the whole game there. It was kind of like that. So honestly, UNC fans didn't, didn't really show up at all. Being up top, I will say I texted Griffin this NC State's press box is better than UNC for sure, they're different. I mean, but they're better. They're better, which always, I mean, well, first I think one, I know it's an older stadium.
Griffin Cunningham 3:38
What's this stadium called again?
Stone Boylan 3:39
Um, is it Keenan in a memorial? Memorial, yeah, okay. Um, so I know it's older. I don't know what year by how much than than Carter Finley, but I mean, first of all, when I went in, like, I obviously went to go check in and get my thing and everything. Like, no one checked my bag at all. So I literally could have brought anything in there. I had food I didn't even realize, because I came straight from Virginia, from Thanksgiving to this game. So I got there early to anticipate having to do a bunch of stuff. And didn't, I mean, it was pretty quick, but they literally didn't check my bag at all. I asked two to three people where I was supposed to go, where everything is, and they all told me different stuff, or they have, one of them had literally no clue. So luckily, I just followed these people that had the same badges and were UNC students. And we just went up, and one of the guys I technically, what I had was a media in terms of, like, photo pass, and you could get on the field with that. And when I went up, the guy was like, Hey, if you need the vest, go in this room, get blah, blah, blah, whatever. And I was like, really gonna do it and go on the field. But the issue was, when I went to Virginia, I did pack like-
Griffin Cunningham 4:52
You're not a photographer.
Stone Boylan 4:54
No, I know you gave me a photo pass.
Griffin Cunningham 4:56
Oh, maybe that's just what they had available.
Stone Boylan 4:58
Yeah. Okay, so I had a photo. Pass and not a media pass, but the photo pass can still be used as a media pass, but it like is almost a step up to where you could go in the field to get photos. I was like, Dude, I could just do this and be like, so cool. But the problem was, I went to Virginia and I brought like for Thanksgiving. I brought like church clothes to wear to the game, to be more presentable the only, like, full cover up thing I had was a sweatshirt, and it was NC State, all red sweatshirt. I was like. I was like, well, crap, I can't wear that to the game. So I just had to go in these khaki shorts and a short sleeve shirt. And it was pretty cold. Like, it was pretty cold. So I was like, You know what, I just can't go down the field. It's whatever. But it being up in the press box, like, they had food that you could get NC State, when you go up there, it is just more luxury. Like, there's a lot more cool stuff around that. When you go in they have, like, you know, you come and they make the food. You get your own food. Like they they make it for you and everything, and you get it. And there's a big area where you can sit and eat, and then you go to your seat and watch. And that wasn't, that was like the same there, but with UNC, they just had like, pre packaged, like Jersey Mike's, or whatever that you would get. And, like, you just fill up at, like, a general soda station, you know, just like at a cafeteria, it was literally, like a cafeteria. It's like what it was. And I feel like NC States was just, like much better and just more luxury, I guess. And so I did that was kind of, you know, I was like, hey, NC State's way better with with this, for sure. But the other than that. I mean, you know, it was, it was cool to go. I mean, the first half was terrible. It was so bad and boring, like, it was not a good game and we were losing. I was like, Oh my God, but the second half was insane. I mean, we scored, like, I think almost 30 points plus in the second half. Both teams went back and forth, especially in the fourth quarter. Fourth quarter, fourth quarter was insane. We scored 22 points in the fourth quarter, and just it was we ended up scoring on every single possession in the second half. NC State did. It was CJ Bailey's best game, I think he's ever played, which obviously he's young and hasn't played a lot, but that's good to say. I know the stats may show that he had, like, a pick or didn't have as many yards or rushing touchdowns as the game against Cal or the game here against Georgia Tech or whatever, but in terms of just his decision making, it was so much better. I don't think he made a single bad decision. He had two to three, like, actual perfect throws that were, like, hard throws and tight windows to make. Could have had even more, because Noah Rogers, one of the transfer receivers that I thought was gonna be really good from Ohio State, who has not really lived up to that at all, had like two drops that were like deep 20 plus yard passes. CJ finished with 242 yards, two touchdowns. A pick had 70% completion percentage. The interception was a deep ball. Wasn't his fault. Dude literally completely stopped running the route and boom, pick. So that was just miscommunication. But I would say, based on the performances of the two players that had the miscommunicating, I would put it more on the receiver, because that's clearly what it looked like than the quarterback. But the biggest thing was, I mean rushing, he had 66 rushing yards. So he had 300 total yards. He had four first downs, so four rushing first downs, which is tied for the most he's had. And he had 46 yards after contact. So I mean, if after contact is technically if a guy touches you, but I mean, he's clearly evading a lot of defenders when he runs as well. So that's a good trait. And one of the biggest thing as well was under pressure. He was really good, didn't didn't make any mistakes under pressure. But the biggest thing was, what the it was one of his best throws of the game. We were there was like a minute or so left in the game, and we ended up having a terrible defensive drive, like Omarion Hampton, who's UNC is running back, who's going to be in the NFL, who'll be, like, a second round pick, probably very good, completely, just broke out. They just, they just ran it down our throats. And we also, like, planned for like, this really deep pass, and all they did was dump off to Hampton, and he got like, 30 yards two times. I'm like, okay, that's terrible defensive planning, like that was so bad. And then they go down and score. And there's a minute left, and I can't remember what down it was, but he just throws up a pass where Noah Rogers, the guy who's dropped two passes in the game already, that's hit his hands, it goes deep, and it literally hits his hands right before these two defenders cross in front of the ball, and he catches it. I didn't think he caught it. Dave Doran said after the game, he's like, I didn't I didn't know he caught it. Like, at first, no one really did, because you couldn't really see and then when he came up and held the ball up, everyone freaked out, and it was because it didn't look like it could have been caught, but the replay was like, there couldn't have been a millisecond more time of the ball being in the air before it hit his hand. So that was an insane catch and throw. So it was great for Noah to make up for his mistakes. And then after that, we just kind of ran it in and took a 35-30 lead, and they had like 20 seconds left, and they couldn't do anything, because obviously, I mean, they had no timeouts, I believe. So you're not going to run the ball with no time out. So we ended up winning that game. But it was, it was great. Great. Second half, Davin Vann, our best defensive player really ended off in a great way. After having a little bit of a disappointing year, he had three pressures, four tackles to stop first downs. He had a force fumble in the red zone, opponents red zone. So he basically accounted for, you could say a touchdown himself gave giving us field position that led us to score in the first half, which we didn't really do. But yeah, it was, it was really cool. And then after the game it was cool because obviously they had that big fight. It was a big fight. And I it kind of which, I mean, how many rivalry games had that where people were planting flags in the middle on the same day? Yeah, a lot. Obviously, we weren't the biggest one at all, but it was, I mean, I can't remember who it was, I think, I think it was DK Kaufman, of course. Yeah, you went to go and then it all hell just broke loose. But there were like three different fights happening. There was the one in the middle where they were all just fighting in general, just to fight. Another one where a UNC player took the flag, ran out of the pile and threw it away, and then I think DK, or someone else, or Davin Vann, or someone came and confronted him. And then there was another fight there. And then there was another one when they were like, trying to get them separated. And the people that they were like, think they had separated went and started a third fight already when the people were not so they were like, three different fights happening at the same time. And I had like, videos of it and everything, and everyone was freaking out from up in the press box or whatever. And-
Griffin Cunningham 11:57
Stone Boylan 11:59
after the game, there was, like, a ton of stuff where UNC players were gone, but we were still celebrating the DK was, like, doing flips, back flips. He ran around the stadium with the flag. The cheerleaders, like, all laid on the L in Carolina, where they spell out Carolina in the end zone, they all just laid on the L. And there's a great photo of, like, all the red cheerleaders and everything, just laying on the L. I
Griffin Cunningham 12:22
Didn't see that.
Stone Boylan 12:23
there was, it was, I have a video of it. It's in the same video. You could see DK running with a flag, and then you turn back and you see all these people sitting in the L. So they really rubbed it in a lot. They totally did. But then we had to go interview, and it, I didn't know, but it wasn't over zoom. It's always over zoom every single time. And I've only got NC State home games, yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 12:47
So it's only-
Stone Boylan 12:48
I didn't, I didn't know if that was an only NC State thing or if that was just a normal thing, but it wasn't over zoom. It was you go down to their actual, you know, place for the interview. So I had to walk down and keep in mind, it's at night, and so I am freezing my ass off because all I have is a short sleeve shirt. And the people I'm walking with there, I'm like, Dude, what are you doing? Like, how do you how do you have? I'm like, I just fry the only thing I have is an NC State sweatshirt. I can't, literally can't wear this. And you had to walk down, go down the elevator, walk down across the field, which is cool. So I got to go in the field after the game and everything. And then you go into the opponent locker room, so NC State locker room, and then there's a little hallway that you go in, and in the room is there. And so I, you know, I was gonna ask a question to one of them, but I just maybe was my brain delaying. People just said it so quickly all the time, and this one big guy who apparently has been there, like, all the time, asks like, 10 questions in a row. And I'm like, All right, well, Dave's gonna kill me. If I like, he's gonna say, like, did you not just hear what this guy said, or whatever? So yeah, you know, sounds like whatever. I'll just listen. It'll be fine, and I'll they'll ask the questions and everything. But it was cool. They, like a lot of people came it was much happier. Davin Vann was, like, rubbing, I mean, he didn't care at all. He literally, which he's was, he's a senior, and he's gone now. He never lost to Carolina. And I think for NC State, like, I can't, I don't know how many consecutive wins that is versus Carolina, but that's, I think they have four or five in a row at UNC stadium.
Griffin Cunningham 14:23
I was so I don't know how many consecutive, but I know that all four years that I've been in college or and you, they have beaten Carolina,
Stone Boylan 14:31
Yeah, which would be Davin Vann, technically, but I think he also is five years because I think he had a COVID, so he five years in a row. And I there is a streak that goes beyond us, that is just specifically at UNC, like at their stadium. So that's pretty, I mean, that's probably what's helping him a ton. The athletic director was in the room and everything, watching during the press conference, and so, yeah, obviously, I think he's, he's obviously staying, you know for sure, but it was cool that a lot of different players were there and everything. And, you know, you get to, I mean, I feel like I was more outgoing in terms of, like, dapping the players up when I saw them walking by or whatever. Because I'm like, It's my last time here. I don't get like, I don't care. I'm like, I'm gonna do this, if it's it was so cool. I've never walked out here and and then we took photos on the field after and all the other NC State specific media people, some of them that I know, some of them are at Technician. Some of them have their own thing with pack pros, or whatever they like. Took a photo of just them and their normal clothes, obviously on the field. And when they took a photo of me, I held up a wolf pack sign like this. And what I'm trying to do, I might do it myself, is what you can in the photo, you can I, it's me with the wolf pack up in the background. You can see the UNC bell tower. And I was gonna highlight it like red, or have like the wolf peeking out behind it and edited it, or whatever. Because UNC does the same thing. We do that whenever they, you know, we light it red, obviously, with our podcast name, they like theirs blue and everything a light blue. And they, I didn't know that, yeah, so I was gonna have that photo and then just have it be lit like, have the hue be red or something behind it. But, yeah, it was, it was really cool. It was really cool. So I appreciate you for helping me out get you that game, and as the final, final football game up there. I don't think I'll do media in my career. Maybe I will, but probably not in that. I don't know if who it'll be with what, but I'm not really that's not really a plan in the future. So I was treating that as like the final kind of thing to do. So that was really cool.
Griffin Cunningham 16:36
Well, I'm glad you guys are go. I looked up Kenan Memorial Stadium. This is actually kind of crazy. It was built in 1926 it was really very old. It's been renovated quite a few times. Yeah, almost 100 year old stadium.
Stone Boylan 16:53
Geez. So what's Carter Finley?
Griffin Cunningham 16:55
I don't know. I could look it up. Probably not as old as that. But yeah, I I don't really share the sentiment that the players had after that victory, just because, like, I mean, you can listen to the other episode we just recorded, and I was basically like, Yeah, I'm kind of over this, like, I'm over this Dave Doran stuff. And you're like, Yeah, well, if he wins against Carolina, then that kind of solidifies his status as the coach here. Yeah, and that's what happened. And so it's whatever. Like, I wasn't really rooting for them, to be honest. I was like, it's time to blow it up and turn the page. And I just feel like it's going to be prolonged now. So-
Stone Boylan 17:39
I think the way you end helps a ton, because a lot of teams end with their rival, and the way you end helps a lot so and but it can hurt a lot, like if you had the season you had and they lost, it would have been a lot of talk, but because they won, I think it almost resolves a lot of people's minds of all that, and they don't even really see that. But I agree with what you're saying, and see it, and we'll just see for the next season and beyond that, I think it's going to have to take a real down year, plus losing to a big rival. I think that's what it's going to have to take to where you end off on a bad note. Now they obviously have their bowl game, their project- I looked up a few projected bowl games. There were three that I found. One of them has us two places had us in the same bowl game, which is the union home mortgage bowl at Raymond James Stadium. Which would they had our projected opponents, either as Oklahoma or Vanderbilt, which are two SEC schools. So probably, I don't think we would be either of those two teams not really deserving of a bowl game, no. And then the other one is the Mayo bowl, obviously, that's held in Charlotte, and it would be projected versus Minnesota, which we could beat them UNC. They played them in the very beginning of the year, and I believe they won an elastic and field goal, and that was the game that their starting quarterback got injured for the year. Obviously, a lot of his change beyond that, they have PJ Fleck, who I remember, I believe he was, I can't remember what school he was at, I think Western Michigan or something like that, and he's kind of a fiery guy, but I feel like we could win that game. But if it's an SEC school, I don't, I don't think we stand a chance, especially with the people that are not coming back, which you can mention, as you are, the first one that I had heard this potentially being a thing, and it ended up coming to fruition, because it made a lot of sense when you said it in terms of players that are not going to be in this bowl game, which, again, doesn't really matter a ton. No, not really, but more so for the future of the program, who's not going to be back?
Griffin Cunningham 19:38
Yeah. So, I mean, I don't know how many probably, like, a month and a half ago, I was like, what if Casey transfers, and it's just like, kind of, in this era of college football, that seems to be a pretty common thing with players who have the talent but maybe aren't getting the opportunity, or just not living up to the expectations, or whatever it may be. And I really felt like he was starting to fall into that category with just his production. I know you pulled up his stats from last year compared to this year, and they were just it was-
Stone Boylan 20:07
A lot worse.
Griffin Cunningham 20:08
Such a down year. And I feel like we kind of saw that coming about halfway through the season, just with how like, mild the offense was. It wasn't anything situational, yeah, so, yeah, he's gonna, he announced that he intends to transfer. And, you know, we, we mentioned his brother, de committed. And so it's like, okay, well, that's, you know, speculation. This
Stone Boylan 20:32
it's straw that broke the camels back.
Griffin Cunningham 20:34
I think. So, I mean, yeah, it's all, it's all talk until something actually happens, and something happened, and then, you know, that was the next thing to happen. So that's that. And, and you sent me this, I think yesterday, you sent me the Instagram post yesterday, Juice Vereen intends to transfer. And I was like, and I look behind me, I'm like, This dude's sitting behind me in class right now, like
Stone Boylan 21:01
The guy I saw a post of transferring. Send it to Griffin bro. Sit behind him.
Griffin Cunningham 21:06
He was he showed up. Okay. So now that the semester is over, I feel comfortable, yeah, and he's transferring, yeah. So I had a class this semester with Juice Vereen.
Stone Boylan 21:17
who is a backup tight end for-
Griffin Cunningham 21:19
Yeah. I mean, going into the year it wasn't-
Stone Boylan 21:21
had some pretty high, I mean, some expectations I feel but yep, didn't. Joly was awesome. So it's not like he got a ton of time, but even when he got time, didn't seem like
Griffin Cunningham 21:30
they Yeah, Joly and Vereen, like, for all intents and purposes, do the same thing. Joly's just a lot more experienced. Vereen is just a sophomore, so he hasn't gotten the same amount of reps. Had kind of an up and down season last year, his freshman year, but, you know, he's a freshman.
Stone Boylan 21:50
He had a lot of talk in camp. He was one of the four people that scouts and recruits mentioned, is like, Hey, this guy has a really good camp or whatever.
Griffin Cunningham 21:58
Yeah. So I think, I mean, it makes sense, like, makes sense that he's transferring. But back to the class, I almost skipped over this. So he probably showed up the class the entire semester, like, not counting the last two days, which counted for like points on the final project participation points, he probably showed up like, three times
Stone Boylan 22:22
I think that's this normal football I guess, right,
Griffin Cunningham 22:25
Stone Boylan 22:25
depending on the player though.
Griffin Cunningham 22:26
It was funny, though, like, I turned every time he showed up, like, I mean, showed up to, like, maybe the first one or two classes and then just like, one random class in the middle of the semester, and then he showed up, like, on our on a Thursday, like, the day of the Georgia Tech game, and, like, yeah, then playing that. And then I think he showed up to the last two classes. So I think once he had made up his mind that he's not gonna play on this team anymore, yeah, he showed up to class more and finished up. Yeah, he so, I think he came to, like, the last-
Stone Boylan 22:57
tried to actually get his classes to transfer and everything.
Griffin Cunningham 23:00
Yeah. So I mean, like we were presenting our slides for the final project yesterday, and it got the Juice's slide,
Stone Boylan 23:10
is he in your group?
Griffin Cunningham 23:11
No, it was just kind of like a he would No, it wasn't a group project, an individual thing. It was an individual thing that she liked as a slide, yes. So she stitched it together, and she would pull it up, and each person, like, would stay seated, but like, say, Yeah, this is my slide. This is like-
Stone Boylan 23:28
what was his?
Griffin Cunningham 23:29
Oh, man, it wasn't. I mean, it wasn't like, it wasn't horrible, but it was. And to his credit, he wasn't the only person that didn't know what they were talking about, because there were a couple of like, girls in the class who I was like, Oh, it talks because it was like a participation based class. And I swear there were like, three or four girls who just sat in the class the entire semester, just NPCing it up and it like, it's frustrating because, like, you're wasting space. There are other people who probably need the class, and you're just gonna sit there with your phone, like, looking like a tool, at least Juice didn't show up to class and just waste space.
Stone Boylan 24:17
Griffin Cunningham 24:18
But, um, yeah. I mean, he kind of knew what he was talking about, but not it was clear that it was, like, a very, like, small snippet of the book.
Stone Boylan 24:27
Griffin Cunningham 24:29
Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I take a lot of pride in my academics, if you can't tell, and so when people show up to class and kind of just like, half ass it especially, like on a final project, it's like, okay, now you want to try. That's kind of annoying to me. Yeah, yeah, but yeah, it makes sense that he's going to transfer.
Stone Boylan 24:48
Now he's gone, yeah, I had this one guy. Never asked him. He had the NC State Athletics like, backpack and everything, and looked like an athlete. I couldn't tell you what sport and it wasn't recognizable.
Griffin Cunningham 25:02
He might have been on the staff, their students, maybe
Stone Boylan 25:06
for the he looks like an athlete, for sure, but
Griffin Cunningham 25:10
well, like the practice squad, maybe, I don't know. I never asked him, but I never really had classes with athletes or anything. There's this one NC State football player. I forget his name. He was, like, a freshman defensive or offensive lineman. He hasn't played, but I've seen him at the library like five times because I go to the library a lot, and I talked with him one time or whatever, because it says their number on the back of their jersey or the back of their backpack. But that's cool. You had a class with, like, an actual notable, I mean, relatively notable, but, you know, yeah, had talk and everything. So, right, that's cool, but, yeah, not, not anymore, which, of course, in this day and age, people transfer all the time for anything at all, ever. So, you know, well, we'll see this. It's too early to tell who we're gonna get really more and more. So it's just people leaving KC's the major notable one. There's other guys that may be good, but they didn't really see it here. And if they were, they're like, three stars, which three stars is kind of the thing where it's like, they're, they're, could be good, but they could also say, like, there's so much variability there. You can't really say, like, oh my god, we lost this guy. It's horrible. It's like, you have no idea so and you can just get him back. So we'll, we'll see. Right now, our recruiting class is ranked 41st which is about the average, probably where we normally are. So probably won't change a lot. I think it last year's was in top 25 so that was really good, but this year, yeah, disappointed, and probably the recruiting will reflect that and and I could say, hey, maybe we could get these good transfers or not, but that's literally what we did last year. We got a lot of good transfers. Our transfer class was awesome, supposed to be and one of them never got to play. One of them was really good. One of them disappointed. It came through at the end, like one of them was really good in the beginning and got worse at the end. Like so much variability, yeah, with all those guys. So that was kind of tough. Obviously, the ones I'm talking about is, like McCall, I think that's the biggest one, obviously the biggest disappointment for him, personally, and for NC State judge. But Joley was awesome. Noah Rogers was disappointed, but came on at the end, and Jordan Waters was pretty good in the beginning, and then kind of fizzled out at the end, like Hollywood smothers. And Kendrick Raphael basically took his job because Hollywood more so, especially in the UNC game, and he will probably stay so that they'll be good. But at least the one silver lining you can take away is CJ Bailey, as he is a guy that, just when you compare the two seasons to MJ, I thought from the jump, just so much different stuff. Even if you could say the situation was similar, where you have this older transfer quarterback that comes in gets injured, and this younger freshman comes in and has different skill set, it's like the same story. But I think obviously one from the jump, just, it seemed just much better than than the other. So hopefully, CJ, he will stay. It was said that he will stay. So we'll see what we get from him. I think it'd be really cool to have a guy like that play four years, or something like that. You know, like, I don't know, it's hard to tell his ceiling, but for a freshman, he had a good year. Like a good freshman, any it was better than anything we had last year. And it was, you know, definitely the best quarterback play we've had while at NC State, which has only been two years, but I think even a year or two before that, like it was for a freshman, and even just in general, it was good. So I'm interested to see in the future what he becomes, and maybe we have something good there, and hopefully he's a guy that we can actually stay. I still have the opinion that you should get insurance, whether it's a another good recruit or a transfer that maybe is just fighting for a spot, but not a guaranteed starter at quarterback, because, with our hit luck in history, like guys get hurt and CJ, while is good, he's not the most. He's a little bit more lean, you know, he's like, six foot five, but I think he's like, I can't remember what weight, but just, it's not, it's not very, you know, built to withstand hits all the time, which is a little worrisome when you're NC State, obviously. So I still think that, but it'd be cool. We'll see what he does, but that the bowl game, we'll see. We don't know. Do we really care? I know you don't give a crap. I will pay attention, but in the end of the day, what's it going to do? You know? I don't know. I really don't know. So, yeah, we'll see. But just honestly, really disappointing. I
think he's actually 6' 7".
Stone Boylan 29:47
6, really six, maybe 6' 6" in the middle. I don't know that's crazy.
Griffin Cunningham 29:51
He's a big guy,
Stone Boylan 29:52
Yeah, tall for sure.
Griffin Cunningham 29:53
I think he'll fill out. Yeah, he'll be fine,
Stone Boylan 29:55
Hopefully. So that maybe that's the that's a bright spot there. But Dave, Dave will still be there. So, well, more than I expect the same.
Griffin Cunningham 30:04
Okay. Well, you good to wrap it up there on football, yeah, we're all good, cool. Well, I don't think we were we on the podcast when we went to the Charlotte game, the men's soccer game. Like, had that already happened when we recorded? Yeah? Like we talked about, no, yeah. I don't know. I don't remember.
Stone Boylan 30:26
I don't remember either.
Griffin Cunningham 30:27
but we did go, and it was the which we're
Stone Boylan 30:30
getting to men's soccer. They made the NC tournament. They had a great year. We've talked about it a lot, and they first tournament game was at home versus Charlotte. Who was, yep, we-
Griffin Cunningham 30:38
I think we previewed it,.
Stone Boylan 30:40
previewed it, yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 30:40
And we were like, are they better than us? Their ratings, they beat us. It was very close, yeah. And so what ended up happening was Stone, and I went to that game. We sat there, and it was really cold, yeah.
Stone Boylan 30:54
I was very mad it was, and
Griffin Cunningham 30:57
we just kind of like, I mean, I liked, I had a good time watching it,
Stone Boylan 31:01
like hanging out with you and everything. It was cool. I mean, you know, we watched and did so.
Griffin Cunningham 31:06
So they scored at the towards the end of the game, and then with like, less than a minute left, Charlotte scores. So it was a real defensive battle. Both teams were kind of known for their defensive prowess. And yeah, that stone was like, Oh, thank God, we can go home like it's so cold.
Stone Boylan 31:23
Score a damn,
Griffin Cunningham 31:28
yeah, so we had to stick around for 2 extra here.
Stone Boylan 31:31
two over to two. Yeah, two. Not different. Because did anyone score? Did they both score in the first I think they both scored in the first overtime. I think they know. Or did no one score.
Griffin Cunningham 31:40
No one scored until it was its sudden death. It's sudden death. Okay, so no one scores in that first 10 minute window. And then finally,
Stone Boylan 31:48
We scored pretty early in the second one, though,
Griffin Cunningham 31:50
I believe so, yeah, so-
Stone Boylan 31:52
it was cool. We got to see a win. It was a deep game, which it was warmer in a different time, but,
Griffin Cunningham 31:57
yeah, it was, it was very cold, and they've been to a soccer tournament game or whatever. So that was cool.
Stone Boylan 32:03
A lot of Charlotte fans, they're pretty obnoxious. I don't like them. I don't really like-
Griffin Cunningham 32:07
they definitely traveled well.
Stone Boylan 32:09
yeah, it was weird. They traveled that. Well,
Griffin Cunningham 32:12
I'm glad we sent them packing them.
Stone Boylan 32:13
Yeah, good. Get out of here. They have these stupid like, blow up, boom, whackers or whatever, and they did nothing. I was like, What are you doing? Like, you, you look dumb, whatever. There's this one younger guys that were like, like, taunting this, like, dad that was right in front of us. I remember it. And like, the dad just didn't know what to say. You like, couldn't you like-
Griffin Cunningham 32:33
an NC State dad?
Stone Boylan 32:34
no, no, Charlotte. Dad, you just looked stupid. He didn't know how to respond or whatever. But yeah,.
Griffin Cunningham 32:39
his kid was probably on the Charlotte-
Stone Boylan 32:40
Yeah, I guess, I don't know, but it was funny.
Griffin Cunningham 32:42
Well, shout out to everyone that did come though, because it was a big game, and it was cold, so, I mean, you gotta be a real one for that, right?
Stone Boylan 32:51
And then the next game was like, what we previewed, like, hey, if we beat Charlotte, I don't think we'll beat Georgetown, but we did.
Griffin Cunningham 32:59
pretty handily, too.
Stone Boylan 33:00
which is cool.
Griffin Cunningham 33:01
it was a, I believe they scored one goal in the first half and one goal in the second half.
Stone Boylan 33:06
which Georgetown was a better defensive team than Charlotte even was, and both of them were like, top 10. So that was insane. And what were they ranked?
Griffin Cunningham 33:12
Georgetown was ranked number four going into that matchup.
Stone Boylan 33:15
Griffin Cunningham 33:16
So they were actually the top seeded team in the region, and we knocked them off. So that was a really big win.
Stone Boylan 33:22
Griffin Cunningham 33:22
I wish that I was there for that.
Stone Boylan 33:25
Where was that?
Griffin Cunningham 33:27
It was in DC, where Georgetown, okay, yeah, but
Stone Boylan 33:30
On the road, wow, that was our biggest issue. That's because I didn't that's why we project a loss. Because it was, like, I don't think they won a road game versus an actual, like, relatively decent, like the whole year they won a bunch at home.
Griffin Cunningham 33:43
That was certainly the biggest win in school history. Well, not in school history, but in recent history, is what I mean.
Stone Boylan 33:49
And it's awesome start for the coach. That's what an awesome start.
Griffin Cunningham 33:52
Year one makes it to the Sweet 16.
Stone Boylan 33:54
Literally, yeah, great move to go on and get this guy and move on like that was awesome.
Griffin Cunningham 33:58
I'm saying, yeah, they're out there, man.
Stone Boylan 33:59
I know.
Griffin Cunningham 34:00
Go get those biggies-
Stone Boylan 34:01
We were talking about with football, with that, we talked about that. We talked about, look at Indiana. We talked about all these schools that. I mean, it's it's there. You can do it Washington, obviously their first year, and it happens every single year, and maybe you're not the exact team to do it year one, but that doesn't mean there's something better. I agree with you with football. I mean, we're done with football, but I do agree it's run its course. But look at soccer this example. I mean, the first year doing this, obviously we unfortunately, woohoo, do we? It was one more game to get out of the region completely, right? And we lost to Marshall,.
Griffin Cunningham 34:33
yeah, so the Sweet 16 round? Yeah, it was against Marshall. They were ranked number 13 going into that one. And yeah, I think they beat us two to one. Yeah, just a tougher matchup. It was also on the road, so I didn't get to watch all of that one, but I did see the end of it, and my biggest takeaway was, just like Marshall plays in like a neighborhood. It. Looked like,
Stone Boylan 35:00
Griffin Cunningham 35:01
did you know that it's
Stone Boylan 35:02
kind of weird? Yeah, I knew that. Like their houses, yeah, behind the it's not the same. But if you know, like the bills, or the voice crack, you know the bills, or whatever.
Griffin Cunningham 35:12
Buffalo Bills?
Stone Boylan 35:13
yeah, it's like, it's almost like kind of weird. How close just Residential Living is, like normal living, to them. But I know it's not the exact same, but that's what I think of. But I did see that. I was like, that's kind of weird. Yeah, it
Griffin Cunningham 35:24
looked like, kind of like a golf course, yeah, type of feel, what
Stone Boylan 35:27
What were they ranked?
Griffin Cunningham 35:30
Stone Boylan 35:30
13? Yeah, unfortunate. I mean, definitely, if we won that Georgetown game, I was like, Oh yeah, we're winning this game. Like, this is gonna be-
Griffin Cunningham 35:38
Stone Boylan 35:38
yeah I mean, so that kind of sucked.
Griffin Cunningham 35:41
It's hard to say with soccer, yeah, it's kind of a game. It is scoring, yeah. So I was very satisfied with the Sweet 16.
Stone Boylan 35:50
which, by the way, us making it to the Sweet 16. We haven't done that in 30 years. And the last time we did that, 1994 we were the conference regular season champions. So and the time before that was 92 where we had a run from '90, '91, '92 of making the quarter finals. And in '90 was our only college tournament cup. So the last time we made the round of 16 was a four year stretch where we were, like, winning a title, making the title game for three, like-
Griffin Cunningham 36:23
so maybe history repates itself.
Stone Boylan 36:25
I mean, hey, that's, that's kind of the the thing that we're, we're looking at right now. And before that, we made the tournament. He, because the coach we had previously had a run from 2017 to 2019 as we mentioned, where he made the tournament, but they didn't really do anything in it. So, you know it since 2019 it's our first appearance. But like I said, haven't made the sweet 16 or the round of 16 since 30 years. So that's pretty great start.
Griffin Cunningham 36:51
Yeah, he's definitely locked up some job security for like, at least the next 10 years.
Stone Boylan 36:55
Oh, yeah, hopefully he stays and everything. It'd be cool. I don't know what soccer is with like, people just pouncing on these coaches and bribing them to come over. I don't really think that's a thing. Maybe it is, but I don't know what to the extent, but pretty, pretty awesome start for for Mark Hubbard and everything. So that's cool. We had a lot of ties too. So that was it could be better or worse. So playoffs, yeah, you can, and we won. So yep, shout to him, even if the ACC Tournament didn't go as well. But again, it's his first year, so we you might room to improve.
Griffin Cunningham 37:26
I think they traded the ACC tournament kind of just says, like, no,
Stone Boylan 37:29
maybe, yeah, maybe.
Griffin Cunningham 37:30
Well, their best players kind of like, you could have played through injury, and they didn't, yeah. So I think-
Stone Boylan 37:36
they had, they already locked up a spot.
Griffin Cunningham 37:37
They were priorities. Well, they didn't lock up a spot. You don't lock up a spot.
Stone Boylan 37:42
Well, I mean in terms of them, like, the percentage chance of them making the tournament, like, if they lose this game, like, weighing that against, okay, if we play our guys and win this game, like, is it worth it? And I guess, yeah, I guess, like, you said, they saw that, and they're like, Okay, well, we have a we our chances to make it are, like, still fine to where we can sit these guys or whatever.
Griffin Cunningham 38:04
It was definitely a gamble. But yeah, I agree the odds were in their favor, and it worked out so good for them, and their season's over, but they will be back next year, a season that isn't over is volleyball, which is very surprising, because I think last episode, I called them mid, so I will eat my words. They were mid the entire season, okay,
Stone Boylan 38:36
but just like NC State Basketball last year.
Griffin Cunningham 38:38
Right. So the last two games of the season, they sweep Miami. Right Miami has been receiving votes all year. They have been our biggest quote, unquote rival out of state because they bumped us out of the tournament last year, and they've just been a huge thorn in our side, and so we take care of them. After losing to them, I believe they swept us when we went over there, and then a couple weeks later, yeah, we take care of business. Okay, that's our last homegame of the season. That's senior night. It was the day before Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I couldn't be there because of Thanksgiving obligations, but it was a great way to end for all the seniors, especially Amanda Rice, who's been one of our best players.
Stone Boylan 39:29
Ava a senior as well?
Griffin Cunningham 39:31
Ava Brizard is not a senior, no but Rice, she surpassed 1000 career kills. She's the only active player on the roster to do that, and she did that against the game versus SMU. So they go on the road against SMU a week later, SMU, we lost to them. We had not beat them all year. They're ranked number 10 in the country, number 10 and. So we were down 2-0 and when we complete the reverse sweep.
Stone Boylan 40:06
wow, really?
Griffin Cunningham 40:07
We reverse swept the number 10 ranked team in the country.
Stone Boylan 40:10
Griffin Cunningham 40:11
And that is what I think propelled us into the tournament, because I think they voted on it like the next day, yeah. So those were the last two games of the season. So we make the tournament.
Stone Boylan 40:22
Have they released brackets and everything?
Griffin Cunningham 40:25
Yes, the bracket is out. And I just think it's so crazy. After last year, we were like, I think they just peaked at the wrong time last year.
Stone Boylan 40:35
Yeah, they peaked in the regular season when they obviously had that amazing kind of like whenever against Louisville, who's a top three team, and then just fell in
Griffin Cunningham 40:43
the middle of the season, or, yeah, mid to late, and then, yeah, they had a bunch of like good games against like really good ACC teams after that.
Stone Boylan 40:50
Bad games against like bad teams.
Griffin Cunningham 40:53
Well, they couldn't win the important games down the stretch, but they had two important games left on the schedule, and took advantage of them and make it into the tournament with a worse record this year than last year.
Stone Boylan 41:04
Griffin Cunningham 41:04
yeah, yeah.
Stone Boylan 41:05
Probably the, probably the timing and the and then the degree to which they won those games, probably why they got in and
Griffin Cunningham 41:12
why, I guess, Miami didn't bump them out. Yeah. So, yeah, they have Florida. They have Florida. Number 22 ranked Florida this upcoming Friday on December 6. Now I will say that it is on the road, and I mean momentum is real. However, this season has been tough, so if I had to bet on this game, I would probably bet on Florida not to be a hater or anything like that.
Stone Boylan 41:47
You just hate us, dude. I can't believe you.
Griffin Cunningham 41:50
I just-
Stone Boylan 41:50
we're gonna dominate them.
Griffin Cunningham 41:51
It has been a tough year.
Stone Boylan 41:53
No, yeah, I'm just kidding.
Griffin Cunningham 41:54
Yeah, probably. And like, it'd be so much easier to say, yeah, like, we have a really good chance if there was some sort of, like, continuation from last year, throughout the season, and even though, like, the roster is the same, just the wins didn't translate.
Stone Boylan 42:09
I guess it'd also be easier if it was not just a two game amazing stretch, if there's maybe a little more,
Griffin Cunningham 42:15
like, if there was a little bit more-
Stone Boylan 42:16
five or something better, yeah,
Griffin Cunningham 42:19
Stone Boylan 42:20
but soccer. Soccer won against Georgetown. We didn't think that was going to be a win on the road, and so, you know, maybe I don't know,
Griffin Cunningham 42:26
Right, and this is just the first round, so anything can happen.
Stone Boylan 42:29
If they lose this, they're out, though, I assume, right? There's no like-
Griffin Cunningham 42:32
Yeah, same rules apply. It's a win in advance, yeah, situation, but that's on Friday, so that is excluding football in their silly little bowl game that I don't care about. Yeah, you go, right. That's the only season that is still active with the fall sports. So I'm glad that we were able to come on again and kind of wrap that up, because that's what we've been covering all semester, and you're right, like, we, we weren't able to put a a genuine, like, bow, yeah, yeah. So
Stone Boylan 43:09
which we still won't, because women, but I think it's much better than where it was left off last time, you know.
Griffin Cunningham 43:14
Like, assuming they lose.
Stone Boylan 43:16
it doesn't, yeah, we're seeing, you know, but-
Griffin Cunningham 43:18
chances are they don't make a run, yeah?
Stone Boylan 43:20
But still, then them doing those two games, making the tournament, men's soccer, going all the way through the UNC game, you know, all that, all that stuff,
Griffin Cunningham 43:28
yeah, I don't have any, I don't I feel satisfied with where we're leaving it, for sure, with the season. I know you wanted to say some stuff about basketball, too.
Stone Boylan 43:38
Just really, I mean, just because it started, yeah, obviously from last year was our best kind of thing and everything, but it's not necessarily, and I was because we kind of already went over stuff. Like, women's felt relatively similar, maybe not the same final four stuff, but it's possible. And men's was like, yeah, we'll, we're gonna go as far as our schedule and our opponents take us, like, that's we're going to be kind of like around better than last year regular season, but we don't have the ceiling as of last year's team, and if we make it, it'll be because other teams disappointed, or we were able to get a better schedule, or, you know it, we will beat the teams we're supposed to. We'll lose to the ones that we're supposed to. That's kind of what my thinking is with men's and so far that's been the case. Our only two losses are to our two real opponents. Everyone else was not really a real opponent. We the score was identical in both it was 71 to 61 and basically both of them, except one game, we had 72 or they had 72 so basically a 10 point, 11 point margin in both games, it was BYU and Purdue, which Purdue is not the same team, but they're still ranked good, Big 10 team. And then BYU is a solid, big 12 team, but big 12 is packed, so it's kind of hard, but would have liked to have a closer margin at lead line. Not be that. I mean, because you would have thought we could beat Purdue, or you could have thought we could have beat BYU, or gotten very close, because the BYU game happened after Purdue, and it was the same. So I guess we're very insanely consistent in terms of playing up to our competition, but not enough. But we play Texas at home, basically right now, I think at like nine or something, as we're recording this December 4. Yeah, so today, so should be a close one. Hopefully we win. It is at home. So all of these, like actual power five schools, are going on the road in more hostile environments for the first time, because when they went on the road, it was like two tournaments in season, tournaments, so Maui or Vegas or something, and not really one team has an advantage. So this is the first time that certain teams are going where it's like an actual road game atmosphere. So I think that could change a lot. Obviously, it just did yesterday, because Clemson beat Kentucky at Clemson. So you're going to see some upsets happen a lot, because that's just what happens. Because these younger players get used to these road environments. So in Texas is a very volatile team. They're very volatile. So I think we could totally win. It's going to be very close game. The projections have Texas winning by one basically everywhere I saw so it's basically a pick them. So that's really cool. I'll be watching that game. We will. So can't go because we're recording, obviously, but, and it is finals week, so, and
Griffin Cunningham 46:22
we're getting pizza.
Stone Boylan 46:23
Yeah, we getting pizza after this. Funny enough. The first place that we went, when we first had the pod, Griffin suggested, hey, let's go here. And we went to go eat. And it was what we were first talking about, did we record an episode yet? Or had we had one and it was after?
Griffin Cunningham 46:39
That's a good question.
Stone Boylan 46:41
I don't remember.
Griffin Cunningham 46:42
I don't either.
Stone Boylan 46:42
maybe we had one episode or something like that, or maybe it was before, but we had, like-
Griffin Cunningham 46:48
I think we might have done one at that-
Stone Boylan 46:49
one, and we were talking about all the stuff that we wanted to do and everything, and now we're ending it at the same it's
Griffin Cunningham 46:55
Ruckus pizza.
Stone Boylan 46:56
Griffin Cunningham 46:56
Shout out to them. They put up our flyer when we made those.
Stone Boylan 47:00
Griffin Cunningham 47:01
yeah, I don't know if you remember, yeah, if anyone saw them around campus, we had these. I remember when we we did a lot last year. This year was harder. You know, it's just less time on. Put the flyers up like-
Stone Boylan 47:13
I did. I did.
Griffin Cunningham 47:15
I went around and I put them up. Well, it was just, yeah.
Stone Boylan 47:20
I still had one in my backpack that I kept-
Griffin Cunningham 47:24
on everything. It's in my it's in my room, I remember.
Stone Boylan 47:27
But yeah, I remember having them in my because there were these smaller-
Griffin Cunningham 47:30
I should have kept one.
Stone Boylan 47:31
I know I always went around after and saw, like, when they were taken down or whatever. And yeah, there was one that lasted near a bus stop, like, a long time, really, yeah.
Griffin Cunningham 47:40
How long?
Stone Boylan 47:40
A while? A while definitely passed Patrick and like, it got taken. It got taken down, like, probably finals time.
Griffin Cunningham 47:51
Last year?
Stone Boylan 47:51
Yeah, okay, so, so-
Griffin Cunningham 47:53
they don't last very long.
Stone Boylan 47:54
They honestly didn't, I don't know if you remember, it may be a week or two.
Griffin Cunningham 47:58
Stone Boylan 47:58
It was kind of disappointing, like, all these stupid idiots taking like, what? Come on. People post shit all the time, stupid, but whatever. But, yeah, that's, I remember when we did that. So we ended off there. And then women's, they are four and three right now, but their three losses are to number one South Carolina at the time, which they had their first loss in the regular season in, like, a long time. LSU, who's very good. They were number seven at the time, and then TCU, who's ranked now. They weren't ranked at the time, but they have Hailey van Lith, who was a very good player that transferred from multiple times. I think she was on LSU last year, who made the title game. So three very good teams that we lost to, some closer than others. TCU was very close, but we play number 18, Ole Miss, tomorrow at home. All of our losses were not at home. So I honestly think we win that game. To be honest. We're not ranked, but I think our record is doesn't show how good the team is.
Griffin Cunningham 48:53
Stone Boylan 48:53
So I think we beat Ole Miss, to be honest. So if you want to, I don't know if you bet and you want to do a easy bet that we're not, probably not favored in maybe we are. It won't be by much, so I think we'll beat them for sure. To be honest, I'll put that because I think we're just, we're better than our record shows, and it's at home.
Griffin Cunningham 49:11
I agree. I think that you can kind of say the same thing for the men and the women. Just, we're not deep enough into the season yet to really have a good idea of, like, how good they are. Just,
Stone Boylan 49:21
I mean, I can tell you, women's same last year, what we thought has a higher ceiling, yeah? And they showed that in terms of Final Four, obviously, we made the final four too. But the men's, the men, yeah, the men's, but the men said we like it, yeah. But the the men's doesn't have that ceiling this year they don't, so don't expect that, but expect at least some quality stuff in the future, because seems like Dor- or it seems like Keats has built a pretty good, pretty good program, and we'll see. I'm honestly really interested to see what he does. You know, after Hopefully that's not the only thing he lives off of. It probably will be in terms of recent stuff. Because, I mean, you have guys, I mean Tom, Tom Izzo, legendary Michigan State head coach of recent it's been he over performs with lower teams. But, I mean, make the final four a couple years in between, but last title was in 2000 so sometimes you really live off. Not everyone can win back to back. Like, it's insanely hard. Some people live off of one or two runs every few whatever. So Caroline and Duke obviously, kind of do it more often, but it's something we'll remember forever. And it was, I think it was really cool that we were able to record like, and have this thing to voice, like, when that was all going on, like, it was just so awesome. You got to go to, like the game and everything there. We obviously have our experiences with both. And I'll just that'll be something I remember forever. And I just it was so cool being able to do all that and experience that here, and obviously with us having this podcast and everything. But do you have anything else?
Griffin Cunningham 50:59
No, no. I mean, yeah, the Final Four run was definitely some of our like, most listened to.
Stone Boylan 51:06
Yeah, I never, I haven't looked. I used to ask you all the time about the stats and everything. I haven't, yeah, I haven't looked at anything this year. But I remember you telling me that was definitely the most listen to, because it was when the most eyes were on NC State. So if you've been actual listener, like, thank you so much. Like, that's awesome. You know, I know a lot of people came in at certain times. I don't know if a single member of my family has actually listened to anything besides the first episode.
Griffin Cunningham 51:28
Stone Boylan 51:29
Yeah, probably.
Griffin Cunningham 51:30
I thought your parents were listening the whole time.
Stone Boylan 51:32
No, probably not. Didn't even listen to my personal one. So no.
Griffin Cunningham 51:36
we should talk crap about them, and then they wouldn't even know.
Stone Boylan 51:40
They'll see if they text me, yeah, they'll text me if they listen to it, if anyone I know listens to this, text me and I will do something I don't know, appreciate you, but I don't think so. I don't think, like a lot of our people that listen to this, listen to it for the content. NC State love, not because of me or, you know, whatever. Maybe you have people that probably do, but, yeah,
Griffin Cunningham 52:02
I've heard, I've had people give me some feedback about it that listen to it, like, just for me, really, yeah, that's funny. Like, why is Stone talking so much? (Laughs)
Stone Boylan 52:11
(Laughs) Yeah, that's it. That's so they listen then, okay, you can, you know, now that they actually listened everything, that's pretty good. Yeah, what'd they say about Patrick?
Griffin Cunningham 52:29
Uh, Patrick wasn't really here long enough to get, like, get that,
Stone Boylan 52:34
Which is crazy. I feel like it was so, but we've talked about it. It's been, like, well, over a year, you know, since we left, like, I can still remember all the stuff we used to do this weekly. I just brought it up before, which is crazy, but yeah, this is the really cool experience. I want to thank you for having me be on like, I remember just going in and a guy that I worked with went to the Agromeck yearbook meeting or whatever, and you were there, and you brought up, I guess, wanting to do a co host or something. Or he knew about it. I don't know what it was from, but I know that he was at the Agromeck meetings first, so I think that's what it was from. And so he told me, and I, like, wanted to get into it, but I didn't know what to do. I was gonna, I think I found out about Ethan because I knew him beforehand, and I was gonna go ask them or whatever at Technician. But I like, literally spent the night, like, just studying NC State's football team because I didn't know a ton about it, because I came here and I- I didn't follow NC State sports a ton since I first came here, and so I, like, studied the roster and transfers and recruits and like, and I wrote up like a paper and everything like, and then you had interviews or whatever. And what I always want, I don't know if you said it on here, obviously, actually, you take us through the story of, like, hiring and everything, because I was there, how many people applied, and, like, you actually did interviews-
Griffin Cunningham 54:10
For the podcast?
Stone Boylan 54:10
Griffin Cunningham 54:11
yeah. So I was podcast. It was me and this other girl started it, and we did two episodes in the spring of '22 and, I mean, yeah, '23.
Stone Boylan 54:26
No, spring of '23
Griffin Cunningham 54:27
Yeah. And then she basically, like, waited until the last minute, like we had already reapplied and were hired and everything by WKNC. And so she quits. And she's like, Yeah, like, there's, she is the tech sports editor at the time, so, like, the Technician sports and so yeah, she's like, you know, pop in the meeting and kind of gage the interest. So that's what I did, and that's where I met Patrick and Alex Emmanuel, who you were referring to earlier. And so yeah, Patrick was basically like, he's like, Yeah, I'll do it. And I was like, Well, hold on, like, let me like, you know, see the interest level here, you know, I can't have more than one guy. So I thought I was just gonna replace her with one person. And, yeah, Alex, Alex interviewed. So I held interviews because I felt like that was the best way to do it, even though it wasn't, like, technically-
Stone Boylan 55:31
Yeah, dude, you made me nervous. You sent out, like, Professor level, job level emails of like, interview pro- I was like, oh my god, this is a real deal.
Griffin Cunningham 55:40
Like, Well.
Stone Boylan 55:40
Griffin Cunningham 55:41
I mean, at least it made you take it seriously.
Stone Boylan 55:43
yeah, really.
Griffin Cunningham 55:45
Yeah. And so, yeah, I felt like you took it more seriously than the other two guys did. So it was you, and then Alex and Patrick, okay, interviewed for it. And so yeah, you definitely, like, you interviewed last, like, I held them on the same day. And so I think Alex went first. And, like, no offense to Alex, like he was a freshman at the time, but he totally bombed that interview, like he didn't really know anything about anything, yeah, and seemed uncomfortable, because I was like, Okay, well, and he- he recommended you too, so I don't think he cared that much, probably not. I think he just kind of did it like, just to see, like, you know, it was all about, yeah. And then Patrick comes along, and Patrick was, like, the complete opposite of Alex, like, he had a lot more, like, charisma and energy and juice, yeah. And so I was like, oh, okay, well, that'll work, perfect. And I was like, Okay, well, yeah, I'm probably gonna, you know, have you do this podcast with me. And then, yeah, you came on, and-
Stone Boylan 56:38
I was in the room. Like, I, I remember I came in earlier or whatever, while you were still interviewing with him, everything. So I sat back in the chair, oh, as you guys interviewed or whatever. And in your mind, you were like, Okay, well, I'm just gonna pick Patrick, this guy that just came.
Griffin Cunningham 56:57
yeah, and then you came
Stone Boylan 56:58
I- you had to do me.
Griffin Cunningham 56:59
You came and limped on over. Yeah, they were in, like-
Stone Boylan 57:02
What? Oh, yeah, yeah. Like, the before the first day of school, the first day I, like, messed up my ankle over there
Griffin Cunningham 57:10
you were in, like, a trace and crutches and everything. So, yeah, you limp your ass over to the table. And I was like, Oh, this guy's pathetic. And you were like, No, you surprised me, for sure, because you weren't, I'd say personality wise, you were closer to Alex and you were Patrick. Yeah, you were a lot more, like, knowledgeable and strategical with it. And so like it, it balanced out. And I thought that, yeah, like, it's like, oh well, this guy could probably balance out, like myself and definitely Patrick. That was awesome. Thinking, I think, like, that was good thinking I made a last second adjustment, and I was like, Oh, well, I'll bring both of them on, because they both seem to, like, want to do it. And so why? Why wouldn't I? Yeah, want two people who want to contribute. And it went well for a while. For the beginning, yeah, we just had more, more people who could do more with the podcast, like, as far as video stuff and, like, we did social media stuff, the flyers, like, the new we had a new logo done, like, so we had a lot done in those first and
Stone Boylan 58:17
I mean, we had, there were half the, half the episodes, I think, had like four people. We had guests on from around so, I mean, thinking about that and just with us now, like, oh my gosh, it was so it's been so hard to just try and fit everything in. Like,
Griffin Cunningham 58:36
Yeah, it was weird, because I was, I feel like I was the one kind of bringing the guests on and like, we kind of, like, found roles within the podcast, yeah, I was organizing all the notes and like, bringing people on, and like, kind of intros and rallying everybody, yeah, and then you were doing those the video and you were doing the sound editing, and Patrick started doing the video editing, and but I will say that, like, it was, it was harder than I thought it would be to just get people that I know to come on the podcast, because it's, like, so much extra, extra work. Yeah, and so, yeah, when we started doing it, you and I, like, no, no video, no social media, not as much social media. It just, like, really simplified it. So I'm not upset about that.
Stone Boylan 59:19
No. I mean, I wish we obviously could have done more. But again, it like you said, it takes a lot of time. I spent so much time in here trying to learn how to use Adobe premiere because I never really learned, and I knew it vaguely, but I had to look up and learn a lot of stuff. We had giant issue on our first video, or our first episode, where the mic, like, just with three people, it only allows you to have two audio tracks, so two people are on the same audio track, which created issues. But there was another issue where, like when I was editing it, the mics were so, like volatile and picked up so much noise that they would pick up. Background noise of one of us talking and the other mic on the other track, and you could hear it, and it was like I was so upset. I was like, Oh my God. I freaked out and ran here and tried to fix it. I had three people text me because I was so hyped about getting it out. And so that was, I mean, we had a lot of ups. We had so much I had so much fun, like being in here, though, there were so many good fun times, like, laughing at me, laughing at other people, like, in the beginning, I just remember, like, go through the it was just awesome. Some people couldn't handle it, but I mean, like, I don't care. It was so funny and fun. And anyone who actually could, like, with a few guys in here that I thought did great and helped us and and everything. And, you know, obviously Patrick helped as well. So shout out to him, when he was here. Obviously we had a falling out. But I think, you know, we've already went through that. So through that, so there's no point in going through it again. But, yeah, I mean, just this is awesome experience. I'll be able to take a lot, and I think, you know, you'll be graduating, so congrats to you.
Griffin Cunningham 1:00:54
Thank you.
Stone Boylan 1:00:55
And I'll have one more semester left, which will be like four, 400 level classes, so I'm gonna have to focus more on a lot of that stuff anyways. And like you said, we already talked about it, it'd be kind of weird even for me to just do it. I would have to find someone else, and it'd be only for a semester. And then what that's that's it. And also, you know, as you said, you kind of started it, and you, I kind of agree with your thinking about what we should do anyways. But I do want to say, like we are getting the feed in the control of this podcast from WKNC after so we are student employed through the student radio and media, but we want to still keep it alive, because I feel like this could be a good thing for us to use, also to keep in touch. First of all, because I think in terms of people that I've met here at NC State, like you're the one I talked to the most and probably become the best friends with, like I had roommates and stuff that I was with, that I was closer with, but they, or, I guess, suite mates, no, not the guy, no, not the guy I lived with, but the people, like, around in the dorm, you know, like, not in the wake scene room, no, yeah, but, and they really cool, but I haven't hung out or seen them in months, and it's just been really hard. And when you're a senior, I mean, I'm around a lot because I live on campus, but you know, it's, it's only so many people you're gonna really see around doing stuff, and I'm not a social guy, so this is kind of a cool thing for me to go and meet new people. And I think it'd be good way to keep it going with us being together, as well as just keeping up with NC, NC State sports and and maybe building it into something bigger, like, who knows in the future, but I think for this next semester and for basketball season and all that. Like, maybe we both still have control of the social media. I could say, hey, I want to post this quick thing. If something meaningful happens, if something meaningful happens, like in basketball or another winter sport, definitely, totally we'll look at our social media in terms of sitting down doing a podcast. We're going to figure out a lot, because we use all of that WKNC stuff and and, you know, but we will get the power to export it out. And this, I don't think, will be the end end completely, but for now, right terms of our legacy here and the next semester and whatever is beyond that, we are going to be closing it out, and what was an awesome ride. So thank you. I really, really appreciate. This will be something I remember doing forever, for sure.
Griffin Cunningham 1:03:27
Yeah, thank you too. And I don't, I mean, I feel like I kind of echoed all of that in the-
Stone Boylan 1:03:32
last episode.
Griffin Cunningham 1:03:33
last episode.
Stone Boylan 1:03:33
Because you thought it was gonna be our last
Griffin Cunningham 1:03:35
Yeah, I did, yeah. So I'm not trying to those.
Stone Boylan 1:03:37
That was my thing. I didn't think it was so I didn't really, I didn't mean to come across as like, I didn't give a shit. I just like, was like, we got to do another one, because it was so much I thought was gonna happen, right?
Griffin Cunningham 1:03:46
So, well, I echo your sentiment. So yeah, I'll leave it at that, but I don't have anything else to add. So send us away. There's been Light it Red.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:57
Music in this podcast was Jonas Hippers, king of sports and vibe and sneaky licensed under Creative Commons from the Free Music Archive.
Transcribed by
Creators and Guests