Wolfpack Win ACC Title! Let's Make a Bracket
Download MP3Griffin Cunningham 0:07
Welcome back to Light it Red, it is March 20, which means allergy season. Which means this episode is brought to you by Claritin. I need that right first sponsor. So thanks to them, but not actually, maybe, maybe in the future someday, one day, but with that it is also bracket season. So the best and the worst time of the year.
Stone Boylan 0:31
That's, I mean, just, I think March Madness, in my opinion, is the best sports event. I do love football and everything that football brings. But the Super Bowl is cool. It's just it's one game. March Madness is an experience. And I can't wait for it. Have you ever had what's what's your best bracket that you've ever had? Or do you even know? I'm probably can't remember, it's probably when I was a frickin kid not even knowing anything. Like, I follow so much now and go through everything now. And I guarantee you it is probably worse than when I picked just based on the mascots were looking at us when I was a kid. Like I think that just goes to show you how random it can be.
Griffin Cunningham 1:14
I don't even know what the one time I think I picked like Baylor to win it all. And they lost in the first round. They were one season is like 2012. Dude, there's people, there's professionals who follow it and the stuff they say like it makes sense.
Stone Boylan 1:27
But like Jay Billis, if I don't know if you know him, which I met him, by the way, he was really cool at the UNC or not UNC but the NC State Duke game, which we'll get into NC State later. Yeah. But last year, he had Arizona winning the whole thing, and they lost in the first round. So you know, that goes to show how there's not really a formula. And if you're making a bracket out there, you could get advice from other people. But I would say just stick to your guns, because you could totally be better than, you know, the person that follows it a ton. Just make as many as possible. And have fun. There you go and try to you're probably not gonna make any money. But if you I think in the past, I think I've made like five bucks. Just because if you end if you have like a big group of like 30 people, and you each pitch in like $1 or something, then you can win money. Yeah. But if you're entering like the big ones, like the $30,000 payout ones by these big like, sports betting, whatever, basically impossible. Yeah, you're not. So hopefully I will say though, one thing I've found interesting is, with sports betting now live
on FanDuel, there's certain stuff where you can bet for a team if they're going to make it to like the sweet 16 or the Elite Eight. And that's pretty cool. Where if I'm like, hey, my whole brackets done, but I still think this team is gonna go far, I could still bet on them to do that, and make money off of it. So I've done that a few times before the tournament starts, which this episode will probably be out maybe by round two or something when that comes out. But we're recording it before. So we are going to make a bracket because it hadn't happened yet. And we're still able to do so. But we are also in the midst of the aftermath of the absolutely insane ACC tournament for men that happened which women first happened and they did do good. I mean, they got to the final game. It was against Notre Dame, who I believe is a one or two seed I think there are potentially a two seed in the women's bracket. But we were not able to beat them in the ACC tournament. So we fell to a three seed for the women's but then the men's happened. And I think we had previewed it a little bit before it started. And I think the common just takeaway was you know, hey, maybe we win like two games. Obviously, we have to win the entire thing to get in basically a 1% chance key to his coaching for his job. And I didn't really expect anything of it. Me as well. Yeah. And then, you know, Louisville, it was like, Okay, well, that's easy. Louisville was horrendous. They just fired their coach, they're gonna get another one trying to have any sort of semblance of a team. Easy when Syracuse they were, you know better in the rankings. But like coach had said, when I went to the Duke game, one big thing that he talked about was that there's so much parity in the ACC. So 10 and seven not really big difference. We ended up beating them. Next round was Duke, which they did just one of the last regular season games, our little home ending game last game at home. They beat us we were close with them a lot in the game, but they pulled away in the end. And they were I believe the three or two seed and it was yeah, it was the the two and it was the three Yeah, Duke was the two and I
Unknown Speaker 5:00
I wasn't this I mean, I would that game I was like, Okay, I could see a win because I personally think Duke is a little bit overrated. And, you know, but but however they were separated from other ACC teams, it wasn't like they were right there with everyone.
Unknown Speaker 5:14
And while I didn't expect to win, we pulled it out. I mean, the, I think Diarra and O'Connell had a pretty good, good game off the bench. Same with the Taylor. I believe he was starting. And O'Connell may have been starting as well. But I was like, Hey, that's a good shocking performance from your bench guys. Awesome win for the team. I hate Duke. And then I look ahead and I'm like, wait, Virginia.
Unknown Speaker 5:42
Virginia sucks. Like I hate their tie. I hate the way they play. They're terrible. So I'm like, we could make the title game.
Unknown Speaker 5:51
But it was against Carolina, which well, well, it wasn't. Yeah, it was it? No, it was against the Carolina or pit. Right, which I thought Carolina was gonna win. But it was very good team. And even then I would have been scared of pit as well, because they just beat our butts, I believe twice. So both of those teams were good. And I thought they were both better than Virginia.
Unknown Speaker 6:13
And I honestly underestimated Virginia. Like,
Unknown Speaker 6:18
you know, I thought we were relatively gonna be like, Hey, we can win this game. But as the game was going on, I'm like, here we go. This is Tony Bennett crap. Like they slow the game down. It's really hard. And, you know, I'm like, oh, that's upsetting. So I'm just laying on my couch. Games almost over. And they're missing like, what? Five free throws in a row? Virginia? Yeah. And I'm like, Well, okay, that's not. It's not great after a insane technical, where Ben Middlebrooks misses a literal wide open layup or dunk, I believe, as a dunk attempt is hanging on the rim tries to put the ball back in, gets called for a technical and they have to shoot two free throws up a possession already.
Unknown Speaker 7:05
I believe it was three points. And the they miss both of them. Luckily, we get the ball back because we had the possession arrow, and one of the most insane shots in ACC history happens. Which is just crazy to think like, that happened to us. Like it's we I feel like we the NC State, at least just us here. It's kind of like, there hasn't really been a ton of optimism with basketball in general. And for it, to like actually happen to us was pretty, pretty mind boggling. But Michael O'Connell, it's an absolutely insane shot. Was it lucky? Yeah, for sure. It was literally off the glass and it rolled around maybe 10 times. But he hits it. DJ burns, takes and takes over and over time. And then we play Carolina. And I am not gonna lie when I said I did not. If I had to bet my life before I would not have bet on us to win. I was scared. Yeah, I mean, we had, we were on spring break during all this, but I know you and I had talked a little bit after the Duke game. I didn't start I was in Florida. So I wasn't even paying attention to what was going on. I had no faith in the team. I was like, Well, you know, this was done. I went to the the women's ACC tournament, and they had just lost in the championship. And I was like, Well, you know, guess we'll just wait until the NCAA tournament. And so they beat Duke and I'm like sitting in Wingstop. And I'm like, what would they be? Like, what in the world? And then I tuned in, in my hotel
Unknown Speaker 8:41
against the Virginia against Yeah, against Virginia. And I called you up as soon as that shot down. Because you had texted me and you were like we're cooked. Yeah, we're done. And I was I was right there with you get the the technical it was a was it a tech? Yeah, it was a tech I remember burns grande sow. There was two of them. Yeah, Burns had a bad foul as well.
Unknown Speaker 9:04
So they miss like five free. Yeah, no, they really, they shot themselves in the foot of Virginia. I mean, they still made the tournament. So it's like, which I also hate we'll get to that to which they deserved and they're not they deserve to not be in it. And now they're not. So screw them. But yeah. Anyways, yeah, that shot went down, call you up. And that we that we got called you before the game even went to overtime like the shot went and it was like 5858 So there are still some games to be played. But yeah, they pull it out. And then I think you told me that like, you're like you didn't think that we would be Carolina? No, I was really scared. No, I mean, I thought we'd keep it close. But like I bet the only thing that was our spread because we were maybe I don't know how many points we were underdogs but it was a solid amount. It was like well, mines will take it. I think it was 678 Somewhere around there.
Unknown Speaker 9:58
And the game was not
Unknown Speaker 10:00
I'm really in doubt a ton to be honest, like I, when they started, I was like, Okay, well, I guess we literally just won the ACC like I couldn't, I couldn't believe it, like, burns absolutely owned, you know, the entire tournament they caught which, obviously, the I think just looking at the tournament as a whole, I don't even have any stats because I don't think we really need to dive into any of that stuff. Because it's just, it's the only thing that Stat wise I can remember is just it's this is literally the first time this has ever happened in the ACC, where a team has gone five games in five days, a team with the lowest seed ever to win it. The last one was seven, which we were tied with a lot of other teams to do that. And we were a 10 seed here. The only other team to even you know relatively do what we did was UConn back in, I believe was 2011 with that insane team with Kemba Walker. And
Unknown Speaker 10:57
to be able to just even relatively experienced that was like insane, you know, I just I I couldn't believe it the entire day after it happened. I was just so shocked. Like the maybe it was lightning in a bottle, maybe stuff finally pulled through together like maybe they finally got it together. Maybe it was very good matchups, but I think it made it so much better going through Louisville, Syracuse, Virginia, but specifically Duke and Carolina. Right it goes I think that made it way more meaningful. You go through those two teams on route to hear because if we laid pit it would have been like Carolina fans that are like yeah, but you didn't beat us. You know, but no, we did. It was like perfect. The Perfect Storm was perfect. Perfect. And you know, I think it was as much of the players that we thought were going to be stars going into the year like DJ horn and
Unknown Speaker 12:01
MJ rice No, I mean, I thought it was going to be
Unknown Speaker 12:06
NBA rice but just the horn duo with between those two and then the DJ duo. Yeah, no DJ duo. Yeah, I got it mixed up. But the DJ duo and the pieces off the bench that ended up coming in and starting throughout the tournament like Michael O'Connell was awesome. I loved him the entire tournament. He was phenomenal. Diarra while fasting and doing Ramadan was insane. We had three guys which I believe it was
Unknown Speaker 12:37
a neocon or Michael O'Connell was one of them that were on all ACC tournament first team and then Dr. was on the second team. So we had four guys on the all ACC teams. And even then Burns was the MVP. Yeah, Burns was the MVP. Marcel had some phenomenal defense. In the last game we played and had, like 25 points. Did you see time he liked clamped up? Yes. We had then blocked him horn was like just laughing and smiling while he's playing defense. At the end of the Carolina game. Middlebrooks had a very good, but a lot of good minutes in terms of his defensive play. Like we had.
Unknown Speaker 13:15
I mean, Taylor obviously had, I believe, a 20 plus point games somewhere in there, like so many contributions, they were so consistent, and it's just insane because this is not the team that we've or I've watched, and I think Keats deserves a ton of credit for someone who you know, I think if if they beat Duke and still lost maybe the next round I think he probably would have stayed I don't think I personally wouldn't have fired him. I would have fired him if he only won one.
Unknown Speaker 13:49
Maybe if Syracuse it would have been like okay, if you beat Duke you're for sure if you don't we're gonna have to maybe look into some stuff. But to go that far, you know, he got it didn't extension. Literally I got the notification. Like, less than an hour maybe an hour after the game like the NC State was like getting we're giving you two year extension. Well, I think that was already worked into his contract if he had won the ACC tournament was it was an automatic extension.
Unknown Speaker 14:18
Like, just been like okay, this is what we want to do. Now. I don't think that's what I think you guys several bonuses for winning that. I do know that he got like maybe four or 5 million and I think he's extended through like 2030 that makes more sense. Yeah. I don't think that I don't like the school. throw money suddenly. I forget who tweeted it but they tweet it and like NC State is giving their like he said is giving like, yeah, at least that's weird. probably the wrong word. That makes more sense. But still for him. I think he deserves a ton of credit for a guy who, you know, was obviously getting a lot of hate, especially all the time, which some of it was deserved. And some of it I don't think was especially with just the fans. I think some of them sometimes obvious
Unknown Speaker 15:00
The booing every single time when they announced are doing this, I think is a little bit disrespectful. But I do think you can speak about, you know, a is either right guy in the right way, which I do think we did in the last episode. But now that's all put to bed props to him and we'll see if it's sustainable. That being Is he the sustainable and right coach? And was this just him maybe thriving under pressure? Is he going to get to another under pressure situation where his job is on the line? Or is maybe this the start of something where we can get maybe some more recruits, but this team was built off transfers. This whole team was so maybe that's the identity of state, which is harder to do is get a lot of transfers every year. But if there were any era to do that in it would be it would be this one. Yeah. I, I think that even if it was a fluke, it was still something that I think we'll all remember for a really long time and get to enjoy. Even if they don't go on a run in a tournament. Or if we go through another five years slot. Yeah. So if we lose the first round or whatever, like we'll always have the ACC championship banner from 2024. And I think it means so much more because hadn't happened in so long. 87. Right. And just for us to be at the school, and I wasn't even really doing a ton during spring break. I did a little bit of stuff. But I didn't really travel a ton like you did. And when they won, I'm like, do I want to be involved in this, like, I wish I could have gone to DC I had people that I know that went to DC for the very last game against Carolina. It was awesome. And so I was wanting to see them when they came back. And I was about to go to bed and I got a notification that they were coming back literally that night. So I woke up and just literally called my friend who was still awake was about to go to bed drove down and they I stayed up and they got back at like 340 3:45am Yeah, and I didn't get back to my house at like 5am because they got off the bus, they had the trophy. You just you could hang out with them. They gave like a little speech and stuff. You could talk to him like it was a really cool experience just to be like, wow, like, You're right up there. Obviously, it's you know, like, hey there students just like you sound like a professional thing. But it's so really cool to be like, Hey, these are, you know, coveted athletes that just didn't insane thing for our school. And I could just go up and talk to him, like a famous person. And then I also went to the sports and social place that they held NC State, you know, Keats, and everyone else in the players went there to watch Selection Sunday. It was absolutely packed. Like it was absurd. I got there a little bit early, and I got a seat at the bar and just literally chilled there the entire time. And then some people I knew came as well. And they were also there where you got to talk to him or whatever. But yeah, yeah, it was the whole weekend was awesome. And like you said, even if they don't do a ton, it'll still be one of the best. Just sports moments for state. You know, obviously we're not in terms of basketball sense. We're not Carolina, hard to say we you know, with the titles, obviously that's it's a given. But I think just for us to have that is insanely special. Yeah, I think it could potentially revamp the program a little bit to help. So recruits seeing that and saying, Well, maybe maybe I won't go to Carolina or I won't go to Duke I'll go to NC State and said, because this because, you know, it was I think kids did a good job building the culture there. Like they seem to love him and just be super happy and stoked. And I think something happened and he deserves the credit because someone had to potentially motivate these guys to, you know, play the way they did. So again, like you said, we'll see how it goes. But
Unknown Speaker 19:04
yeah, insane, insane stuff from a team that we did not expect to win. I mean, even beforehand, I would have been like yeah, the women's they have a much better chance of winning ACC than the male. They got a double by I know and they lost. They won. I think they won against I went one or two, one. Maybe they had three, three total games, two games and then lost the championship and I I went to Well, I went to I was in Charlotte for Olivia Rodrigo. Were a concert on Friday. I didn't go to so
Unknown Speaker 19:37
we went to the sit. Wait. Yeah. And Charlotte. Yeah, she went to the same. Yeah, and we talked about this. Oh, I forgot. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 19:45
Anyways, so I went from Charlotte to Greensboro and then went I went back home and then came back to Greensboro. And then yeah, I went on spring break. So I was really like, unplugged from it.
Unknown Speaker 19:58
But yeah, the women's seemed
Unknown Speaker 20:00
That's pretty good to see. Yeah. Hopefully they've done their flowers as well. They actually have to or they're not. They're scheduled for two home games at Reynolds. Yeah. They will host unless they lose which they are thrown probably won't. But we're not there three seed.
Unknown Speaker 20:16
Who do you watch the Carolina game. I'm just curious. Again, NC State Carolina ACC champion, I just, I had a plan with some friends. And so I did that. And then I just tried not to watch the game. And I watched part of it on my phone for a good amount of part of it on TV. And then I went through a slight recap of just watching the entire thing. So it was bits and pieces. But yeah, I didn't go out anywhere to the watch. I kind of referred like for March Madness, I'm literally going to be in the library. 24/7 just trying to secure one of the monitors, screens in the library, and just hook my laptop up there with YouTube TV, they'll have like a quad box you can do. And that's just where I'll be for 12 hours from Thursday to Sunday. Nice. So I'm not really like, go out and watch a game because I kind of like fully paying attention and being like, oh, like what's going on here? Like, you know what is happening? It gives you more insight.
Unknown Speaker 21:19
Unless if it's a game that I don't relatively care, then yeah, totally. Yeah. I didn't go out anywhere and and watch it like no, I didn't either. We I was in. So the part of Florida that I was in, it was actually Central time. So I missed the first half hour.
Unknown Speaker 21:36
I get a text from my dad. And he's like you watching this? And I was like, Yeah, I'm gonna watch it. And he's like, Well, it's on right now. And he sits up by 10. And I was in freaking Sephora. Of all places. We I was with my girlfriend, and she was shopping. And then I was like, We gotta go. So we walked into the hotel. And we we had some wine and celebrated the win. And that was cool. And then we drove back so I wasn't able to make it to the sports and social event on what was it Sunday? Yeah, they after so I wasn't Hallie was there so highly that yeah, she said she ran into you. She said you were more talkative than you've ever been in your life.
Unknown Speaker 22:15
She said you were like, it was like a completely different. No, I totally see that. I was just sitting there with a beer like drinking a Coors Light. Like, what's up Haley? Like? Yeah. And then in the meetings for Agra MC.
Unknown Speaker 22:29
I like come in with my, with my head on and just Yes, I guess I can understand that. Yeah, she was surprised. She said she got to talk to DJ burns for like an hour and a half. Really? It was like hanging out with them and stuff. It's cool. I don't I don't know if I believe her. She's maybe what? 30 minutes to seven. Maybe like 15? No.
Unknown Speaker 22:49
I mean, I got to talk to O'Connor O'Connell for like, maybe five was just, I know, not the bell tower. They came. They came back at their basketball center, whatever. That's right next to the soccer. That's where they came back. So I just talked with him. What are
Unknown Speaker 23:10
you going for me? Is that what he said? No, no. He was like, they were all cool. Like, they were sure they were like, Yeah, letting people take pictures. They were out for a while they came back and their cars were right there. So they could have just taken their cars and left but a ton of them stayed and they celebrate and they took photos with everyone. And they just talked with people. And okay, didn't go Connell and burns. Were one of the last people there. So yeah, so this Yeah, taking pictures with people when everything I guess touched the trophy to that was sick. Horn was like holding it when they got off. I think they put it in the they're obviously going to you know, have it displayed somewhere. Yeah. But yeah, it's it was awesome. So I saw the Instagram post that I saw you got selfies with some of them. Yeah, I was laughing at the DJ horn one Yeah, I because it was the blurry he was he literally literally there's so many people trying to get it and
Unknown Speaker 24:09
I don't know what it was, you know, the phone where it does that thing where iPhone at least take a photo like lags a little tighter. Yeah, I didn't turn that frickin thing on. So it did that and he was trying to leave and I didn't want to like, you know, be like no get back here took a photo with me because it's like, you know, douche thing to do. And I just wanted to get it quickly. It was kind of like a funny like, slightly you know, blurred stuff but you can still take out what you know you can make out what's there and then the O'Connell photo. I was like you looked at my talk. I was semi talking him. I was semi I probably think I am actually I think he's maybe six foot Yeah, I'm not better in any way. But he was taller than him. And Burns is freaking gigantic. Like it's absolutely insane. It's a like, you can't really hold the
Unknown Speaker 25:00
I want to take a photo he like he has to hold the phone. So you can take a photo like I still did because my arms are longer than other people. But these all these, like, small girls that went there like they just couldn't get a photo. They had to have someone else take it or yeah, he just held the phone out and would just take the photo for him. Yeah. But yeah, they're awesome people. They're really cool. So yeah, well, I'm happy for him. It's good shifting. Well, this is semi related to, to the to the ACC championship. Before we do our bracket to finish the episode.
Unknown Speaker 25:34
I just wanted to say, I know we've been talking about this a little bit on and off again for the past couple months. And I was looking in the rafters for the banner. Obviously the banner is not there yet. But I did go to PNC on Monday night.
Unknown Speaker 25:49
Do you know was that PNC on Monday night?
Unknown Speaker 25:52
What? It was WWE Monday Night Raw? Yeah. Professional wrestling? Yeah. We've been talking about that. Oh, yeah. Well, you went to midget wrestling. Yeah. Yeah, I did. You're a little wrestling guy. Well, we talked about wrestling at NC State. And every time we talked about wrestling, I I make sure to make it a point to like somehow make some sort of like, insert WWE comment. I just thought and then you went to their full circle moment, kind of well, we covered it for acromag. Oh, you did? Oh, yeah. That's right. Because you guys weren't at the meeting. So you covered Yeah, I went to PNC on literally yesterday. for follow up, boy. Yeah. How did you know that? Because I knew they were there. It was kind of a big deal. I didn't post anything. No, but like they actually as soon as WWE ended on Monday night, they started bringing the speakers down for Fall Out Boy. Really? It was really cool. I like for this probably. It's only the second it's probably it's only the third concert I went to been to panic of the disco, Maroon Five, and then follow up. Boy, if that gives you any sense of my music tastes. But yeah, they were awesome. They were we got there earlier, I went with my girlfriend and I did still have work to do. So I was like she was okay, doors open. And it starts at like 630. But there might be one band on before I'm like, okay, that's fine. It shouldn't be too long. We'll come back after turns out there were three. And then fall boy didn't come out until like 945. Wow. And I was like, Okay, well, that's not gonna
Unknown Speaker 27:23
work. So I did do, I did sign into WebAssign or whatever, and do my assignment on my phone. Very hard. It was just this random guy screaming about whatever. I don't know, the last opener was cool. But the other two were like, whatever. But yeah, it was it was hard. But yeah, Fabo is awesome. So anyways, getting away from each other in the PNC stuff, we are going to fill out a bracket. It's not going to be I'm going to go through any insane you know, depth into all the matchups, we're just going to go through each one, we'll make a full one. And it'll be it has to be made with both of our approval. So this isn't just one person picking and the other person like watching. If we agree we'll move on. If not, we'll find some sort of compromise. So this is towards the light at Red bracket for both racks. So let's start in the east region. With Yukon and Stetson. First, do you want to have any one seeds losing to a 16 seed?
Unknown Speaker 28:25
No, I don't think so either. So ideally, we'd put them all through Yes, even Purdue, and unfortunately, Longwood cannot go through because if you don't know there's been a certain trend with teams that ended up upsetting other teams and moving on like, if you remember Oral Roberts did pretty good. And then long wood Yes. Would be a pretty darn good upset to go through and then F D you is pretty pretty dang interesting as well, but
Unknown Speaker 28:59
I agree there's not gonna be any is it gonna be any ones over 16 seeds sticking with the east region? Northwestern FAU Do you have any thoughts at all?
Unknown Speaker 29:10
Well, I just remember FAU from last year. Yep. And I know that they went on a run so I would go FAU on this one. I agree. I will tell you though it's not anywhere close to the same team even if it's the same players because they performed not as well at all but Northwestern one of their best guards tie berry or Perry is injured so that is why watch out though for boo boo. Yes, that's his name boo boo Northwestern guard. He's insane. So if they win it will be because he dropped like 35 but odds of that are not as high as FAU winning so I agree. San Diego State UAB even as UAB UAB
Unknown Speaker 29:48
is it Alabama? Something something for me. I don't know. Not gonna lie. Don't don't really don't really know. When their tournament they did. They didn't win their tournament. I mean, I know who they are. I don't
Unknown Speaker 30:00
No this like the acronym stands for, well didn't San Diego State make to the Final Four last year? Yes, they did. So they probably they got a little bit lucky though. Some of the road is a little bit easier. They love won a ton of close games, but UAB is probably the worst 12 seed. So, so sad. Take that with what you will, but I would probably move San Diego State Auburn and Yale. I've seen a peep a few people actually pick Gail. My girlfriend did ironically. So I was like, did you watch anything with people you're like now.
Unknown Speaker 30:29
But Auburn analytically,
Unknown Speaker 30:33
according to different analytical metrics is the fourth or fifth best team in the country. And they're a fourth seat. So, so they're probably poised. I think so. But maybe Yale has a better style of play. But I would probably suggest moving Auburn forward. Yeah, I think
Unknown Speaker 30:55
I have a good feel. I was in Auburn the other day. So I have a good feeling. I I didn't visit the campus or anything, but I drove past it. Yeah, you drink. So that's means they're gonna win. Maybe perfect.
Unknown Speaker 31:07
I mean, Yale, Yale has gone on runs in the past. Yeah, that doesn't mean I will say they did just barely beat
Unknown Speaker 31:15
a team. It's Brown University, who had literally had a losing record and the winner that would have made the tournament so if Brown would have made it they would have been probably 15 or a 16. C, and they barely want selbourne. What did they they made it past the first round last year last like Alabama or something. I can't remember Alabama was really good last year because they had Brandon Miller, right? Yes, yeah, I'd offer no wind at all, and they lost in the sweet 16 or second round or something like that. And my second pick was UConn, but wasn't the first I normally if I add all the leaves that I've run, I do two brackets. Because I we kind of do like a one for series and one of like, hey, kind of for fun, or if you have any other stuff you think of you could do it because I think there's so many just different,
Unknown Speaker 32:00
you know, matchups that could happen and change a lot of stuffs and only I do too. But anyways, back to this bracket, BYU and quince do quince, I believe is the worst 11 C probably but six and 11 is still a popular matchup. Only thing is to quinces artificially raised to an 11. And BYU is artificially lowered to a six because of religious reasons.
Unknown Speaker 32:27
I'm serious, yes. Because when making the bracket and having, you know, teams play in certain locations and on certain seeds, and in certain regions, you with the first weekend and the second weekend, you have to play, you know, if you play Thursday, then you play Saturday. If you play Friday, then you play Sunday. Well, based on how it worked out BYU, if they were a five seed, which is what they were generally predicted as they would have had to play Friday, Sunday. And BYU does not hold any sort of activities on Sunday because of religious reasons. So they had to be a six. So technically, they're better than what they are. So if there were any 11 Six, I would probably say BYU would, would be the winner. Yeah, well, we played them this year, too. And they we did beat us. Well, that's the thing looking back to NC State. We had brought it up anyways, I remember bringing it up the losses we had like Ole Miss. They didn't make the tournament. But other teams we play that we didn't think were as good actually ended up being like pretty good. And we lost them like BYU was like, Oh, that sucks. No, they were literally 60 Did you see that? There was a viral video this year of the BYU player getting falled like on the baseline and falling over. This white kid with like shaved blonde hair. Yes. And what do you say? He's like, frick you eat there.
Unknown Speaker 33:48
Obviously, everyone knows. BYU, but he was like beet red. It was funny. You check that clip out if you get a chance. It's very funny. But here they ended up moving on. Like the kid who's like that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick? You seen that video? No. Mother trucker? Dude better like a butt cheek on a stick? That's exactly that was the vibe I was getting never be why you play. I've never heard that before, too. Well, that's probably what Morehead State is going to be saying when they get destroyed by Illinois. Um, I don't think they're going to upset at all. So no upset so far in the East so far. No. But would you like one in this next round? Washington state is the seventh seed versus Drake is a 10 seed who pushed out Indiana State who would have been a tournament darling, but there were unfortunately so many tournament bid Steelers you in NC State being one of them. That it pushed Indiana State out. So are we thinking with Drake in Washington State? Drake one there. I agree. I like Drake. What what conference are they in misery Valley. And they they won that? Yeah. against Indiana State which was both of them were tournament teams. They were very good Indiana State there.
Unknown Speaker 35:00
ranking was 29th. And it's the highest net ranking for a team that's ever been left out the tournament. They didn't win their tournament. So, Washington State some people have them go into the Elite Eight that I've seen.
Unknown Speaker 35:12
And that is high. I think they beat Arizona, but I'm not sure if Arizona is the most trustworthy team in the country. And the PAC 12 was not as good this year. So I agree. Let's take Drake, I would stay in South Dakota State.
Unknown Speaker 35:24
There could be a potential to 15 upset but I don't think you'd be this one. I was state does a very good job of not really blowing any sort of games that they shouldn't lose. And I was state's coach actually used to coach at South Dakota State. Funny enough. South Dakota State made a run last year too, didn't they? No, I don't think so. Now make the tournament now. Really? A few years ago, they won a game but not last year. Well, I saw an Iowa state flag today. So I'm thinking Iowa State is oh, you can't now first of all, even just look at this. The whole region like Yukons, the number one overall seed. They get FAU in their bracket who just made the final for San Diego State who they played in the title game. Auburn won the SEC, Illinois won the big 10 in Iowa State won the big 12. And that's where they have to play. Like it's a pretty brutal Yeah, stretch for a team. That's the number one overall seat and you'd even say BYU pointing that out. Yeah. And BYU is good there. Like I said there are officially a 60 They should be like a five seat. Yeah. So the
Unknown Speaker 36:27
Yukon is the favorite. But it's it's a rough road for that. But against FAU. Do you want to have any upset here? Or should we keep them going? I don't know. I think this would be a good spot for an upset Oh, really. You don't think FIU could do it? I mean, they could turn on a different just mode. When it comes tournament time. They're just they are not they've been very close to a lot of games they shouldn't be close to which is why it just gives us hesitation because last year they were much more secure. But if you want to go the upset here, I won't stop you. I would entertain it but I think taking UConn is supposed to be I mean the defending champions and they have a pretty good chance of going back to back. So this is not the one V eight that I would take the one who will move UConn there San Diego State and Auburn. Well, do you agree though? Yeah, no. Okay. Do
Unknown Speaker 37:25
I think I'd go Auburn, me too. I just analytically there's better and offensively defensively. They're kind of the same offensively. They're better. Give me Auburn, Illinois, BYU. This will be very interesting. Both high octane offense is I had gone I believe Illinois in one and BYU in the other. But if Illinois wins, I think they could go farther than BYU. So, you know, that might be a thing. But what do you do you have any sort of glaring opinions on this game? I think I'm biased because I saw BYU play, and I haven't seen Illinois play. And so I'm inclined to pick BYU here. That's fine. Illinois does have Tarrant shin and junior NBA player going to be a stud. But that doesn't mean obviously NBA players always win right? Well, you had
Unknown Speaker 38:13
they have friggin Jimmer. Like nine years ago. Yeah. Is that he did. He didn't play in the NBA for very long. No, he did. He's kicking it though. Overseas dropping like 50 your game? Yeah. So you want to go Illinois? That's our No, I don't care. I'm cool with either one. I picked one in each. Okay. I'll say BYU for this. All right, BYU and then I was taking Drake
Unknown Speaker 38:35
thinking Iowa State All right. That's good. Auburn UConn. I would say
Unknown Speaker 38:43
you I don't. I'm cool with either one here. I also shockingly enough picked each in my two brackets that I did one UConn one Auburn. I think UConn obviously is the favorite to win the title and they should be. But with their brutal bracket, Auburn is much higher than four seed. And I think if Auburn wins this game, they have the potential to make the title game from just winning this one sweet 16 game because I think it'll show a ton about how good they are. If they don't then you know, obviously they're out. Oh, well. But would you like to have UConn? Move on to the Final Four? Or would you like to have Auburn upset? You come?
Unknown Speaker 39:20
I think I'm going I want to go Auburn here because
Unknown Speaker 39:25
UConn who do they lose? They I mean they've lost players costly to people. I mean, their team is still amazing. It's probably one of the best teams to come back that, you know, won a title like the next year. But again, it is very hard to repeat. And their region is pretty pretty brutal.
Unknown Speaker 39:46
And Auburn obviously does have experience. They're an older group, Bruce Pearl, their head coach has been to the Final Four before.
Unknown Speaker 39:54
And I like I said analytically, they're like ranked as the fifth best team which number one
Unknown Speaker 40:00
Is Houston slash UConn? Oh, they have a broom. I remember was he Johnny broom? Yeah. Was he on Auburn last year? Yeah, he was good. Yeah, tournament was good. And then UConn has just a lot of guys that just stepped up from last year. They have Tristan Newton Donovan Klingon, Stefan Castle NBA player. But let's, what would what would you like to do here? I think Auburn gets it done this time. Let's do it. I'm not mad at it. I would state BYU
Unknown Speaker 40:32
Iowa State Yep. I agree. And between here I honestly am going to put my vote in for Auburn. I think I was dates floor is good. But I think their ceiling is not really final for caliber. So let's have Auburn going to the Final Four. I agree. Let's move down to the west region. Carolina. We will have them losing to Wagner first.
Unknown Speaker 40:55
Now we'll have them winning Michigan State Mississippi State. And this is this is basically a coin flip, to be honest, but we'll pick MSU MSU. We're not even going to tell you which one. You're just gonna have to figure it out.
Unknown Speaker 41:08
St. Mary's Grand Canyon.
Unknown Speaker 41:13
Canyon is that where's that? Is it in Arizona take a wild guess. Grand Canyon University is I told
Unknown Speaker 41:21
Griffin I take a wild guess. Like Grand Canyon. Oh, wow. Nice inside the grand canyon where they're building the wall. Yeah, it's inside the Grand Canyon right next to the Walmart. Okay. I think it's mainly also a lot of people go there online.
Unknown Speaker 41:36
Like the heavy online university, but Well, the commute probably is a bit unsure. But their head coach is actually the brother of Baylor's head coach who won a title, his name that means nothing to me. What? No, I'm saying that doesn't mean they're upsetting. But they are a relatively popular upset pick, not the most popular but I will say in both of mine. I did go St. Mary's because St. Mary's also a team that has a very high floor kind of similar to I was state, and it's just not an amazing matchup for them but I could definitely see Grand Canyon pulling it off. Who's the coach of St. Mary's? St. Mary's? Yeah. I forget his name. I forget his he's been there a long time. Grand Canyon. Also they do have a potential NBA player Tyron grant Foster is very, very good. And the brother of believe it's Scotchgard. BRYCE DREW is his name for Grand Canyon Scotch who the coach for Baylor. So what would you like to go here? I think
Unknown Speaker 42:42
I think St. Mary's. All right. We'll have St. Mary's go through Alabama and Charleston.
Unknown Speaker 42:49
They pretty much played the same exact way but Alabama just does it all better, to be honest. So unless Alabama has a down game Charleston has a good game, which is possible. I think we should have Alabama move on. Clemson, New Mexico. I had had New Mexico and both of these. Clemson is stumbling into the tournament played horrible in the ACC tournament. Funny enough. Ben Middlebrooks is a transfer from Clemson when they got off the bus there were these guys that were talking to him or whatever it was a little bit after they had, you know, take took pictures of everyone who's about to leave.
Unknown Speaker 43:24
They were like, Hey, what's up with Clemson? Where are they? And then Brooks was like, Yeah, where's Clemson at where are they at in the ACC tournament? Yeah. Are they home? He was like totally crapping on Clemson and it was really funny because sometimes you don't know if players who transfer like had any sort of beef with the with the place or maybe they just moved on because they wanted to but he was just shitting on Clemson is pretty funny probably feeling himself a little bit. So let's definitely Mexico. I like I do like they just won the Mountain West Mountain West had a great year this year.
Unknown Speaker 43:59
I their head coach is actually the son of Rick Pitino who is a legendary coach coach for St. John's right now. Did some interesting stuff at Louisville but we won't get into that. Buddies won a national title and if if you take St John's to the tournament next year, which they absolutely should have gone in this year over Virginia. He would have been I believe the only coach to take like six programs to the tournament which is pretty impressive. But his son is that New Mexico he's doing an awesome job. So we'll have to move on Baylor Colgate Colgate has been cool upset pick a few years ago the past year or two but this is probably their worst team they've had under their coach and Baylor again similar play style Baylor does a better I don't really see an upset happening here. Yeah, I don't trust Baylor but we'll we'll take Why didn't win in this first one at least. Dayton, Nevada. I had Nevada in both of them. I'm not opposed to going Dayton either. Dayton does have NBA player Duran Holmes. The second is it
Unknown Speaker 45:00
Very, very good. He'll be the best player on the court. Nevada though, is dramatically under seated as the 10 seed Mountain West got a lot of disrespect here, like New Mexico was definitely a tournament worthy team. And the committee said that they would not have made the tournament if they didn't win their mountain west tournament, which is pretty shocking. And they got an 11 seed. Nevada is a 10 seed. It's basically a pickup, Dayton, Nevada. I do brackets where you get points plus the seed. So a lot of times if it's a pickup, I always try and go for the lower one. That's not what we're doing here. We're just trying to get everything right. So do you have a strong opinion on this? I like Dayton. I'm a Dayton fan. We can go Dayton I want to I want to go Dayton. I think they got robbed in the COVID year with Obi toppin. Yeah, that was March in their tournament run. And this is I think the first time that they've been back in the tournament since then. So I want to go Dayton. Let's do that. Arizona Long Beach State. I don't think Arizona will lose.
Unknown Speaker 45:57
Another two to 15 seed Long Beach State is also not a good tournament team. It is not so Arizona.
Unknown Speaker 46:04
North Carolina and Su again, you have no idea which one? Do we want to have an MSU upset here? Either? MSU?
Unknown Speaker 46:13
No, no. All right, North Carolina. Let's, what are we picking? Which one Mississippi, Michigan, Michigan? You gotta go? Is that what you because you're I didn't pick one yet. Oh, okay. I thought were telepathically communicating about which one we were doing. I think I mean, you're a Michigan writer. What do you mean, your dad went to Michigan and my dad moved to Michigan State. Yeah, but the analytically Michigan State is way higher than their seed. But recent games heavily favor Mississippi State because they haven't really lost like Michigan State's lost the teams that aren't in the tournament. Mississippi State has lost two teams that are very high and they've also literally crushed, you know, Tennessee recently. So I don't really care about either one. I think whoever wins could give Carolina some problems. I don't know if they'll win. But Mississippi State matches up better with North Carolina. But Michigan State matches up better with Mississippi State. So if Mississippi State beats Michigan State, I could see them giving Carolina some trouble and having a chance to upset if it's Michigan State which they are a better matchup against Mississippi State. I think they'll lose an extra I think Michigan State wins and then loses the Carolina Yeah, that's probably what's gonna happen which will rob us of a potential upset but oh well. St. Mary's in Alabama. I have an opinion on this. But I want to get your take first.
Unknown Speaker 47:30
Well, I don't know a lot about either program. I'll tell you this is oil and water. Like Alabama is one of the highest pace teams St. Mary's one of the lowest pace
Unknown Speaker 47:42
Well, usually that favors the lower pace theme, doesn't it? Like Virginia, I thought you're gonna see the opposite. I do agree. And I actually have St. Mary's winning in both of these. I'm not very high on Alabama. And I go on a limb and say If Grand Canyon beat St. Mary's I think they also be Alabama. I think Alabama loses either way, in this game. Okay. Go St. Mary's, then. That assists Alabama St. Mary's. He said No, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 48:08
Yeah, no, no, I thought I said Alabama will win. No, Alabama will lose. I don't think there will make it if they make the sweet 16. I guarantee you they won't make it any more farther, even if they play Michigan State or Mississippi State don't care. Baylor Clemson, I mean, no, not Baylor, Clemson Baylor, New Mexico.
Unknown Speaker 48:26
Do we want another upset here?
Unknown Speaker 48:29
I feel like the 11 seats in this tournament are gonna do some damage. I absolutely love it. I picked New Mexico in both my brackets to win Baylor is a good efficient shooting team. But they turn it over a ton and New Mexico does an awesome job taking advantage of turnovers. They have one of the highest points out points off of turnovers per game in the country. They don't allow a lot of turnovers but they turn it over for the other team a ton. I think this is a pretty interesting matchup Baylor could still win if they hit their threes and efficient rate but I liked the New Mexico pick. Let's let's go ahead and do that. And then Dayton, Arizona. I think Arizona All right, Arizona goes through Carolina and St. Mary's
Unknown Speaker 49:17
I don't like Carolina. I don't either. And ironically not because I don't like Carolina, but because I think when you look at all the general you know, important stats, St Mary's is just a little bit better in absolutely everything. Like they're just slightly better in everything. You know, only thing that they don't have a ton of in terms of being able to stop Carolina is a big man to go with a cot but I think if you were to tell me you know, hey, what team you know, do you think is going to win this game? They're basically the same one team has better guards one team has better bigs in the tournament. Give me the team with better guards nine times out of 10 You know, unless it's Zach Ed, making all his free throws. I think the guards run the show if it's easy
Unknown Speaker 50:00
And, and I would not be opposed to St. Mary's upset. Okay. Let's do it so they make the Elite Eight and the New Mexico Arizona. What do you think?
Unknown Speaker 50:11
I think Arizona okay.
Unknown Speaker 50:13
I had it split
Unknown Speaker 50:16
New Mexico and Arizona just because I love this New Mexico team in Arizona has had a few hiccups in the past, but I'm okay. They are much better. Not much but they're a solid amount better than last year and last year obviously was a little bit of a fluke. So I'm okay with them winning here and then St. Mary's, Arizona. I'll let you
Unknown Speaker 50:38
pick me to pick this Well, you seem to be pretty high in St. Mary. I am on St. Mary's in New Mexico. And only thing is I think Arizona could totally lose in the 16 or random 32 But I think if they match up against St. Mary specifically I think they could win that game. And while I do have St. Mary's weirdly enough going to the Final Four in One of my brackets as weird as it sounds
Unknown Speaker 51:04
not sure what that was that was an emergency alert. I didn't get one I guess you don't really care about your health so that's that's pretty cool. Let me read what it says we're keeping the same by the way there's no point in taking this out because I just went through everything.
Unknown Speaker 51:22
Wait County Sheriff's Office law enforcement it says lawn enforcement it should say law enforcement I'm not joking literally says lawn enforcement instead of law enforcement. They miss belted presence near you eight mills. Tyron Road, avoid if possible, stay inside call 911. Okay, that's a little extreme. So if we die that's the reason why the issue I have no clue they just said get inside call 911. If you're in that area, go inside, stay inside and all uppercase. I didn't get that. I don't know why I got that. And that's annoying. It totally messed up what I was saying I don't even know what I was saying. You were saying that you were about St. Mary's. Yeah, I had that. Yeah, same Arizona. Let's have them go to Final Four. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 52:10
Okay, after that interruption, Houston gets the long wood. I think they are going to make that long wood, some short wood and they will go ahead and move on. Nebraska a&m. Nebraska. This is pretty much coin flip Nebraska. They have potentially the best player Casey Tomonaga. He is basically Jeremy Lin, but can shoot like Steph Curry. He's insane. will be if they win this game. He'll be a super fun tournament player. a&m is more physical. They have gardening Wade Taylor, who's really good. What would you like this match? I want to go a&m. Alright, let's go a&m Wisconsin. JMU. Damn, you give me the Dukes. I agree. Wisconsin went on a run to the big 10 title game, but I think it was lightning in a bottle. And before going to that they were terrible. JMU has just been very consistent. They actually beat Michigan State earlier this year. So they've beaten top tier teams, relatively top tier teams at least Power Five schools. So I agree. Duke of Vermont. Will Luke's not very good. But I think they'll get passed for I do agree. But Vermont, don't be surprised if maybe with five, four minutes left, they are closer than this game. And then Duke probably pulls away at the end. Texas Tech NC State why we would never have our team lose in the first round. Right? Not the Texas Tech No, not to Texas, Taggart at Creighton, there is a metric. It's called killshot. That is done by an advanced metric guy for college basketball. It's basically when a team goes on a 10 Oh run is called a kill shot. And the more of that that happens and the less that you allow the higher percentage chance you are to win your game. In terms of Texas Tech. They have they have one of the they basically produce some of the least amount of kill shots out of power five schools in the tournament, and they allow some of the most so even if we don't go on a ton of organic runs ourselves. Texas Tech is very stagnant and I think they could potentially slip up and I like NC State winning that game. I also don't like Kliff, Kingsbury or Patrick mahomes Totally fine. And since this is basketball that directly applies so Exactly. We're going to NC State when Texas or not Texas, Kentucky and Oakland
Unknown Speaker 54:24
Oakland cool you're here played some teams don't don't think you have a chance Nope. What's up Kentucky Florida and it's Boise or Colorado that game would have been well done by now. It's for athletes actually going on right now. Is it easy stand up Boise State Yeah, Boise State and Colorado. Colorado State just beat Virginia as the one playing game yesterday Florida have a player like break his leg in the SEC championship this year. One of their better players this year. Yeah. I don't think they were in the SEC championship where they I thought they who loved the SEC can't even remember Auburn one. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 55:00
I can't remember who was against, which is great podcasting on our part. Oops. But we're not in the SEC. Now. We're not we don't care. We do care, but not as much as ACC. But this is one of the most important matchups because in terms of he did he did Florida's mica hand locked in brakes low. Yeah, no, you're right. I totally forgot about that. How do you? I totally forgot about that. I don't I don't know why it made me feel dumb. No, I totally forgot about that. I had a brain fart. So let's go with the other team then. Okay. Well, I was gonna say, is a very important meeting because
Unknown Speaker 55:42
Boise State and Colorado are playing right now. I think Colorado will win. But in the case that they lose, I think Florida clears Boise State. But if Colorado wins, I think they clear Florida. And the winner of that game has a relatively high percentage to not only make the,
Unknown Speaker 55:59
you know, potential sweet 16, but maybe the Elite Eight I don't think they will. But both of these teams have a solid chance of winning the next round. So who's winning the game as we speak? I think Boise State is up right now. Believe it's 13 to nine. Oh, it's not even close to being no not even close. Let's assume Colorado wins. And since that guy broke his leg starter unfortunately, unfortunately, they will maybe not win. So we'll have Colorado when Marquette Western Kentucky if you want to have a two over 15 I wouldn't be mad about this one. Not gonna lie. If you don't then we'll move Marquette through. Now mark him did well last year I think they they were to last year as well. I don't think they were and they did not make the second weekend. They lost in the round of 32 I still think they'll do Michigan State they'll win in the first round. That's fine.
Unknown Speaker 56:55
Only thing is I will say I'm not saying I may have picked it maybe in one to be fun. But the past three years there has been a two seed to lose in the first round. It has been a 15 a few 15 seeds obviously we know St. Peters and Princeton. You think Tennessee or Robert se will lose then you think Tennessee will be on the list for mathematical reasons. We'll say Tennessee loose. Okay. I will say same cedars is nowhere close to the team. They were it's completely new people and they're not that good. So I wouldn't advise it. But if you want to do it, that's well maybe this is the year that no to see. Or lol Yeah, totally could happen. I'm saying if you want to pick a to a 15 over to the best one is this one. Well, the I mean, if you want to do that, that doesn't mean it's gonna happen. You don't want market? Well, no, it's it's saying like it's what 3% versus 13% You know, I mean, like 5% versus 13%. Like, yeah, it's a big difference, but it's still 13% Yeah. Houston a&m. Do you want to have an upset here or move through Houston? No upset. Houston Houston is the Dukes James Madison versus Duke. I think James Madison I totally agree. Duke is just such a boring team and they just feel so mid and unlike the winning this at all. If they win that game, they'll lose the next round anyways. at NC State Kentucky
Unknown Speaker 58:11
Unknown Speaker 58:12
Unknown Speaker 58:15
just Kentucky have they got robbed killing him. One of the clutches players, NBA player, Reed Shepherd, top five pick, basically title hero 2.0. And they're not even starters.
Unknown Speaker 58:28
I'm not I'm not confident. Okay, I'm really not. We can move them through if you want. Now, the sake of NC State podcasts. I've seen them play in a tournament before, but it's just it's one game, man. I know. So if we win against Texas Tech, though, I'd see I'd be happy. It's an upset. Yeah, you know, we'll take Kentucky here. So unfortunately not my doing this is stone. What do you mean? You just said you press the button first. So you literally just pressed it right now I didn't. I didn't press the button. Yeah, I hovered. I hovered over that. Whatever. Do you want to do NC State? No. Okay, so there we go. But don't don't make me the back. Both of us. Are we okay. Colorado, we're assuming. And then Marquette,
Unknown Speaker 59:14
Colorado. All right, Colorado, even if it's Boise State, I think Florida wins and I would see Florida potentially beating Marquette Shaka smart their head coach has not been to the second weekend in like, I don't know how many years just can't really get it right. And they have injuries to their best players. They could still be healthy, but that doesn't mean they're 100%
Unknown Speaker 59:35
the sweet 16 Houston verse J. Why does that keep freakin happening? Oh my god, I'm going to turn my damn phone off This is so stupid.
Unknown Speaker 59:48
Like piss it's ruining one the ruining the entire Yeah, I don't know, forgive they can't spell they probably sent it out again because they said lawn enforcement instead of law enforcement like idiots.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
frickin stupid. I don't care if I die. Just let me do my bracket. All right. As I was saying, Houston or JMU
Unknown Speaker 1:00:11
What do you think? I think the run dies. Okay, I could see Houston losing anywhere in here just has to be the right matchup, which has to be a team that shoots very well which jam do does. But obviously it's not a guarantee they make it here. Houston's defense is just insane. The offense is better than last year they've had experience against PAC 12 or a big 12 teams this year. So I think it's a safe pick. And then Kentucky verse we're assuming Colorado. I'm going Kentucky here. I agree. This basically the same almost to a tee bracket I had so that's good. We're agreeing. Houston versus Kentucky.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:48
You H versus UK.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:52
What do you think Kentucky, Kentucky while I had that too? I think either. Obviously one's going to prevail. The defensive Houston the offensive Kentucky I will say Kentucky's path to the Elite Eight is probably the easiest of any team. So just ideally, if you're thinking hey, if Houston has an offensive slip up one game versus a JMU if Nebraska a&m could get them I could see them losing. So it also just makes some relative sense. That doesn't mean hey, if they play they're 100% going to win. But I think it makes sense for us to maybe slips up no Kentucky to the Final Four. Go down here Purdue they do not lose in the first round. If they do they should fire their head coach immediately. I don't care what he's done.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:38
That would just be unexcusable. Yep, Utah State TCU.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:44
I like to see you all right. Do you like Utah State? I don't really care though. I got to see like TCU as well. Gonzaga McNeese?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:52
Where's McNeese? Is that they are in the mid what? I can't I don't know where they're mid maybe Louisiana are they in Louisiana potentially. I'm not sure we're gonna nieces. But I hate this for both teams, because I want both of these teams to win.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:14
Just really sucks at their matchup with each other big, nice. Their head coach
Unknown Speaker 1:02:19
got fired at LSU for recruiting violations went to McNeese and they were one of the worst teams and boom turned him into a 30 plus one team. Gonzaga may seem a little bit lower, but they're very, very efficient that metrics also love Gonzaga. And they do similar to St. Mary's seemingly do a good job of beating teams that they should beat. But McNeese is an amazing 12 seat as well. What are your opinions on this game?
Unknown Speaker 1:02:44
Well, it's in Louisiana, boom.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:49
Gonzaga historically has not done as great in the tournament. They made the sweet 16 Maybe eight times in a row. Really? Yeah. Well, I mean, they never win it. No, but that's them as a one seed. Right. So you so in the eyes of a one seed, they don't do successful but in terms of winning, I'd say they are successful. They're a good basketball program. I just don't think that they you know, this is their worst technical. Technically their worst year and while I don't think they win, all right, MC Nice. Hey, where is Gonzaga? It's Washington, I believe. Okay, you didn't wear any school is at all wherever. That one's a weird one. For sure. I know. But I feel like you would know by now since they've been here for so long and then like, like an Indian reservation area of Washington State. What Gonzaga I've no clue. No clue. Okay, you could look that up for me. I've no All I know is that there I believe in Washington, Kansas. Sanford.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:49
Don't want Kansas really Dickinson. He's injured. He's his play, but he's injured and their best player is not gonna play dick. No. Believe it's Kevin McCullar.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:03
Or one Harris maybe still one Harris. I can't remember. Kansas has one of the best starting fives but they their depth is horrendous. They have two players injured one's not playing Sanford Chuck's up threes like an insane rate. They do shoot very well but their pace is also insanely high. So they're going to be just running back and forth. Kansas I think is just gonna get tired. And obviously they're gonna have to suck people out which they're not a deep team as it is. And also something to keying in on this is going to be in high altitude. So it's going to make it even harder for Kansas to have all their starting five stay on the floor. I normally I would be like okay, I don't care but honestly, I pick Sanford in both my brackets. So I'm I think Sanford going is a pretty good bet. That's fine. 12 Verse 13, is kind of crazy. But that's also 12 verses for verse 13.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:58
And then 12 or 13 and next
Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
From but I will say, I would advise to potentially pick a for verse 13 In your bracket because I can't remember how many years in a row that it's happened. I think it's maybe 12. The last 14 tournaments, a four seed or higher, has not made it to the next round, meaning they lost in the first round. So maybe look at potentially picking that
Unknown Speaker 1:05:24
specific upset. Oregon, South Carolina. Ford pick, I just wanted to say that it's in Spokane, Spokane, Washington, Spokane, Washington is nitrogen on Native American heritage. Wow. So I was kind of, you're kind of right. Yeah. Kind of right with that was cool.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:44
Oregon for South Carolina, South Carolina. All right. We have so kind of like Oregon though. I don't care either one. Just I picked Oregon and both. But if South Kona wins, I wouldn't be surprised. I think I'm biased because the woman seems so good. Let's, well, I thought you're gonna have a little bit of a better, you know, reason? Yeah, they're gonna be like, Well, my dad's uncle went there, or something like that? Well, in my head, it's either itself it's South Carolina because of the women's team or Oregon because of Justin Herbert. Well, I'm Dylan Brooks. I like Herbert so like Dillon, Brooks Oregon. Sure. That you actually now that he's not on the Grizzlies? Yeah. He earned his money relatively now now his money doesn't really look like a bad thing too bad. Go with him also South Carolina. According to advanced metrics, there's a luck rating. They are the luckiest team in the entire college basketball which you know, you could there's good and bad luck when you look at it but going into the tournament you don't want too much because sometimes it could artificially boost up you know, your your team and also as a succeed their analytics have them rated as like in the 50s so not amazing, so I I agree with the Oregon thing here creating an Akron you're gonna feel dumb if South Carolina wins, I potentially will but I don't think they'll win another game past that. Okay. Well, Creighton we've seen Creighton play. Yeah, I'm not messing with cry. I agree. I will say Akron is not a great matchup for Creighton because Creighton does not like getting physical at all. They're one of the least fouling teams they hardly do anything in the pain. Akron is extremely physical and I think I'm not necessarily saying I picked them in any brackets because they didn't if they want I wouldn't be surprised and I did bet they're believed they were plus maybe 11 or something so I bet their points
Unknown Speaker 1:07:39
but in a little bit of interesting matchup there Texas Colorado State
Unknown Speaker 1:07:46
I don't know anything about either of them either theme let's go Texas they have a little bit of a better matchup they have a guard Max ace Miss He was on or Roberts when they had their upset a few years ago and is one of the highest scoring his some of the most points I think in college basketball history, like in terms of a career. So that's pretty impressive. So we'll have them win and then Tennessee or St. Peter's sir upset. Do you want it? If Yeah, that's our upset. All right, go for it. I guarantee you it's not going to happen but who cares? Let's do it. Purdue TCU Purdue All right, Purdue and Ed go through McNeese and Sanford
Unknown Speaker 1:08:25
I feel like you want to go Sanford? No, you don't know. I think Sanford will beat Kansas but the winner of Gonzaga McNeese, even if Kansas wins is gonna go to the Sweet 16 Doesn't matter. Okay, so we'll have McNeese go through Creighton Oregon.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:40
I want to go Creighton greatness safer I agree Texas St. Peter's
Unknown Speaker 1:08:46
no miracle run for St. Peter. Let's have your St Peter's said your bets and ended here.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:53
Let's go Max a Smith and Texas. Purdue MC nice.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:00
I want Purdue alright, that's fine. I will say big nice is not a bad matchup verse Purdue either so could this be the insane run if they get past Gonzaga maybe I really wish they played a different five seed like Wisconsin or San Diego State. I would have loved them to make the lead eight which would be insane. But I agree that's had Purdue go through and then Creighton Texas. I want Creighton Creighton as well. Purdue vers Creighton, this would be an amazing matchup, Purdue alright, we'll go through with Purdue I don't like Kalkbrenner you don't right. I was gonna talk about Kalkbrenner he, I mean, it's pretty crazy matchup I will say I don't think he's getting down and dirty with him in the pain but he's a huge body. And it's just both teams are pretty similar. They can both shoot. And it's basically I don't really think there'd be a ton of coaching adjustments. They would just be Hey, which seems better. And Purdue is deeper. And Creighton has a great starting five there's a metrics on advanced sites that shows you the best starting five
Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
And in the top 10 I think Creighton has like number five, but Purdue has number two and seven. You have two of the best starting fives in basketball. So that's pretty crazy. So we'll have Purdue not lose early and get to where they are hoping to get to and go to the Final Four. And that's certainly one seed in the funnel. Yes. Which is good. Do not pick more. I think two is the max. If you go three, I guess but I wouldn't like it. I wouldn't agree. So we have Auburn, Arizona.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:32
Auburn. I agree. I think if Auburn beats UConn, it is their destiny to add nuts not saying they're gonna win, but to make the title game. And then Kentucky Purdue.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:43
I want Purdue Do you want Yes, I agree. I think Kentucky is a ceiling offensively and again, we want to hedge our bets a little bit because they're not guaranteed to make the final four. But I would be shocked if they even made the title game. Just their defense is not sustainable to go that far. And then we have Purdue versus Auburn. Alright on the counter the title how they count it for you. You say and I'll say okay 123 Purdue. I just have some people aren't gonna like it.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:12
My dad does a which is really cool. I want to do this one day where you like, you don't pick a bracket you like go into draft and you draft teams and depending on how far they go, you get like your money back or whatever. And to I always have a make a list every year. Last year, he had FAU and San Diego State or didn't have St. He had FAU Creighton
Unknown Speaker 1:11:38
Unknown Speaker 1:11:40
what's the team that Miami beat to make the final four? Was it Houston?
Unknown Speaker 1:11:48
I think it was Houston. I can't remember he had like all three of those teams. And they were all so close. And they all ended up losing and they went like they didn't make it or win. But he had the second pick. And I told him to to pick Purdue because I think Purdue as the second best chances to win it all. They do worry me a little bit with just them being very reliant on their their big man and Zack Ed. But the difference from last year to this year, they shoot way more efficiently. They shoot it so much. Just just about at a better clip than last year. I think one funny statistic that we both say is 100% of one seeds that have lost in the first round have gone on to win the title The next year, which is what was the team Virginia it was Virginia. Technically, even if it's a low sample size 100% is the the stat we're gonna go off of so I agree. This is a solid bracket Purdue wins and we are going to enter it in some sort of ES whatever stupid ESPN challenges they they have for us. When that's our bracket total points will be scored.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:00
I don't know 148. I randomly thought of that number. No meaning at all towards it tonight. Just randomly
Unknown Speaker 1:13:08
submit bracket. All right. And that's our bracket. Official. It's gonna go undefeated. Perfect. Well, I think that's a good way to end the episode.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:20
Please don't like keep track of our Braco kill us at all. It'd be busted. We promise. But that's okay. It's all for fun. So
Unknown Speaker 1:13:29
this has been lighter red, we'll see. Two weeks right? Yep. Two weeks later. Music In this podcast was Jonas Hooper's king of sports and vibe and sneaky, licensed under creative commons from the Free Music Archive
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